朝鮮向川普發(fā)出信號 稱隨時(shí)都會點(diǎn)燃導(dǎo)彈

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 初中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
(CNN)North Korea says it could launch an intercontinental ballistic missile "at any time," even as Pyongyang appeared to offer Donald Trump an avenue for future talks.(CNN)朝鮮稱,它可以在任何時(shí)間發(fā)射洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈,盡管平壤似乎為特朗普提供了未來會談的渠道。

Tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen considerably since leader Kim Jong Un said in his new year’s message that the country was close to testing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the US mainland.自從金正恩在新年消息中說,本國已經(jīng)快要測試能夠向美國大陸發(fā)射核武器的洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈(ICBM)后,朝鮮半島的緊張氣氛已經(jīng)大大增加。In a statement Sunday, a spokesman from North Korea’s foreign minister said "the U.S. is wholly to blame" for the development of its missile program.在周日的一份聲明中,來自朝鮮外交部的發(fā)言人說,美國徹底譴責(zé)朝鮮導(dǎo)彈計(jì)劃發(fā)展。Speaking to NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, Defense Secretary Ash Carter called it a "serious threat" and said the US would shoot down any missile aimed at it or an ally.周日,國防部長阿什·卡特對新聞界說,朝鮮洲際導(dǎo)彈測試是種“嚴(yán)重的威脅”,美國將擊落任何瞄準(zhǔn)它或其盟友的導(dǎo)彈。China and South Korea on Monday denounced the North Korea missile threat, and warned that a test could lead to further sanctions.周一,中國和韓國譴責(zé)朝鮮導(dǎo)彈威脅,并且警告測試將造成進(jìn)一步制裁。"If North Korea disregards our warning and launches an ICBM, it will face more powerful and thorough sanctions and pressure by the international community," South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-gyun said.韓國國防部發(fā)言人Moon Sang-gyun說:“如果朝鮮漠視我們的警告,發(fā)射洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈,它將面臨更加有力和徹底的制裁以及國際社會的壓力。”Strict international sanctions have so far failed to prevent Pyongyang from developing its nuclear program.迄今為止,嚴(yán)厲的國際制裁沒有阻止平壤發(fā)展核項(xiàng)目。In the Sunday statement, the country’s foreign ministry alluded to those sanctions and said US officials "spout rubbish" when they assume Obama’s policies will be maintained in future.在周日的聲明中,朝鮮外交部提到了那些制裁,并說美國官方“滿口胡言”,他們設(shè)想奧巴馬的政策將在未來持續(xù)。"Anyone who wants to deal with (North Korea) would be well advised to secure a new way of thinking after having clear understanding of it," the statement said.聲明說:“任何想要對付朝鮮的人,都建議應(yīng)該在清楚理解它以后,獲得一種新的思考方式!盝ohn Delury, assistant professor of international studies at Yonsei University said the statement was "definitely a message to the Trump transition team to say don’t go down this dead end (of sanctions)."延世大學(xué)國際研究系助理教授約翰說,這份聲明對特朗普過渡團(tuán)隊(duì)而言,傳達(dá)了一種絕對的信息,別走進(jìn)(制裁)這條死胡同!
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuzhong/1115174.html

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