七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Unit 2 Sunshine Town學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
課題:Comic strip and welcome to the unit
3.詞匯: none, order, tin, pizza, enjoy doing…., Chinese food, play badminton, love doing…, watch films, a tin of dog food, order a pizza
1. How much money do they have? _____________________
2. Where does Eddie want to go to buy food? _____________________
3. What does Eddie want to do with one yuan? _____________________

1去超市_________________________ 2 餓了 ____________________________
3多少錢_________________________ 4 多少聽狗食_______________________
5訂一個(gè)比薩餅___________________ 6計(jì)劃一些活動(dòng)______________________
7看電影_________________________ 8 喜愛打羽毛球_____________________
9.去不同的中餐館_________________ 10 帶他們?nèi)ミ\(yùn)動(dòng)中心_______________

二. 根據(jù)句意和首字母填空
1.The question is very easy,but n________ of us can answer it.
2. Let’s o________ some cakes and fruit.
3. We’ll go to the c_________ to see that wonderful film.
4. I love w__________ ball games.
5. They will go to the shopping m_________ to buy some clothes.
6.Can we buy the food ________(用) so little money?
7. I can’t find my Walkman. ________(也許) I left it in the classroom.
8. He enjoys __________(吃) Chinese food.
9. I think we can go there by . (地鐵)
10. Walk along the road (直到) you see the post office.
11. There are only two (聽,罐) of Coke in the fridge.
12. I can’t find my walkman. (也許) I left it in the classroom.

一 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空
1. None of them ________(be) from the UK
2. Would you like _________(go) to the sports center with me?
3. There are at _________(little) 2000 students in our school.
4. Jane likes shopping. She wants to go to the _________(shop) mall.
5. A group of exchange students _________(visit) the Great Wall now.
6. There ________(be) much money in my pocket.
7. The students ____________(plan) an activity at the moment.
8. He loves _________(play) basketball. Let’s ______ (go) ______(play) it.
9. I would love ________(play) football this afternoon.
10.The teacher tells us ________(work) hard.

二. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
1. Uncle Wang may be at home.(改同義句)
________ Uncle Wang ________ at home.
2. I have two cartons of milk.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)
________ ________ ________ of milk _______ you have?
3.Carol has three bottles of orange juice.(同上)
__________ __________ orange juice _________Carol ________?
4.All of us like this comic book.(否定句)
________ _______ ______ ______ this comic book.
5.There’s no dog food.(用not改寫)
There ________ ________ dog food.
6.We have only 3yuan .( 對(duì)劃線部分提問)
_______ _________ _________ do you have?
7 We can buy 3 tins of coke with 20yuan. (提問)
_______ _______ ________ of coke can you buy with 20yuan?
8 Maybe there is a football match between our classes.(同義句)
There _______ ________a football match between our classes.
1. 我可以點(diǎn)一份比薩和兩聽可樂嗎?
2. 你的運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋花了多少錢?
3. 你有多少錢啊?
4. 我喜歡打羽毛球.
7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town
課題:Reading (1)
1. 讀懂文章,了解陽光鎮(zhèn)的基本情況。
2. 復(fù)習(xí)和拓展有關(guān)生活方式和活動(dòng)的詞匯。
1. Where can we go walking? _____________________
2. What can you see there? ______________________
3. Do Millie and Simon live on the same building?
4. What can you buy in the shopping malls? ______
5.What else can we cat in Sunshine Town? _______
1. 西餐廳___________________ 2. 唱京劇______________________
3沒關(guān)系__________________ 4.找到所有的紀(jì)念品________________
5. 教你英語_________________ 6. 教你學(xué)英語 ____________________
7. 在正確的地方 ______________ 8. 逛街,買東西 ___________________
9.吃北京烤鴨________________ 10.我們中的大部分人 ________________
1).You can shop u ____ten o’clock.
2).There are lots of good shops in the c____ of our town..
3).The water in the lack is very d______.
4).It will ______(花費(fèi))an hour to go there on foot.
5).My school is ______(靠近)to my father’s factory.
1.A: Excuse me,how can I get to the nearest hospital?
B: Let me _____ _____ the way.
2. A: There’s a new supermarket near our school.
B: ______ great. Let’s have a look and do some shopping there.
3. A: Is your school far from your home?
B: Of course. It _____ about two hours to get home by bus.
4. A: W ______shall be there ?.
B: A______ 8:30 tomorrow. I’ll meet you at the entrance .
5. A: Have a great t_______, Bob.
B: ______ .
like , closed , shop , get to , school , opens , in the morning , at night , go to work , a lot of things , go to school, in the evening , go home, many people

I work in a small ______ .It ’s near an English _____ .Every day the students come to buy _______, I get up at six and then I have my breakfast . I ______by bike . I_______the shop at about six fifty . The shop_______at seven .We sell things ________food and drink .We have school things ,too. So there are often ______ in our shop form morning to evening.
I have lunch in the shop. At seven _______,the shop is _________ .All of us _____for supper.
1.他長大后想成為一名好廚師。 He ______ to ______ a good ______
when he _______ ______.
  2.如果你病了,你得看醫(yī)生。 You ______ ______ see a doctor ______
you ______ ______.
If it ______ ______ tomorrow, we ______ ______ you to the Palace Museum.
You can chat with these ______ ______ in Putonghua ______
you ______ ______ English.
The baby ______ ______ crying ______ his mother ______ ______ home.
It is such ______ ______ ______.
______ the teacher ______ ______ the office.
= The teacher ______ ______ in the office.
1. Where ________ your sister ________(teach) English?
2. My grandpa ________(come) tonight.
3. Tell him ________ (not look) out of the window.
4. We won’t go to Nanjing if it ________(rain) tomorrow.
5. He finished ________(read) the book and passed it to her.
6. It’s very important ________(learn) all the subjects well.
7. I spend much time________(do) my homework every day.
8. There’s a watch ________(lie) on the ground.
9. We ________(see) Beijing Opera at the local theater last night.
7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town
課題:Reading (2) 第3課時(shí)
1. 通過圖片來復(fù)述課文內(nèi)容;通過練習(xí)加深對(duì)課文的理解。
2. 學(xué)習(xí)知識(shí)點(diǎn)和重要短語。
3. 詞匯: none, order, tin, pizza, enjoy doing…., Chinese food, play badminton, love doing…, watch films, a tin of dog food, order a pizza
Sunshine Town is a new town in Beijing. It is only 40 minutes ________ the _________of Beijing by___________ . There is _________ air ___________ in it than in other areas in Beijing. Many students live in tall __________. They are _________ to their friends. They don’t ________ to go far if they want help ________ their homework. There are ________ of shops in the centre of Beijing. You can shop _________ ten at night. _______ you don’t like Chinese food, there are lots of ___________ restaurant too. Why __________ you visit the local _________? You can enjoy Beijing Opera.
( )1. She has few friends, _______ she?
A. doesn’t B. hasn’t C. does D. is
( )2. If you don’t have enough rest, you _______ ill.
A. maybe B. are C. may be D. may
( )3. Hello, Tom! Would you please _____ with me?
A. go B. to go C. going D. for going
( )4. You must’t eat anything _______ you see the doctor.
A. because B. if C. when D. until
( )5. He is more friendly ______ I think.
A. after B. because C. than D. then
( ) 6.There are lots of things _______ today.
A. do B. did C. doing D. to do
( ) 7.If you don’t like chicken, you can have beef _______
.A. instead B. instead of C. of D. in
( ) 8.How much milk is there in the bottle? There is _______ .
A. no B. none C. not D. any
( ) 9.The new bike _______ me 260 yuan.
A. took B. spent C. cost D. left
( ) 10. It takes 30 minutes _______ a bicycle from my home to school.
A. ride B. riding C. to ride D. rode
1. T______________ is a place for people to watch plays or shows.
2. Mr. Smith t ___________ us math in Sunshine School.
3. My mother goes to work by u_____________.
4. I buy many s_____________ in the Palace Museum of Beijing.
5. There is less air p___________ in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.
1. 天氣這么好, 為什么不去散步呢?
It’s so fine today. Why _________ you go __________?
2. 這家超市到晚上九點(diǎn)才關(guān)門.
This supermarket _________ _________ __________ nine o’clock at _________.
3. 我家靠近學(xué)校,我不必乘公共汽車上學(xué).
My home is _______ _______ our school. I don’t _______ _______ _______ a bus to school.
4. 這個(gè)瓶里的水比那個(gè)瓶里的少.
There is _________ __________ in this bottle _________ in that one.
5. 從南京到上海乘公共汽車大約三小時(shí).
Nanjing is about _________ __________ __________ by bus.
In England, people do no usually talk very much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and papers. But they do not talk much.
When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing---the weather(天氣). So when you meet someone in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!” “But it was a little cold yesterday.” Someone may answer.
“But it got a little warmer later!” you can say.
If you talk like this, the English will think, “How friendly you are!”
( ) 1. English people often _______ on a bus.
A. read B. talk C. sing D. stand
( ) 2. English people often talk about the _______ when they meet.
A. news B. sports C. books D. weather
( ) 3. When you meet someone in England, you may say “______”
A. What’s the time? B. Fine day, isn’t it?
C. Where are you going? D. How are things with you?
( ) 4. The English ________ when you talk about the weather with them.
A. will think you are very friendly B. will think you enjoy the weather
C. won’t think you are friendly D. won’t think you enjoy the weather
7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town
課題:Vocabulary 第4課時(shí) __
3.詞匯: waiter, shopper, sick, hospital, learn, cashier
1. teach _________ 2. cook ________ 3.wait ________
4. shop _________ 5. cash ________ 6. dance _______
7. work _________ 8.drive _________ 9. play ________
10. swim _________ 11. sing ________ 12. jump _______

1. _________ It’s a place to borrow books.
2. _________ People keep their money here.
3. _________ You can buy stamps here.
4. _________ You can take a bus here,
5. _________ A place to see a film.
6. _________ A place to go if you were sick

二、 根據(jù)句意和首字母提示完成單詞.
A w______ is a man who serves(服務(wù)) people in a restaurant.
When people are ill, they often go to a h_______ to see a d______.
A t_______ is always trying to give the students much knowledge.
A n_______ takes care of the s________ people in a hospital.
If you buy something in a supermarket, you should give the money to the c________ to pay for the things you buy.
1.What about________ (order) some fish?
2.He __________ (finish) the work in five minutes.
3.Could you help me with the_________(wash) tomorrow?
4.Let’s wait until the rain _________(stop).
5.Mary likes going ________ in this _______, so she is an important _______ in it.(shop)

1. Miss Wang is a cashier.(提問)
(1)________ ________ Miss Wang?
(2)_________ _______ Miss Wang _________?
2. We can go to a restaurant to have a meal.(提問)
________ _______ we go ________ have a meal?
3. My mother is a worker.(提問)
_______ is a teacher?
4. I want four bottles of milk.(提問)
_______ _______ milk do you want?
5.The police station is only 5 minutes from the museum on foot.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)
is the police station from the museum on foot?
6.There is nothing in the box. (改為同義句)
There in the box.
7. Why don’t you come to our party? (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
_________ _________ __________ to our party?
8. This town is only 10 minutes from my home by bike. (劃線提問)
________ ________ is this town _________ your home by bike?

His mother _______ ______, so he _______ _______ look after himself.
A school is _______ ________ _______ to study.
________ ________ _________ live in a place _______ _______.
Her sister is a ________, she isn’t ______ _______ ________.
A theatre is a good place _______ ________ ________ or a show.
Is your mother a _______ or_______?
He _______ to _______ a good _______ when he _______
You _______ see a doctor _______ you. ________ ________

7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town
課題:Grammar 第5課時(shí)
1.學(xué)會(huì)用how many和how much談?wù)摂?shù)量
2. 正確運(yùn)用名詞所有格的表達(dá)方式
4. 掌握定冠詞的用法
5. 詞匯: count, ham, fork, plate, will, shall, postcard, key ring, hold, prepare
ham, chip, beef, egg, tomato, bread, apple, pork, ice cream, meat, coke,
hamburger, sandwich, rice, tea, dumpling, water
可數(shù)名詞 _______________________________________________
不可數(shù)名詞 _____________________________________________
一、用how many或 how much填空:
1. _________ students are there in your class?
2. _________ Coke is there in the bottle?
3. _________ bottles of Coke are there on the table?
4. _________ sheep are there in the hill?
5. _________ people are there in the playground?
6. _________ bread do you want to bread?
1.There are _______ tomatoes in the basket. There isn’t _______ ham on the plate.(many, much)
2. These books belong to _________ (Jim, Jim’s)
3. This school bag isn’t _______(my, mine).It’s_______(Tom, Tom’s)
4. I’ll arrive in three __________(day’s, days’) time.
5. He is a friend of ________(my father).
三、在需要的地方選用a, an或the填空.
1. I can see _______ bird on the tree. ________ bird is white.
2. Do you know _________ woman over there? She is ________ English teacher.
3. We can see ________ sun in the morning, and _______ moon at night.
4. Do you go to school by __________ bus or on ________ bike?
5. There is a lot of ________ food in the party. We eat all ________ food.
6. I think basketball is ________ best game in _________ world.

一. 用括號(hào)中的詞適當(dāng)形式填空
1.Most of my friends live in tall________(building).
2.It takes me half an hour ________(walk) there.
3.She enjoys ________(watch) TV every evening.
4.Why not ________(visit) the Great Green Wall next month?
5.How many _______(floor)does the building have?
6. There is (little) air pollution in the country than in the city.
7. What a (sun) day today! Let’s go for a walk.
8. The film is exciting. I (real) enjoy it.
9. Would you like (live) in a modern society?
10. What time we (meet) tomorrow?
11 Dad (teach) me how to swim last summer
12 I want to know more about (west) culture.
1.- Are these books yours? ? No, they b_______ to Jim.
2. The most popular food in England is fish and c_______.
3. ____________(每個(gè)) of us has a beautiful flower.
4. We are ___________(計(jì)劃) to help the old people.
5. There are some ________(組,群) of students talking there.
6. The students are_____________(準(zhǔn)備) the food and drinks for the party.
1. There is a bottle of milk in the cup.(提問)
________ ________ milk is there in the cup?
2. We need six tomatoes.(提問)
________ ________ tomatoes ______ you need?
3. It takes me 15 minutes to go to school every day.(提問)
_______ ________ does it _____ _____ to go to school every day?
4. There are some forks on the table.(一般疑問)
_______ _______ ______ forks on the table?
4.These postcards belong to me.(一般疑問)
_______ these postcards ______ ________ you?
1. Do you know __- child under tree?
2. moon goes around earth all the time.
3. Washington D.C. is capital of USA.
4. She often has supper at six and goes to bed at once.
5. They talked about hour and half.

7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town
課題:Integrated skills and Pronunciation 第6課時(shí)
3.詞匯:miss, golden, tomorrow, leave, full, throne, painting,
1. The people in Fandao are very _________ (friend).
2. I don’t _________ (real) know what _________ (do).
3. Be _________! (care) Try your best _________(listen) _________(care).
4. The place is a _________(wonder) place to visit.
5. Kitty went to the _________(young) centre just now.
1. 故宮______________________ 2. 藝術(shù)品_____________________________
3. 中國畫____________________ 4. 玩了一整天_________________________
5. 許多有趣的事________________6. miss the exhibition____________________
7.there are lots of things to see______________8. make plans________________
9. a stone carving _______________10. lots of fun things_____________________
11. make a mistake_______________ 12. golden throne_______________________
1. Hurry up! Or you’ll m_________ the bus.
2. Let’s e_________ a full day there!
3. Tomorrow her mother will take her to watch the s_________ at the History Museum.
4. There are a lot of w__________ of art in the Palace Museum.
5. I’m not hungry; I’m f___________.
6. There are many___________ (博物館) in Beijing.
1. about_________ 2. cashier_________ 3. golden__________
4. above_________ 5.bookcase__________ 6. badminton_________
7. Western_________ 8. hospital___________ 9. exchange__________
10. congratulation_______ 11. souvenir__________ 12. computer_________

( )1. There _______ much pollution in his town.
A . are B is C. have D has
( )2.There are lots of fine_______ there.
A. work of art B. works of art C. work of arts D. works of arts
( )3. There are many ________ In Xi’an.
A. interesting place B. interesting places
C. places of interestingD. place of interest
( )4. He doesn’t like roller skating. I don’t, _________.
A. too B. also C. so D. either
( )5. Everyone in China _________ Mid-Autumn Day.
A. like B. liked C. liking D. likes
( )6. _________ in my class is good at writing.
A. No B. Not C. No one D. None
There are lots of ______ ________ ______ _________ in the Sunshine Town.
It’s only 20 _________ _________ from my home to school.
There are many _________ _________ in Xuanwu Lake.
Chinese _________ ________ __________ in the world.
I have ________ ________ _________ you.
She needn’t ________ ________ if my granny needs help ________ ________.
Beijing is the ______________ of our ________________.
A school is a .________ _________ to_________.
There is a supermarket in our town. It’s new and big. It’s n________ my home, so I a________ walk there. It takes me 10 m_________ to get there on foot. There are many k________ of things, such as TVs, clothes, f_________ and drinks. There is a ________ a bookshop in it. I like r_________ there. Many people come here. They are men and women, old and y________. The supermarket o________ at 9:00 a.m. every day. The workers in it are friendly and h_______. Do you want to have a look.

7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town
課題:Main task 第7課時(shí)
1. 學(xué)習(xí)在寫作前收集信息的方法
2. 熟悉一種新的文體:錄象文字稿。
3. 詞匯: ride , bicycle, around, home town , warm, sunny, friends nearby, ride bicycles, grow vegetables, show sb around, bus stop, at the weekend
1. 友好的人們________________ 2. 在青年中心_________________
3. 沒有太多污染_______________ 4.許多不同的建筑______________
5. 騎自行車_____________________ 6. 附近的朋友_________________
7. 帶你逛我的家鄉(xiāng)_______________ 8. 種蔬菜和花_________________
9. 最近的小鎮(zhèn)_________________ 10. 許多事可做________________
11. 總是忙____________________ 12. 進(jìn)入鎮(zhèn)中心________________
13. 一個(gè)極好的居住地_______________ 14. 交流學(xué)生 ________________
15. 寄名信片給…._______________ 16. 在同一所學(xué)校______________
1.I’m sure tomorrow will be___________(sun).
2.Are the people in that village __________(friend)?
3.Do you have any friends ___________(near)?
4.Of all the towns, the Sunshine Town is the ___________(near) to us.
5.The film is really ___________(wonder).
6.We ____________ (plan) to hold a party now.
7.I don’t really know what___________ (do).
8.Be careful ! Try your best ____________(not make) mistakes.
9.I think our town is a good place ___________(live).
10.It takes about ten minutes___________(walk) to my school.
11.Would you please_________(show) around your school?
12.I have a lot of homework ______________ (do).
13.Kitty went to the ___________(young) center just now.
14.The girl with ____________(gold) hair is his sister.
15. How long does it take you ___________(ride) to school every evening.

1.Do you like_____________________________________(玩球類游戲)?
2.My sister likes _________________________________________(騎車上學(xué)).
3.I hope ______________________________________(你能來參觀) our school.
4.______________________________(什么類型的房子)does he live in?
5.He likes to go to the youth centre___________________(在周末).
6._______________ (還有什么) would you like to buy?
( )1.If you don’t have enough rest next week you_______ ill.
A. maybe B. are C. may be D. may
( )2. I don’t go to bed _________ 12 o’clock every night.
A. in B. until C. to D. for
( )3. We don’t have _______ chicken_________ beef.
A. some; or B. any; and C. any; or D. some; or
( )4. Why don’t you ________ the computer with her?
A. to play B. share C. playing D. to share
( )5. - How do you usually go to work? - Sometimes______, sometimes______.
A. by bike; walk B. on foot; ride a bike
C. on foot; by bike D. take a bus; riding a bike
( )6. On my way home I met Tom. So I stooped _____ with him for a few minutes.
A. talked B. talk C. talking D. to talk
( )7. There _________ no water in the bottle now.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
This is my home t________. There are lots of interesting things to do here. Now let me tell you about l_________ in my town.
It’s not f_________ from the center of Nanjing. It only t________ half an hour by bus. There’s less air p__________ than in other areas of Nanjing. You can see g__________ hills, trees, lakes here and there. There are two big s_________ in the town. You can go shopping u________ ten o’clock at night. There are many real Chinese food. If you don’t like Chinese food, you can go to KFC. You can also eat Western food. I think you can have a good time here. I love it very much. W_________ to my home town.
運(yùn)用本單元所學(xué)詞匯,模仿Reading 和Main task的課文內(nèi)容,描述一下你的家鄉(xiāng)?梢詮囊韵聨c(diǎn)來描述:家鄉(xiāng)的地理位置,環(huán)境,你最喜歡去的地方和喜歡做的事情等。結(jié)尾可以套用I think it is a wonderful place to… 和I hope…這樣的句式。

7B Unit 2 Sunshine Town
課題:Checkout 第8課時(shí)
2.復(fù)習(xí)How many 和How much的使用方法。
There _________ many ___________ things to do and to see.
2. 早晨我們何時(shí)離開?讓我們八點(diǎn)在校門口見面吧。
.When shall we _________ in the morning? Let’s _________at the school gate at 8.
Millie is very ___________. We are good _________.
Beijing is the ______________ of our ________________.
read staybringgodolive
growgetride takehopebe
1.What type of house ________ you ________ in?
2.My mother likes ________ vegetables in the garden.
3.________ it often ________ you a long time to go to the centre of the town?
4.He is always the first ________ to school.
5.Do you really enjoy ________ with us on the farm?
6.I ________ to go to visit your new house soon.
7.Why not practice _________ English aloud in the morning?
8.Don’t forget ________ your homework here tomorrow.
9.I like to ________ my bike to go into town.
10.He can’t go out. He __________________ his homework
11.How ________ his father ________ to work ever day?
12There ________ no bread at home. Please go to buy some.
( ) 1. There will_______ a sports meeting in our school next week.
A. be B. give C. have D. hold
( ) 2. I’ll call you when I _______Beijing.
A. arrive B. arrive at C. reach to D. get to
( ) 3. _______girl with_______red apple in her hand is my sister. Lucy.
A. A, the B. A, a C. The, a D. The, an
( ) 4. How many pencils are there in your pencil-box? _______ -
A. No B. Nothing C. None D. No one
( ) 5. _______of the students is in the classroom.
A. Both B. All C. Every D. None
( ) 6. Where are Tom and Peter? Are they in _______?
A. the room 403 B. Room 403 C. the 403 room D. 403 room
( ) 7. You can choose_______ in the bookshop.
A. some book you like B. any book you like
C. some book do you like D. any books what you like
( ) 8. The cinema is two kilometers_______
A. away here B. far away here C. away from here D. far away from here
( ) 9. are the apples_______ do you want? -
A. How many, How much B. How many, How many
C. How much, How much D. How much, How many
( ) 10. Let’s ask Peter. He may_______ the answer.
A. know B. knows C. be know D. will know
All these books ________________________________.
4.這些筆是Amy 和Simon的。
These pens ____________________________________.
I ______________ a lot of work to ______________________
1. ( ) Mr. Zhang will show them with our school.
2. ( ) Don’t get off the bus when is stops.
3. ( ) She wants me go to the room now.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/74969.html

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