牛津英語七年級下冊Unit 3教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網
Welcome to the unit
I. Objectives:
1.To introduce the topic of places and transport.
2.To activate their existing vocabulary and learn the meanings of new words
related to places and transport.
3.To talk about visits and means of transport.
II. Language Points:
單詞: 1. follow 2. north 3. northwest 4. again 5. know 6. south 7. southwest
詞組: 1. go down 2. go up 3. be sure 4. be afraid 5. the Sunnyside Garden 6. bus stop 7. by underground 8. know the way 9. have to
句子: Follow me.
Come with me.
Don’t be afraid.
Let’s go down here. ------No, I can’t.
------Well, let’s do.
------OK. We can go by bus/by underground/by van
III. Suggestion:
1. Review and warm up:
(1) 學生向同伴描述自家周圍環(huán)境(課前讓學生畫一張畫,說明自家周圍建筑的名稱);
(2) 呈現(xiàn)一張簡圖,讓學生邊聽邊填出正確名稱:

Police station Bookstore China Bank
① ② ③

Huacheng Supermarket Ninghai High School
④ My house ⑤
My home is on Beijing West Road. It is between Huacheng Supermarket and Ninghai High School. From my home we can see a bookstore on the opposite side of the road. A bus stop is in front of the bookstore. A police station is on the right of the bookstore. On the left, a China Bank is next to the book store. You can also find a shopping mall nearby.

2.Comic Strip Finding Your Way.
(1) Present:
Where are Hobo and Eddie standing? (On top of a hill)
How can they go down the hill? (Eddie jumped down/ Hobo climbed down)
What does the signpost say? (It says “Dogs this way”)
Will they have to go up the hill? (Yes, they will.)
2)Sum up: (評價)
A. Drill “Let’s…”. “Don’t be afraid”
a.Let _____(we) go to the cinema.
b. -A: It’s raining. Let’s take a taxi. (同義句:Shall we go by taxi?)
-B: That’s a good idea, but I have no money with me.
-A: Never mind. I’ve got some.
B:Translate the following into Chinese:
a. Don’t be too tired.
b.Don’t be late for school.
c.Don’t be so sure.
d.I will go with you. Don’t be afraid.
e.Don’t do it like that.
f.Tom with his friends is going up the hill.
g.Let me help you carry it.
h.I’m afraid Neil is still at school.
i.Some of the girls are afraid of dogs.
3.Let’s go on an outing.
Come to Part A.
Present and question:
Where is Beijing? ------Beijing is in the North of China.
Which city is north of Nanjing? ------Tianchang City is.
What’s north of Xuanwu Lake? ----Nanjing Railway Station is north of Xuanwu Lake.
Our playground is north of Caochangmen Bridge.
Our school gate opens to north.
I’m lost. Which direction is north/south?
The birds fly south in winter.
And also northwest, southwest, northeast , southeast.
Explain the context and instructions to the class.
Pay attention to the directions on the map. i.e. north----up; south----down; west----left; east-----right
?Go up to +重要地方,大地方;go down to +小地方
Read aloud:
1. the zoo
2. north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School
3. the Sunnyside Garden
4. northwest of the zoo
5. the Lake Park
6. southwest of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School

練習冊What are these? Write the names in the blanks.
Complete and check A
Present Part B:
If you want to go to Wutai Stadium/Gymnasium, what will you take? I often play badminton there. So I take my badminton racket and some shuttlecocks with me. I live not far from there. I go there by bike. I never take a taxi there, haha.
Yangzhou is east of Nanjing, what shall we go by if we go there for a spring outing?-----We’d like to go there by bus. And also speak out some sentences with “north” , “ south”
London is to the west of China. My father went there by aeroplane last year.
Look at the map on page 39, the Sunnyside Garden is northwest of the Sunshine Secondary School. We can go there by underground. Shall we take the underground to go there? Yes. Let’s go there by underground.

1.He’ll go to Tiananmen Square by underground.
2.We can go up to the top of Zijin Mount in a cable car.
B. 替換練習:
1.Let’s go to Xuanwu Park. Ok, we can go by bus or by bike.
2.Let’s go to Shanghai for a big shopping. Ok, we can go by train.

1.聽讀背誦Comic strip

The second period
Reading ( 1 ) A Lucky Escape
I. Objectives: 了解課文整體大意
To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge
To understand a series of events and simultaneous actions
II. Language Points:
單詞: 見課本
詞組: 1. get a call 2. live nearby 3. at once 4. get out of/into their car 5. jump out of the van 6. just push into a van 7. drive away 8. run away quickly 9. take different routes 10. try to do sth. 11. meet at the police station 12. catch them 13. be surprised to do sth. 14. be surprised at sth. 15. turn right into 4th street 16. turn left into Park Road 17. stop doing sth. 18. in the end 19. in police uniform 20. at the traffic lights 21. a lucky escape
1.It worked.
2.Paul tried to open the door but failed.
3.Shall we take different routes?
4.I’ll go along 6th street.
5.I’m going to take another route.
6.The van stopped at the traffic lights.
7.Justin and Paul jumped out of the van and ran away quickly.
8.Suddenly, Justin stopped talking.
9.He was surprised to see the three men in the police station.
10.We stopped the van because they didn’t close the back door.
11.They tried to run away but we caught them in the end.
III. Present.
Part A. The words and background of the passage.
1.用圖片呈現(xiàn): police station, police uniform, robbers, green van, traffic lights, knife, building..
2.利用B1學習單詞:nearby, push, pull, in the end.
Where is the restaurant.?
Hotel, Hill building, police station, Park Road, 4th Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, 7th Street, 8th street.
IV. 閱讀:
1)Who gave a call to the twin brothers?
2)What’s the call for?
3)What did the robbers do with the twins?
4)What did the twins do then?
5)Where did the twins get at last and what about the robbers?
6)What’s the end of the story?
2.細讀(標出Justin和Paul如何到達the police station的路線):
IV. Homework:
1.Read and imitate the passage after the tape.
2.Write out the instructions of the twins took.
3.Preview: Vocabulary, consult the following words in the dictionary:
“turn, cross, straight”.

The Third Period
Reading (2 ) A Lucky Escape
Objectives :
To identify specific detail by following a route and marking points on a map
要求進一步掌握課文內容,鞏固有關詞匯和句子(同reading 1 )
操作:(Power Point)

2.Keywords study and make sentences. 參考書P140+補充“outing”, “nearby”, “turn”.
3.Translations: 評價手冊1
III. Homework:
The Fourth Period Vocabulary
I. Objectives:
To recognize traffic signs.
To give and respond to directions.
II. Language Points:
1.Road signs:
Turn left向左轉←
Turn right向右轉→
Straight on 一直走↑

Traffic lights交通燈

Zebra crossing斑馬線

2.Words: entrance/exit, cross roads, crossing/turning, correct/right, straight
3.Important sentences:
1)To get to the zoo, turn left when you come to the crossroads.
2)The entrance is on your left.
3)When you come to the corner of the road, turn right and you’ll see a hotel.
4)Cross the road and you’ll see the museum.
5)Which map/route is the correct one?
(1)Sum up the expressions of asking the way and also the expressions of responding to the directions:
1)Is there an underground near here?
2)How can I get to the zoo?------Go straight and turn left at the second crossing.
3)Where’s the library?------It’s down Bridge Road on the left.
4)Could you tell me the way to the museum?------Go down this road till the corner of it, turn right and you’ll see it.
5)Please tell me the way to the Sunnyside Park.------Walk along the street and take the first turning on the right.
(2) 完成句子(翻譯)(Make slides with Power Point for the use of the next period):
(3)評價手冊II (Power Point).
(4) 評價手冊I
2.評價手冊P54 V
4.Preview. Write out your difficult points.

The Fifth Period

Grammar (1) Prepositions of movement
I. Objectives:
1.Prepositions of movement.
2.Speak out how to get to Sunshine Town Railway Station from Sunnyside Shopping Mall..
II. Teaching Points:
1.Words: train, tunnel, stair, across, round, off, onto, step, side, bridge, railway station,
2.Phrases: swim across the pool, go through a tunnel, walk along the road, climb up the hill, walk round, jump over the chair/walk over the bridge, walk down/up the stairs, walk down/up the steps to Sunshine Park, walk from sofa to the window, the way to Sunshine Town Railway Station, at the other side of the park, see Sunnyside Shopping Mall, make plans
III. Teaching procedures:
3.讀圖,學習對話“How can I get to Sunshine Town Railway Station”:
(1)指出陽光車站位置以及橋和臺階的位置,直接呈現(xiàn)單詞:railway station ,bridge ,step .
at the other side of the park=on the opposite side of the park.
He went round to the side of the house.他繞到房子的側面。
I have a pain in my left side. 我身體的左側隱隱作痛。
The chair has arms at the sides. 這張椅子兩邊有扶手。

The Sixth Period

Grammar (2) Simple future tense with “will” and “Shall” “be going to”
To recognize the use of “will”,” shall” and “be going to” to talk about the future
To make a dialogue about a trip to certain place as “ A trip to the Summer Palace”
Teaching points:
1.Words: join/ paper / campfire/ win/ cloudy/
2.Phrases: make plans/ fix plans/ join sb. (take part in an activity)/ in the near future/
win the game(match)/see the doctor /paper plates and forks/ start a campfire
3.Important sentences:
They will see us.
Shall we take different routes?
Will you join us ?
When shall / will we meet?
We shall / will meet at the school gate.
We shall/ will take the bus to the Summer Palace.
Millie will take her dog with her.
I won’t take my umbrella.
I don’t want to carry it all day.
She is going to take another route to visit her grandfather next Friday.
We are going to win the game.
It’s so cloudy. I think it’s going to rain.
I hope it won’t rain tomorrow.
Daniel and Kitty are going to buy food.
They are going to start a campfire.
She is going to cook. I am going to bring paper plates and forks.
4.Identify the difference between “take / bring , carry”
5.Simple future tense
Teaching Procedures:
1.Let some students write some phrases on activities or present some pictures of actions , e.g.
go shopping / go to Reading / Football / Swimming Club
play the piano/play the basketball/tennis/badminton
take the bus/underground/train/bike
walk home /across the bridge
watch TV/ movies/films/matches/games
phone / call friends
stay with Steven
join the Club/ the team
They may write some more phrases on directions to feel proud of themselves.
e.g.: walk across the bridge
take the second turning on the left
Go straight along the road
Then ask them to write “I will” or “ He will “before each activity.
2.Learn the pictures on P45 to know when to use “ will” & “shall”
3. More sentences:
She will be late for the party.
Mr. Wu will explain this rule.( things that will happen)
I will/ shall have an apple for lunch.
We shall/ will take the dog to the park tomorrow. (plans that we are making now)
3.Let them speak out what they will do next weekends/ tomorrow/ next month
4.Take students through the tables at the top of page 46. Give examples of positive sentences, negative sentences, asking and answering questions. Write on the blackboard:
They will go to the Summer Palace.
Will they go to the Summer Palace? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.
We won’t carry the umbrella with us all day.
5.Ask the students to complete the conversation on their own. And then check by reading through it in pairs.
6.Ask and answer the questions:
What will they do? They will go to the Summer Palace.
When will they meet? They will meet at 8 a.m.
Where will they meet? They will meet at the school gate.
How will they travel? They will travel by bus.
Will Millie take her dog? No, she won’t.
Will her cousin come? Yes, he will.
What will the weather be like? Simon hopes it will be sunny. It won’t rain.
7.Write “be going to” on the board. Go through the sample sentences P47 C and give more examples and ask them to turn them into negative sentences.
We are going to have a spring outing next week.
He missed the school bus. He is going to be late for school.
She is going to visit Youth Center this afternoon.
They are going to see the doctor at ten this morning.
Joe is going to play basketball on Monday afternoon.
It is going to rain tomorrow.
We are going to have a picnic in Sunshine Park on Saturday.
They are going to have a football match.
8.Go through and complete Part C
9.Extra Exx.
A. Put them into English:
1)Sandy 下星期放學后要打網球。
3)Peter 和Sam下星期三要打籃球。
6)Emily 下星期六將看電影。
B. Complete the sentences:
Can you tell me _______ _______ _______ _______ Park?
_______ _______ to a birthday party this afternoon.
_______ you _______ at home or at work tomorrow?
Uncle and Aunt _______ _______ to see us next Saturday.
Mike _______ _______ a new bike next term.

1)Go over Grammar and write down the important sentences in your notebooks.
2)Write down what your family are going to do this weekend.

The Seventh Period
Integrated skills
To recognize key expressions about directions
To use key information given in instructions and identify the specific order of them
To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and marking a route
Language points:
Words: 1. turning 2. path 3. towards
Phrases: 1.take the second turning 2. on the right/left 3. cross the bridge/road
4. at the traffic lights/at a traffic light 5. walk past the police station
Important Sentences:
1.Cross the bridge and turn right.
2.Take the second turning on the right.
3.Cross the road at the traffic lights.
4.Walk past the police station
5.Walk along a small path next to the river.
6.Walk straight on and you’ll see the traffic lights.
7.When you are at the big tree, turn left and walk towards the bridge.
8.See you there.
Teaching Procedures
1.Go through the instructions with the Ss and explain “past’ & “pass” “towards”
2.Read the map first and give a proper words.
3.Listen to the tape and finishing doing A2 & A3
4.Part B: Listen and learn then discuss how to identify
聽讀李給David 的信,然后畫出去李磊家的線路圖:
Dear David,
Please come to my home for supper at six this evening, Here is a map to help you find my house. Take bus No. 22 and get off at Guangming Road. Then turn right into Xiangyang Street and walk on. Take the first turning on the left. It’s the third house on the left. You can’t miss it.
Li Lei
___________ ____________
bus stop
The Eighth Period
Study skills
1. To use search engines effectively to find information on the Internet.
2. To be able to discover new materials and ideas by category on the Internet.
?Keys to the period:
1. To let them know some powerful search engines: Google, Sina, Yahoo, etc.
2. To help them move from the more general idea of a topic to the more specific aspects and details involved.
1. Take the students to the classroom with multimedia computers for them being on the Internet.
2. Talk to students about a Web browser.
3. Lead them to search some materials they are interested in.
4. Ask the students to do the task. and ask them to compare their work and discuss any disagreements. Check around the class.

The Ninth Period
Main Task
1. To select, organize and present information
2. To express directions and information in the context of writing a letter of invitation
3. To develop an understanding of the key components of letter writing
Language points:
1. barbecue 2. picnic 3. exit. 4. invite/invitation 5.farewell 6. signature
1. half of the students 2. have a barbecue/ a farewell party
3. invite sb. to do sth./ invite sb to sw. 4. yours faithfully 5. at the corner of ….
1. Mr. Wu thinks a picnic will be better.
2. We are happy to invite you to a farewell party.
3. Please complete the note on the next page to tell us if you can come.
4. The map shows you how to get to Sunshine Park.
5. We look forward to seeing you at our party.
6. Here is the route t Sunshine Park.
7. Take the underground.
8. Get out at Exit A.
1. Explain and identify the differences between:
2. The use of “RIGHT”
Sunshine Park is right there.
If you want to eat Chinese food, you are here in the right place.
Walk across the bridge and take the second turning on the right.
3. Talk to students about letter formats. Point out the salutation “Dear…” and the closing “Yours faithfully”.
1. Ask students to discuss where Sunshine Park should be located according to the picture on page 51. mark it and write instructions on how to get from the underground exit to Sunshine Park.
2. Have students in pairs to write a letter of invitation to each other.
練習冊: B
The Tenth Period
1. To check the use of prepositions of movement
2. To check the use of “will” and “ be going to” to talk about the future
3. To check how to give the directions practically
1. Start by asking students questions about what they have learned in this unit.
2. Have students in groups of four to do a project:
To survey where they would like to go for a spring outing.
To write down what they would like to do there.
To know what they would like to bring
To give the instruction to how to reach the certain destination.
3. To give them a website to have a tour to the Palace Museum on the Internet and elicit them to make a dialogue of invitation to the Palace Museum and they will give the instruction to Taihe Palace, Baohe Palace and Yonghe Palace.

Unit 3 Finding your way(Integrated Skills)

1. To recognize key expressions about directions
2. To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and making a route.
3. To give directions in an everyday context.
4. To recognize key expressions about directions
5. To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and making a route.
6. To give directions in an everyday context.
Teaching aids: A recorder Multiple-media
Teaching procedures
Step1. revision
1. a dialogue
The twin brothers Paul and Justin told their friend Sandy about their lucky escape. But Sandy has no idea how they got to the police station after they jumped out of the van through the back door. So the twins use a map to show her their routes.
2. road signs
When you go out for a trip, you must know how to read a map. When you travel in the city, you can find road signs here and there. Look at these road signs, what do they mean?
3. revise some prepositions of movement
Step2. presentation
1. recognize some simple instructions
Do you know the meaning of this sentence? What should you do ? Which picture will you choose?
2. Look at the map. What can you see?
These are fields. We can see a few roads across the fields. There is a river across the fields. Over the river, there are 3 bridges. Next to the river, there is a path. Along the path, we can see three young trees. Now, I’d like to know if you can give directions in English correctly.
3. The Class 1 Grade 7 students and the exchange students from Britain are going to play a game
called “Treasure Hunt”. There’s some treasure somewhere in the fields. Let’s try to find it. Mr. Wu will give us some instructions .
a. First listen to the tape and put the instructions into the correct order.
b. Listen to the instructions again, ask a student to draw the route and a treasure chest
on the map.
Step3. speak up: giving directions
You are inviting a classmate to your home. You need to give him/her directions.
Listen to Millie &Neil’s conversation first, then draw the route on the map.
Step4. pairwork
Let the students make up their own dialogues
1, 走過木屋,右轉,沿靠河的小路走。
2, 從你的學校走到我的學校很容易。
3, 直走,在紅綠燈處過馬路。
4, 朝市場方向走,第一個十字路口左轉。
5, 下了臺階進入公園。
1. There is a small bridge _____ the river.
2. Go _____ the road and then you’ll see the bookshop _____ your right.
3. We go to school _____ Monday _____ Friday.
4. Don’t walk _____ the forest alone.
5. Go _____ the steps to the top of the mountain.
6. The students are standing_____ the teacher and asking questions.
7. He can swim _____ that river.
8. Don’t look _____ _____ the window in class.
9. Do you know the way _____the nearest hospital?
10. There are some traffic lights_____ the crossroads.

7B Unit3 Finding your way

Welcome to the unit
Teaching aims and demands:
New words: follow, north, north-west, south-west
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task: 1. To introduce the topic of places and transport.
2. To talk about visits and means of transport using model sentences.
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
Ⅰ. Warm-up (presentation)
Ask the students on duty to give us a short report about the Sunshine Town.
Ⅱ. Listening
Listen to the tape, answer my question, “Did Hobo, in fact, know the way?” Help the Ss to answer.
Listen again, Ss read after the tape recorder, then do some True or False exercises. Check the answers with the whole class.
Language points:
1. follow me
2. go up and down
e.g. Let’s go down the hill together.
3. Don’t be afraid.
e.g. (1) Don’t be late for school.
(2) Don’t play in the street. It’s too dangerous.
be afraid to do. be afraid of sth.. I’m afraid that+從句
e.g. (1) The little girl is afraid to go out in the evening.
(2) Little Tom is afraid of dogs.
(3) I’m afraid that I can’t go with you. I have a lot of work to do.
Ⅲ. Main task
Introduce the topic of place and transport.
Ⅳ. Discussion (task)
Talk about visits and means of transport using the model sentence ‘---Let’s go to the zoo
.---OK. We can go by bus.
Language points:
1. The zoo is north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.
north of
south, west, north-west, south-west
e.g. The library is south of the classroom.

The playground is west of the classroom.
2. ---How do we get there?
---We can go by bus.
by air/bus/car/bike/underground
Go through the new words and the language points during this lesson.
Ⅵ. Homework
.Review the contents of this lesson.
牛津7B Unit 3 Finding you way
Main task & Checkout
常州百丈中學 費琴華
學習內容分析: 在學本課內容前,學生已會識別有關方向的表達方式,并能聽指令畫出路線圖. 本節(jié)課在此基礎上授導學生綜合運用所學知識,能在寫邀請函的語境中組織信息并指明路線.
學習者分析: 大部分學生已掌握本單元教授的語法和詞匯,方位及行走路線的表達法.
目標: 1.進一步鞏固所學方位及行走路線的表達方式.
3. 復習一般將來時和部分介詞.
重點: 復習路標, 一般將來時和部分介詞.
教學難點: 使學生能在寫邀請信的語境中組織信息.
解決措施: 創(chuàng)設情景,讓學生參與討論表演等系列活動,在活動中熟練運用所學知識.
1.Revise the road signs
2.Play a guessing game: Ask students to find the places according to the paragraphs.( 8 minutes)
Step2. Presentation
1.Suppose our school wants to organize a school trip. What should we think about? The teacher provide the students with some questions.eg. When will you go?\ How will you go there? \ Who will you go with?etc. Ask them to discuss.(3 minutes)
2.Say Daniel and Simon are organizing a big farewell party for the exchange students. They asked everyone to complete a questionnair. Ask students to choose their answers to the questionnair then ask them to check their answers. Then present the results, ask them to read together and answer the questions.( 6 minutes)
3.Present an invitation letter and show them how to write such kind of letter. Ask them to try to write down the beginning and the end of the letter the complete the letter.(5 minutes)
Step3. Presentation
Ask students if some guests don’t know the way, what should they do? ( They should draw a map to tell the guests the routes and they should also give directions in the letter. Then finish the rest part of the letter according to the map.( 5 minutes)
Step4. Discusson
Say a group of students want to visit our school , now they are in Hongmei Park. Give them directions ask them to work in group of four to discuss how many ways they can give the students.(8 minutes)
Revise the Simple Future Tense and the prepositions of movement. Give them some exercises.(8 minutes)
Step6. Homework
Ask students to write an invitation letter according to Part B1.( 2 minutes)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/72651.html

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