
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


Ⅰ. 單詞拼寫
1. They made a________(重大)discovery,which surprised us.
2. He________(迎接)all the guests warmly as they arrived.
3. She gave her son a________(擁抱)and let him go to bed.
4. uch to my surprise,my intention was________(誤會了).
5. She kissed her little girl on the________(臉頰).
Ⅱ. 易錯模塊
1. You’d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor ________ you have to wait.
A. even if B. as if
C. in case D. in order that
解析:選C。由句意:看醫(yī)生時最好帶點東西讀,以防需要侯診?芍獞(yīng)用in case。in order that“為了”,even if“即便”及as if“好像”均與語境不符,故選C。
2. John may phone tonight,I don’t want to go out ________ he phones.
A. as long as B. in order that
C. in case D. so that
解析:選C。本題考查習(xí)語的用法。in case意為“以防;免得”。根據(jù)句意可知C項正確。
3. y parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house ________ there is a power out.
A. if B. unless
C. in case D. so that
解析:選C。句意:我父母住在一個小村莊里。他們總是在家里存著蠟燭以防停電。in case“萬一,以防”,符合題意。
4. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ________.
A. at last B. in case
C. once again D. in time
解析:選B。in case可作副詞,常放于句尾,意為“以防萬一”。
Ⅲ. 情景交際
1. (2009年杭州檢測一)—You hate Jim,don’t you?
—________. I just think he’s a bit annoying,that’s all.
A. Not exactly B. That’s it
C. Absolutely D. No way
2. (2009年杭州檢測二20)—What about the rent?
—________. You can pay weekly or monthly.
A. It’s up to you B. That’s all right
C. You can’t miss it D. Not at all
3. (2009年皖南八校三模)—I’ve been invited to a department party tonight. Are you going to come?
—Oh,I’d really like to,but I have a ton of work. ________.
A. Thank you anyway B. You’re welcome
C. All right. D. With pleasure
4. (2009年安徽示范性高中聯(lián)考)—I wonder if you’d mind me asking you some personal questions.
—No,not at all. ________.
A. Go ahead B. No way
C. That’s it D. Help yourself
解析:選A?疾榻浑H用語。根據(jù)No,not at all(一點兒也不介意),可知用Go ahead,此時意為“問吧”。No way肯定不,沒門兒;That’s it說對了;Help yourself請隨便(吃、用等)。
Ⅳ. 語法專練
本單元語法——v. ­ing形式作狀語
1. (2009年海南萬寧月考)Last Sunday,my cousin sent me an e­mail ________me to his birthday party.
A. invited B. inviting
C. to invite D. having invited
解析:選B。此題考查非謂語動詞作定語。在英語中,過去分詞作定語表示被動和完成,不強調(diào)時間的先后關(guān)系;現(xiàn)在分詞作定語表示主動和進(jìn)行。若表示被動和進(jìn)行,則要用being done的形式;一般不用having done的形式作定語;動詞不定式作定語表示將。此題中用現(xiàn)在分詞作定語表示主動,改為定語從句則是which invited。
2. (2009年南昌調(diào)研)As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not________,and asked myself what I was going to do.
A. moved B. moving
C. to move D. being moved
3. The students entered the classroom,smiling and________,and________down to have their lessons.
A. talked;sat B. talking;sitting
C. talking;sat D. talked;sitting
解析:選C。本句的謂語動詞是entered. . . and sat,smiling and talking是現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語,表示伴隨動作。
4. (2009年西城質(zhì)檢)The food,________good,was soon sold out when it was taken to the market.
A. tasted B. being tasted
C. tasting D. having tasted
解析:選C。分詞作非限制性定語,邏輯主語the food與taste是主動關(guān)系,故用現(xiàn)在分詞。
5. He sent me an email,________ to get some further information for his research.
A. hoped B. hoping
C. to hope D. hope
解析:選B?疾榉侵^語動詞。根據(jù)語境分析,此處用v. ?ing形式作伴隨狀語,表示在sent me an email時的愿望。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/45314.html

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