2012屆高考英語(yǔ) Book 4 第一輪復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
2012屆高考英語(yǔ) Book 4 第一輪復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案
課題名稱(chēng)Module1 Book 4 Revision
學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):1. 復(fù)習(xí)并熟練掌握本單元的基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)及語(yǔ)法;
2. 通過(guò)閱讀理解練習(xí),提高學(xué)生的閱讀理解能力
重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn):1. 語(yǔ)法:將來(lái)進(jìn)行時(shí);
2. 長(zhǎng)句的理解與掌握:
1). Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.
2). Where will we be living in twenty years’ time?
3). I’m not really sure what I will be doing in ten years from now.
1、Police should have enough proof before they __ (逮捕)a criminal.
2、We should not make fun of people with __ (殘疾)
3、We should make good use of natural __ (資源)
4、You should not work all the time. __ (娛樂(lè))is also needed besides work.
5、The patient was saved for the __ (手術(shù))was a success.
6、We can r waste materials to save energy.
7、The young lady is interested in u life rather than the life in the countryside.
8、You should not believe all the p because some of them proved to be wrong.
9、The s of the building is similar to a pyramid.
10、The train l_______ with apples is heading for Guangzhou.
Ⅱ 短語(yǔ)填空
come true, free of charge, get rid of, run out of, on the way out, for sure, rely on, carry out, run out, for a start
1. We should make up our mind to_______ some bad habit once we realized it.
2、You don’t need to pay for the water you drink in the restaurant for it is .
3、I don’t want to buy the coat. ____ It is too expensive; secondly, it is out of date.
4、He has _______ all the money his mother gave him, so he has to borrow some for the new books.
5、You are wasting your money buying such a dress! It is .
6、He is intelligent and hardworking so he will pass the examination .
7、You can not always luck, there is nothing substitute(替代品) for hard work.
8、You should the plan if you want to make progress.
9、We must work harder to make our dreams .
10、Can you spare me some paper? Mine has .
1.You may _______ they will help you solve the problem.
A. rely B. rely on C. rely that D. rely on it that
2. We have good players and we will win the match
A. for sure B. for certain C. make sure D. to be sure
3. Last evening I watched TV at home ______ going to the bar.
A instead B instead of C. not D. but
4. Once you have made up your plan, you should ______.
A. make it out B. carry it on C. carry it out D. take it out
5. ----How soon will he leave for Shanghai? ----________.
A After a few days B For a few days
C In a few days time D In a few days’ time
6. Is there any ______ for the piano in your room?
A. place B. seat C empty D room
7. With all the work _______, the old man felt happy and relaxed.
A. to finish B. to be finished C. finishingD. finished
8. ? I always ______ when crossing the street.
-- You are right. You can’t be too careful.
A look out B look up C look around D look down
9. ---- Do you know _____ he came?
---- Yes, I do. He came by bike.
A how B when C if D why
10. Will you please spare me some ink? I have it.
A. run down of B. run out of C. run out from D. run off
11.______ what effort he made, he couldn’t catch up with them.
A. However B. No matter C. In spite D. With
12. What way are you thinking of ___ the flies?
A. getting rid of B. to get rid of C. getting away from D. to get away from
13. An order for 100 bicycles has ___ that factory.
A placed with B been placed with C. placed by D. been placed from
14. The teacher said “___of you have passed the English examination. At least ten of you have failed.”
A. All B. Not all C. Every one D. None
15. She _____ a man _____ a lot of money.
A was married ; with B. married with ; of
C. married to ; of D married ; with
Ⅳ 時(shí)態(tài)填空
1.”Could you give these books to Mr .Black?”
“Absolutely, I ________(have a talk with)him at five o’clock this afternoon.”
2. Next Friday I will go to another concert. They_______ (play )something by Mozart at that time
3. I_____(will be having /am going to have) a meeting at 4o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
4. What do you think you _____at this time next year? (will do / will be doing)
5.-- What will you do tomorrow evening?
--“I _____ my favorite program at eight o’clock tomorrow evening.”
A. will watch B. am going to watch C. will be watching D. am watching
Ⅴ 完成句子
1. He will be here for sure within an hour .(英譯漢)
2. To our surprise ,most of his predictions he made have come true. (英譯漢)
3. I have run out of my pocket money .
=My pocket money______ _______ _________
4. I have used up my pocket money .
= My pocket money ________ ________ _______ ________.
5. Once you become addicted tobacco , it is hard ____ _____ _____ _____(戒掉) it .
6. The workers ______ the truck______ coal 工人們往卡車(chē)上裝煤。
7. 他因?yàn)榉呕鸨徊读恕?br />He __________________________________ setting fire.
8. 你應(yīng)該把速度限制在時(shí)速80公里
You should_______ your speed _____ 80 km per hour.
9. He commanded the soldiers to attack at once。
=He commanded that the soldiers _______ ________ at once .
10. You can get the food for free.
= You can get the food ______ ____ ________.
11. The disabled will received more money.
= The people _____ ___________ will received more money.
12. The photo is attached to the wall is my son’s. (改錯(cuò))

13. No one would like to wear this kind of T-shirt.
= This kind of T-shirt is _____ ____ _____ ______ .
The computer allows us to record our thoughts faster. Writing things on paper can be a slow process that concerns the way of our train of thought, which allows forgetting and confusion. But using a computer efficiently can be smoother process. It allows us to work at 60 wpm, the same speed as the guy on skates. This synergy(配合) between the technology and the human has resulted in a process which is gradually putting us all in a different world.
As today’s world quickly changes, we need to make reasonable choices about what kind of life we want to live. Keep in mind that id we don’t decide, then it will be decided for us. We will find ourselves doing thins we don’t really enjoy, things that harm our health, things with unexpected future consequences(結(jié)果), or things that fill our lives with fear and tension.
In the future, as we gain knowledge and in sight, we will want real freedom, the freedom to make smart choices about what is best for ourselves.
1.What makes us live in a different world?
A. ComputersB. Technology and human
C. cooperation between the technology and the human. D. our train of thought
2. What should we do since our world is changing so fast?
A. Choose a suitable lifestyleB. Study computer
C. Want real freedomD. Study modern technology
3. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. The Best Choice of the Future
B. Make Reasonable Choices for Life in the Future
C. The change of the World
D. Life in the Future
4. According to the passage, what will we want in the future?
5. Translate the sentence into Chinese.
As today’s world quickly changes, we need to make reasonable choices about what kind of life we want to live.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/59753.html

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