Being a Teenager教學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Being a Teenager案
Unit 1 Being a Teenager(1)
一. 內(nèi)容:
Unit 1 Been a Teenager(I)

二. 重點(diǎn)詞匯短語(yǔ)講解
1. face n. 臉,面孔;面子
(1) n.
例句Her beautiful face was sad. 她漂亮的面容上帶著悲傷。
He had a face like thunder. 他怒容滿(mǎn)面。
The tramp was found lying on the floor face downwards.
例句The face of the building was covered with plastic. 建筑物正面被塑料覆蓋著。
The mountaineers succeeded in climbing the north face of the mountain to the top peak.
A cut diamond has many faces. 雕好的寶石有許多面。
例句The whole village presented a face placid. 整個(gè)村莊呈現(xiàn)出一片寧?kù)o。
例句The miners worked at the face for 5 hours. 礦工在采掘面上工作了5小時(shí)。
(2)vt, vi
例句 My house faces the park, and the gate face forward.
我的房子面對(duì)公園, 大門(mén)朝前。
例句Charles couldn't face another day at work, so he decided to leave it and go down to the south. 查爾斯對(duì)這工作連一天也干不下去了,所以他決定放棄工作到南方去。
We must learn to face difficulties squarely and try to overcome them.
例句 A crisis faced us. 我們面臨著危機(jī)。
The difficulty that faces us is the number of those in need.
例句 The workers face the wall with concrete.工人們用水泥抹墻。
①face to face (常與with連用)面對(duì)面地
例句 I rushed out of the office and found myself face-to-face with the boss.
They've often talked to each other on the telephone, but they've never met each other face to face. 他們常;ハ嗤娫(huà),但從來(lái)沒(méi)有見(jiàn)過(guò)面。
②in the face of 不顧;面對(duì),在…前面
例句 He succeeded in the face of great difficulties. 盡管有巨大的困難,但他成功了。
We are powerless in the face of such forces. 面對(duì)這樣的勢(shì)力,我們無(wú)能為力。
③make a face at (= pull a face at) 向…做鬼臉
He made faces at the baby to make it laugh. 他向嬰兒做鬼臉來(lái)逗他發(fā)笑。
④on the face of it 從表面上來(lái)看
例句 On the face of it, the document seemed genuine. 從表面看,這文件像是真的。
⑤save (one's) face 挽回面子
例句Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly.
⑥face out 堅(jiān)持到底
例句 He is determined to face out the situation. 他決心堅(jiān)持到底。
⑦face up to 大膽面向
例句She must face up to the fact that she is no longer young.

2. affect
例句 Smoking affects health. 吸煙影響健康。
His opinion will not affect my decision. 他的意見(jiàn)不會(huì)影響我的決定。
例句 She was much affected by the music. 她被那段音樂(lè)深深地感動(dòng)了。
He was deeply affected by the news of her death. 他對(duì)她的死訊深感哀傷。
例句 The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight. 這種疾病正逐漸侵襲到她的視力。
She is affected with cancer. 她患有癌癥。
①affectation n.假裝, 虛飾, 做作
例句 I hope you will behave without affectation at the wedding .
②affected adj.受到影響的,受(疾。┣忠u的,假裝的,做作的
例句 His manners are affected. 他的態(tài)度不自然。
③affecting adj.感人的,動(dòng)人的
例句 After the explosion, we couldn’t stand the affecting scene.
④affection n.友愛(ài),愛(ài)情,影響,疾病,傾向
例句 At last the famous professor became the object of girl assistant’s affections
fix one's affection on/upon sb. 鐘情于某人
gain/win sb.'s affection(s) 得到某人的愛(ài)情
have an affection for/ towards 深?lèi)?ài)著
set one's affections on/upon 傾心于…;對(duì)…有好感
⑤affective adj.情感的,表達(dá)感情的 affect less adj.缺乏感情的,冷酷無(wú)情的
例句 Now she looks in an affective state and has a little affective disorders.

3. tough
(1) adj
例句 The model worker is always tough at work. 模范工人在工作上總是吃苦耐勞。
例句 The workers’ clothes feel as tough as leather.
例句 This meat is tough for the old men. 這肉老人咬不動(dòng)。
例句In the country the government carries out a tough policy.
(2)n 無(wú)法無(wú)天的人;流氓;亡命之徒
例句In Iraq there are a lot toughs after the war. 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之后伊拉克有很多亡命徒。
(1)toughen vt, vi 變堅(jiān)韌;變頑強(qiáng);變嚴(yán)厲;變兇暴;變困難
例句 The hard condition has toughened the soldiers. 艱苦的環(huán)境使得戰(zhàn)士們更加堅(jiān)強(qiáng)。
(2)toughly adv. 堅(jiān)強(qiáng)地, 能吃苦耐勞地, 固執(zhí)地
例句 The disabled person drew his luggage toughly. 那個(gè)殘疾人很頑強(qiáng)地拉著行李。
(1)tough it out 盡管有困難而熬過(guò);忍受
例句It helps if one was raised to tough it out.
(2)get tough [美俚]強(qiáng)硬起來(lái), 行動(dòng)勇敢
例句 Don’t be in so low spirits, get tough! 別低落,堅(jiān)強(qiáng)起來(lái)!

4. decision
例句Have they reached a decision yet? 他們是否已有所決定?
She could not make a decision about the dresses. 她對(duì)(買(mǎi)不買(mǎi))這衣服下不了決心。
例句 The decision of the committee will soon come into being.
例句 As a conductor, he must be a man of decision.
①come to / arrive at /reach a decision 做出決定
②give a decision for判決對(duì)…有利
③give a decision against判決對(duì)…不利
④ the decision of由…來(lái)決定(某事)
⑤make a decision決定下來(lái),做出決定;下決心
⑥with decision斷然

5. confident
adj 確信的;有信心的;自信的
例句 Peter is confident of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director.
He is confident of success. 他對(duì)成功充滿(mǎn)信心。
I am confident that our country will become stronger and stronger.
例句He has won her confidence; she trusts him. 他已得到她的信任,她相信他。
We need to have a vote of confidence. 我們需要一次信任投票。
例句She has a lot of confidences. 她充滿(mǎn)自信。
It's a tragedy that one lacks confidence in himself.
We have full confidence that we shall succeed. 我們完全有把握取得成功。
例句I'm telling you this in strict confidence. 我告訴你此事系絕密。
(2)confidently adv.信賴(lài)地,安心地
例句 The girl followed the cheat confidently. 那女孩很信賴(lài)地跟著騙子走了。
be confident of/in / that… 對(duì)…有信心,確信
例句As a girl you should never be confident in a stranger.

6. kid
例句Hi, kid! What's up? 嗨,伙計(jì)!出什么事了?
例句 I'm not kidding you. 我不是欺騙你的。
Don't kid me. 不要騙我。
You're kidding! 你在開(kāi)玩笑。ㄎ也挪恍拍隳兀。
(3)n. (水手盛食物的) 小木桶
例句 The sailor lost his kid in the dark on the sea.

7. friendly
①友好的;朋友般的; 仁慈的;慷慨的;樂(lè)于助人的
例句He is friendly to us all. 他對(duì)我們大家都很友好。
He spoke in a friendly way. 他說(shuō)話(huà)的態(tài)度很親切。
He's a friendly sort of fellow.他是和善的人。
A friendly argument on any disputes is beneficial to the further understanding of the mutual views. 對(duì)任何爭(zhēng)端進(jìn)行友好的辯論有助于進(jìn)一步了解相互的觀點(diǎn)。
例句This company has never been friendly to change. 這家公司從不支持改革。
If I read this right, you're the only friendly we have there right now?
friendly 看似副詞,實(shí)為形容詞。像這樣的詞有:
manly adj.男子氣概的, 果斷的, 雄赳赳 ; motherly adj.母親的,母親般的;
例句 The boy walked with a manly stride. 那男孩走路邁著大人的步子。
fatherly adj.父親的, 如父親的, 慈愛(ài)的, 愛(ài)護(hù)的;
例句 The teacher smiles a fatherly smile. 那位老師笑起來(lái)有父親般的慈祥笑容。
lovely adj.可愛(ài)的, 有趣的; lively adj.活潑的, 活躍的, 栩栩如生的, 真實(shí)的;
例句 The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden.
likely adj.很可能的, 合適的, 可靠的, 有希望的
例句 She is not likely to come next month. 她下月很可能不來(lái)。
It is very likely that he will not consent. 很可能他不會(huì)同意。
I have found a likely house at last. 最后我找到了一間合適的房子。

8. forgetful
例句My old uncle has become rather forgetful. 我的老叔父已經(jīng)有點(diǎn)健忘了。
The scientist is often forgetful of one's sleep and meals. 那位科學(xué)家經(jīng)常廢寢忘食。
例句The guard is always forgetful of duties. 那個(gè)守衛(wèi)總是玩忽職守。
forgetfully adv.
例句 Without his wallet the old man left the supermarket forgetfully.
forgetfulness n.
例句 The boy’s forgetfulness usually made him embarrassed.

9. trip
(1)vt, vi.
①絆倒 (常與介詞over或on連用)
例句I tripped over the box on the floor and fell. 我被地板上的箱子絆了一下,摔倒了。
The boy tripped on a stone. 那男孩被一塊石頭絆倒了。
②vt 使失誤,使犯錯(cuò)(常與up連用)
例句The judge’ questions tripped her up completely. 法官的問(wèn)題使她語(yǔ)無(wú)倫次。
The interviewer tried to trip me up with his questions.
They often find him drinking till his tongue trips.
例句 He made a trip to town yesterday. 他昨天到城里去旅行。
The speaker had a trip of the tongue at the meeting. 講演者在大會(huì)上有一次失言。

10. embarrass
例句 When I began to sing, he laughed and made me embarrassed.
When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. 在阿爾弗結(jié)婚時(shí),因?yàn)榕码y堪,他對(duì)妻子只字不提有關(guān)自己職業(yè)的事。
He fell into the river and, because he was embarrassed by his heavy overcoat, only managed to swim to the bank.
例句 He was embarrassed by debts. 他因債務(wù)而局促不安。
The decline of sales embarrassed the company. 銷(xiāo)路下降使公司陷于財(cái)政困難。
①embarrassedly adv.尷尬地;局促不安地;難堪地
例句 The girl sat opposite to a the examiner embarrassedly.
②embarrassing adj. 令人為難的
例句 Standing in front of the audience is embarrassing for the shy lady.
③embarrassingly adv.使人尷尬地;使人為難地;使人難堪地
例句 Father glared at his daughter embarrassingly before the teacher.

11. impress
例句His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的話(huà)使我深深銘記心頭。
The movie impressed a lot of people. 這部電影在很多人心中留下了深刻印象。
I was deeply impressed by/with his laughter. 他的笑聲給我留下深刻印象。
例句I impressed on him the importance of his work. 我使他注意到他工作的重要性。
She impressed me as a woman of great gracefulness.
What impressed me most is the beauty of the scenery there.
The boss impressed the bill with a seal. 老板把印蓋在賬單上。
①bear the impress of genius 帶有天才的痕跡
例句 The country boy bears the impress of genius in deed.
②impress sth. on sb. =impress sb. with sth. 使某人銘記某事
例句My father impressed on me the importance of being honest.
They impressed on their children the virtue of always telling the truth.

12. adult
(1)n 成年人
例句The adults teach them these skills. 大人們教他們這些技術(shù)。
The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page, and the world news section.
(2)adj. 成年人的;已成熟的;適合成年人的
例句He has a very adult manner although he's only 12.
adultness n.成熟, 老成
例句 Though he is young, he acts with adultness. 他少年老成。

13. period
例句My childhood was the happiest period in my life.
He became famous during the period of French Revolution.
例句In a history period, the naughty boy slept.那個(gè)淘氣的男孩在一堂歷史課上睡著了。
①at no period 從來(lái)沒(méi)有
例句 At no period was the criminal doing a good deed. 那個(gè)罪犯從來(lái)就沒(méi)做什么好事。
②come to a period 結(jié)束
例句 At last the boring meeting came to a period. 最后那個(gè)無(wú)聊的會(huì)議結(jié)束了。
③put a period to sth. 結(jié)束某事
例句 You should put a period to playing so much. 你該結(jié)束這么玩了。
periodic adj. 周期的;定期的
例句He has recited periodic table.他背過(guò)了元素周期表。

14. disappoint
例句The book disappointed me. 這本書(shū)令我失望。
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't agree with you there after all.
例句The thief was disappointed of his purpose. 小偷的目的落了空。
I'm sorry to disappoint your hope.
例句He is disappointed in the lawyer about the case. 他對(duì)這個(gè)案件的律師很失望。
make sb. disappointed = let sb. down 使某人失望
例句What he said at the meeting made the people at present disappointed.
①disappointed adj.失望的
例句 President James was shot by a disappointed office seeker on.
They were disappointed about/with/at the results. 他們對(duì)結(jié)果感到失望。
She was disappointed at not being invited to party.
I was disappointed that we couldn’t go to the cinema.
②disappointing adj.使人失望的, 令人失望的
例句 He finished the marathon in a disappointing 12th place.
③disappointment n.失望
例句 To their disappointment, the result was contrary to their expectation.
④disappointedly adv.失望地
例句 After the match, the athlete returned home disappointedly.

15. experience
(1)n. 經(jīng)驗(yàn)(u) ; 體驗(yàn),經(jīng)歷(c)
例句 Experience is the best teacher. 經(jīng)驗(yàn)是最好的老師。
He has had much (five years’) experience in teaching English.
Different people have different experiences in life.
Please tell us your experiences in America.
(2)v. 經(jīng)歷;體驗(yàn)
例句 Have you ever experienced real hunger? 你曾經(jīng)體驗(yàn)過(guò)真正的饑餓嗎?
That country is experiencing a great revolution.
He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships.
experienced adj. 有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的,老練的
例句He is an experienced surgeon. 他是個(gè)有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的外科醫(yī)生。
①as/ by a matter of experience 根據(jù)經(jīng)驗(yàn)
②from experience 憑經(jīng)驗(yàn); 從經(jīng)驗(yàn)中
③draw upon past experience to do... 憑借過(guò)去的經(jīng)驗(yàn)去做…
④as a matter of experience根據(jù)經(jīng)驗(yàn)
Experience is the mother of wisdom.[諺]經(jīng)驗(yàn)?zāi)酥腔壑福?實(shí)踐出真知。
Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other.
[諺]吃虧學(xué)乖代價(jià)高, 笨漢非此學(xué)不好。
Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.

16. annoying
adj. 令人煩惱的; 令人討厭的
例句How annoying! 真討厭!
He had an annoying cough in the dark. 黑暗中他有一陣惱人的咳嗽。
annoy vt. 使煩惱;使生氣
例句These flies are annoying me. 這些蒼蠅真讓人討厭。
We're annoyed at his cavalier treatment of his old friends.
be annoyed with sb. for/ at sth. 對(duì)(某人)為(某事)而生氣
例句 The girl was annoyed with his parents because of no birthday presents.

17. satisfy
例句I hope the room I reserved satisfied you. 希望我預(yù)訂的這個(gè)房間能令你滿(mǎn)意。
I didn’t like the ending of the story; it didn’t satisfy me. Maybe I am hard to satisfy.
Just to satisfy my curiosity. Where did you buy such a beautiful skirt?
②(常與of, that連用)使確信;使消除疑慮
例句I am satisfied that he is guilty. 我確信他有罪。
I satisfied my employer that I had finished. 我使老板相信我已經(jīng)完成了。
be /feel satisfied with… 對(duì)……感到滿(mǎn)意
例句I was quite satisfied with what you had done. 我對(duì)你所做的感到非常滿(mǎn)意。
I wasn't satisfied with our treatment at that hotel, so I shall complain to the manager.

18. pressure
例句Do not put much pressure on the handle, it may break.
如 pressure cooker 壓力鍋
例句The sick man complained of a feeling of pressure on his chest.
④壓力;強(qiáng)制;氣壓 (= atmospheric pressure)
例句We must bring pressure in him. 我們應(yīng)對(duì)他施加壓力。
under pressure 被迫;在強(qiáng)制下
vt, vi
例句He pressed the doorbell. 他按了門(mén)鈴。
Just press this button, and you'll start the engine.
例句I've pressed your trousers with the iron. 我用熨斗熨了你的褲子。
This fabric presses well. 這種織物容易熨平。
③(常與up, round連用)擠;迫;迫使;進(jìn)逼
例句 He pressed his way through the crowd. 他擠過(guò)人群。
The debts pressed on him. 債務(wù)威逼著他。
Time presses. 時(shí)間緊迫。
Let's press on with our work. 讓我們加緊工作吧。
例句 She pressed her guests to stay a little longer. 她極力勸說(shuō)客人們?cè)俅粢粫?huì)兒。
n (前面與the連用)新聞界,報(bào)界;報(bào)刊上的評(píng)論;出版社
例句In fact there is no freedom of the press in that country.
The power of the press is very great. 新聞界的力量非常大。
(2)pressing adj 緊迫的;迫切的;懇切的;再三懇求的
例句 They were so pressing that I couldn't refuse. 他們?cè)偃龖┣螅覠o(wú)法拒絕。
He received a pressing task.他接到了一項(xiàng)緊急任務(wù)。
Time is pressing. 時(shí)間很緊。

19. physical
例句 We should follow the physical laws. 我們應(yīng)該遵守自然法則。
例句 Physical training can make you healthy. 體育鍛煉可以使人健康。
Physical fitness is having a strong healthy body.
例physical change 物理變化

20. instead
例句If you cannot go, let him go instead. 如果你不能去,讓他替你去。
I didn't have a pen, so I used a pencil instead. 我沒(méi)有鋼筆,因此我就用鉛筆了。
例句We'll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.
I will go instead of you. 我代你去。

21. popular
例句She is popular at school because she sings popular songs beautifully.
This dance is popular with young people. 這種舞很受年輕人喜愛(ài)。
例句He's a good politician but he isn't popular. 他是一位好的政治家,但不受大眾歡迎。
例句The leader cares for no popular opinion. 那位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)不關(guān)心大眾的意見(jiàn)。
be popular with… 受到…的歡迎
例句That teacher is very popular with his students. 那位老師很受同學(xué)們的歡迎。
This dance is popular with young people. 這種舞很受年輕人喜愛(ài)。

1. at the end of… 在…結(jié)束的時(shí)候
例句We will have a formal examination at the end of each term.
(1)at the beginning of … 在…開(kāi)始的時(shí)候
例句At the beginning of the school, we should try to get used the new life.
(2)by the end of 到…結(jié)束的時(shí)候?yàn)橹?br />例句We will have learned over 1000 English words by the end of this year.
(3)at the beginning /at first 開(kāi)始的時(shí)候
例句At the beginning, we were a little embarrassed and afraid to speak in public.
(4)in the end /at last 最后;最終
例句In the end, we reached the small village through a secret path.
(5)end up (with) (以)告終
例句 The meeting was ended up with a song. 會(huì)議以一首歌結(jié)束了。

2. or something (口語(yǔ)用語(yǔ))“或什么的;諸如此類(lèi)的什么;大約;大概是…這類(lèi)東西”,是說(shuō)話(huà)人不敢肯定時(shí)的附加語(yǔ)。
例句He is now a professor or something. 他現(xiàn)在是個(gè)教授一類(lèi)的人。
I put it in the cupboard or something. 我把它放在了碗櫥里或是什么地方。
She is sick or something. 她大概是病了或什么的。
I hit a tree or something. 我撞上了棵樹(shù)或是其他的什么東西。

3. instead of … = in place of“代替,而不”。后常跟名詞、代詞、動(dòng)名詞或介詞短語(yǔ),后所跟的內(nèi)容是要舍棄不做的。
例句My brother likes pop music instead of classical music.
I stayed in bed all day instead of going to school. 我整天臥床,沒(méi)去上學(xué)。
I go to school by bus instead of on foot. 我是坐公交車(chē)去上學(xué),而不是步行。

4. take sth. seriously 認(rèn)真地對(duì)待;把…看得很認(rèn)真
例句Don’t take his words so seriously. 別把他的話(huà)太當(dāng)真。
He takes things too seriously. 他看待事情太過(guò)認(rèn)真了。
He wished his daughter to take her duties seriously. 他希望女兒認(rèn)真對(duì)待自己的職責(zé)。

5. can’t wait for sth. /to do sth. 等不及…
例句I can’t wait for the future. 我急切地盼著未來(lái)。
I can’t wait to read his latest novel. 我迫不及待地想讀到他的新作。
I can’t wait to see the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

6. fit in “相處融洽,適應(yīng)”,常與介詞with連用
例句She doesn’t fit in with the rest of the class. 她和班上其他同學(xué)處得不好。
His plans do not fit in with my arrangements. 他的計(jì)劃跟我的安排不合適。
This key won’t fit in. 這把鑰匙插不進(jìn)去。
例句This food is not fit for your visitors. 這食物對(duì)你的客人來(lái)說(shuō)不合適。
After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job.
例句Do you feel fit? 你覺(jué)得身體好嗎?
He runs to keep fit. 他跑步為了保持健康。
⑵vt, vi
例句The lid fits badly. 這個(gè)蓋子蓋不上。
例句Her new shoes didn't fit so she took them back to the shop and changed them for another pair. 她那雙新鞋不合穿,所以她去商店換了一雙。
Your clothes fit well. 你的衣服很合身。
The trousers don't fit him, they are too small. 這條褲子他穿不合身,太小了。
This coat's a beautiful fit to you. 這件外衣對(duì)你非常合身。
例句You should fit new locks on the doors.你應(yīng)該給門(mén)裝上新鎖。
例句Her height fitted her for basketball. 她身材高適合打籃球。
(3)n 合身
例句This coat's a beautiful fit. 這件大衣完全合身。

7. relate to “與…有關(guān);涉及”;(用于否定句)“與…處得好”
例句The symbols relate to an earlier system. 這些標(biāo)志和以前的制度有關(guān)聯(lián)。
The word “moon” is an ancient word related to “month”.
I want to ask you a question that relates to politics. 我想問(wèn)你一個(gè)有關(guān)政治的問(wèn)題。
She does not relate very well to her classmates. 她跟她的同學(xué)們相處得不太好。
relate vt, vi
例句I related my adventure to my family. 我向家人講述了我的奇遇。
②(常與to, with連用)把…聯(lián)系起來(lái)
例句You can relate the two ideas together.你可以把兩種觀點(diǎn)聯(lián)系起來(lái)看。

8. deal with
①對(duì)付;應(yīng)付; 對(duì)待
How would you deal with an armed burglar? 遇到持有武器的盜賊,你將如何對(duì)付?
The teacher deals fairly with his pupils.這個(gè)教師公平地對(duì)待他的學(xué)生。
He is easy to deal with. 他很容易打交道。
I've dealt with this shop for 20 years. 我同這家商店做生意已經(jīng)有20年了。
a book dealing with West Africa 關(guān)于西非的一本書(shū)
The book deals with this problem.這本書(shū)論述了這個(gè)問(wèn)題。
deal in v.經(jīng)營(yíng)
a shop that deals in goods of all kinds 經(jīng)營(yíng)各種貨物的商店
deal out v.分配, 分給
a big deal [美, 口]要人; 重要的事
a great/good deal許多
Big deal! 妙極了! (假裝贊嘆的諷刺語(yǔ))
make/do a deal with 與…做成一筆交易;與…達(dá)成協(xié)議
That is saying a great deal.這已經(jīng)算了不起了。
That's/ It a deal.就這么辦, 一言為定。

9. be good at 在…方面擅長(zhǎng)、學(xué)得好 (后接名詞、代詞、動(dòng)名詞)
be good for 對(duì)…有益,有好處 (后接表示人或物的名詞或代詞)
be good to 對(duì)…的態(tài)度好(后接表示人的名詞)
do good to 為…帶來(lái)益處(后接名詞、代詞、動(dòng)名詞)
be clever at在…方面擅長(zhǎng)
be expert at/in在…方面專(zhuān)長(zhǎng)

1. hard, tough, rough, difficult
hard adj. “強(qiáng)硬的,嚴(yán)厲的,嚴(yán)格的,不讓步的”
a hard task 一項(xiàng)艱巨的任務(wù)
a hard master 一個(gè)嚴(yán)格的師傅
a hard customer 一個(gè)挑剔的顧客
She is a hard woman. 她是個(gè)很厲害的女人。
rough adj. “粗魯?shù)模直┑,粗俗的?br />rough manners 粗魯無(wú)禮的態(tài)度
have a rough tongue 說(shuō)話(huà)粗魯
tough adj. “強(qiáng)壯的,堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的,能吃苦耐勞的”。還可以表示“強(qiáng)硬而難以對(duì)付的”(詞義接近hard),以及“粗魯?shù),粗暴的”(詞義接近rough)
a tough mountaineer強(qiáng)壯的登山運(yùn)動(dòng)員
a tough customer 固執(zhí)而難對(duì)付的顧客
tough law- breaking youngsters 無(wú)法無(wú)天的青少年
difficult adj. 困難的。有時(shí)強(qiáng)調(diào)用特別的機(jī)智勇氣去克服障礙。
a difficult puzzle 難解的謎語(yǔ)
The problem is difficult to solve. 這個(gè)問(wèn)題很難解決。

2. alone lonely lone lonesome
alone 指“獨(dú)自一人的;相當(dāng)于by oneself/ on one’s own”,如:
He was alone in the room.他獨(dú)自一人在屋里。
lonely 指“孤單的”、“孤獨(dú)的” 常帶有感情色彩, 如:
He doesn't feel lonely when he is left alone.在只剩下他一個(gè)的時(shí)候, 他并不感到孤獨(dú)。
He likes to be alone, but he never feels lonely. 他喜歡獨(dú)處,但從不覺(jué)得孤獨(dú)(寂寞)。
lone 用于詩(shī)歌中表示“孤單的(感覺(jué))”, 指內(nèi)心強(qiáng)烈的“憂(yōu)愁”之感, 如:
The lone sentinel walked toward his post. 憂(yōu)愁的哨兵走向崗哨。
lonesome 指“孤獨(dú)的”、“寂寞的”, 含有“渴望有伴的孤獨(dú)感”, 如:
He was lonesome for a friend. 他孤獨(dú), 急需找到一位朋友。

3. bright, brilliant, clever, intelligent, smart, wise
bright adj. “聰明伶俐的”,尤指年輕人或小孩在言談舉止中表現(xiàn)出反應(yīng)靈敏的特質(zhì)。
This boy is very bright. 這個(gè)小孩很聰明。
brilliant adj. “卓越的;才華橫溢的”,帶有感情色彩。
Li Bai is a brilliant poet. 李白是位才華橫溢的詩(shī)人。
clever adj. “聰明的;靈巧的;機(jī)敏的”,多指大腦處理過(guò)程中未必理解全面正確。
She has two clever hands. 她有一雙靈巧的手。
To this question, she gave a clever answer. 對(duì)這個(gè)問(wèn)題,她給了機(jī)敏的回答。
intelligent adj. “聰明的,智力高的”,表明當(dāng)需要時(shí),有比普通人更高的用腦能力。
Only intelligent readers can understand what the author means here. 唯有理解力強(qiáng)的讀者才能了解作者此處的用意。
smart adj. “聰明的”,含有機(jī)靈,機(jī)智而使某人走在別人前面的意思,還有“瀟灑的”等含義。
a smart retort 巧妙的反駁
You look very smart today. 你今天真瀟灑!
wise adj. “明智的”。強(qiáng)調(diào)具有淵博的知識(shí),豐富的閱歷,從而有正確的判斷力。
You were wise to keep out of debt. 你不欠債是明智的。

4. affect effect influence
作為動(dòng)詞, 都含“影響”的意思。
affect 指“產(chǎn)生的影響之大足以引起反應(yīng)”,著重“影響”的動(dòng)作,有時(shí)含有“對(duì)…產(chǎn)生不利影響”的意思,如:
This article will affect my thinking.
effect 指“實(shí)現(xiàn)”、“達(dá)成”,著重“造成”一種特殊的效果, 如:
This book effected a change in my opinion.
influence 指“通過(guò)說(shuō)服、舉例等對(duì)行動(dòng)、思想、性格等產(chǎn)生不易覺(jué)察到的,潛移默化的影響”, 如:
Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.
在一位中學(xué)生物教師的影響下, 他從事醫(yī)學(xué)研究。

5. journey trip tour voyage excursion expedition
journey 應(yīng)用范圍很廣, 指“有預(yù)定地點(diǎn)的陸上、水上或空中的單程長(zhǎng)、短途旅行”,一般來(lái)說(shuō),它著重指“長(zhǎng)距離的陸上的旅行”,如:
He decided to make a journey to New York by air.
trip 為一般用語(yǔ), 指“任何方式的,從事業(yè)務(wù)或游覽的旅行”,往往著重于“短途旅行”,在口語(yǔ)中, 可與journey 互換,如:
He made a trip to the Great Wall yesterday.
tour 指“以游覽、視察、購(gòu)物等為目的的旅行”,常含有“最后回到原出發(fā)點(diǎn)”的意思,如:
He is going to make a round-the-world tour.
voyage 主要指“乘船作水上旅行”,也可指“空中旅行”,如:
He got seasick during the voyage.
excursion 指“娛樂(lè)性的短途旅行”,如:
She went on excursion to the West Lake.
They're going to make an expedition to the South Pole.他們要去南極探險(xiǎn)。
6. fit suitable proper appropriate
都含“適合的”、“適當(dāng)?shù)摹币馑肌?br />fit系常用詞, 指 “能適合某些條件、環(huán)境、目的或要求的”,有“吻合的”含義,如:
The dress is not fit to wear. 這衣服不適合穿。
The shoes are suitable to travel. 這鞋適用于旅行。
Fill in the blanks with proper words.用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填空。
appropriate指“恰如其分的”,比f(wàn)it和suitable 有更強(qiáng)的正面意義,如:
His quotation from Shakespeare is appropriate.

I. 短語(yǔ)翻譯
 1. 迷路/丟失___________________
 2. 與……一樣_________________
 3. 在數(shù)學(xué)上取得好成績(jī)____________________
 4. 在……盡頭/結(jié)束時(shí)_____________________
 5. 與……玩得很高興______________________
 6. 習(xí)慣于/慣常于____________________
 7. 作決定_________________
 8. 高中生活的第一天____________________
 9. 全日制學(xué)校_________________
 10. 做……有困難__________________
 11. 因……祝賀某人__________________
 12. 反反復(fù)復(fù)_________________
 13. 對(duì)……感到滿(mǎn)意_________________
 14. 保證進(jìn)入重點(diǎn)大學(xué)_________________
 15. 讓……失望___________________
 16. 與……失去聯(lián)系________________

II. 單項(xiàng)填空
 1. As time goes on, we ______ more and more opportunities(機(jī)遇)my challenges.
  A. are facing with         B. face with
  C. will face with         D. will be faced with
 2. I went to that faraway village for a visit ______ and felt much ______.
  A. lonely; lonely         B. lonely; alone
  C. alone; lonely          D. alone; alone
 3. When I looked up, I found a girl ______ in front of me.
  A. sat              B. sitting
  B. was sitting           D. sits
 4. ______ my first days of high school, I didn't get used to the life here.
  A. In              B. At
  C. Among            D. On
 5. I still remember that I was very ______ when I was refused in public.
  A. embarrassing          B. embarrassed
  C. impressing           D. impressed
 6. The letter “u” ______ [ ju: ] in the word “useful”.
  A. pronounces          B. pronouncing
  C. is pronounced         D. pronounced
 7. It's quite natural that the students have some difficulty ______ the new textbook.
  A. to learn            B. to be learning
  C. in learning           D. of learning
 8. “Let me see it. ” mother said, ______ her hands on the dishtowel and ______it the test paper.
  A. dried; taking          B. drying; took
  C. drying; taking         D. dried; took
 9. ______ to what everybody else got, 95 is a good grade for a first-year student.
  A. Comparing          B. Compared
  C. Being compared        D. Compares
 10. He came into the roof ______ a long red scarf ______ his neck.
  A. with; on            B. having; with
  C. with; around          D. in; with
 11. In most cases, children enjoy ______ games and ______ cartoons(卡通畫(huà)).
  A. to play; seeing         B. playing; see
  C. to play; to see          D. playing; seeing
 12. Mr. Li is ill. I went there to finish the work ______ him.
  A. for              B. in place of
  C. instead of           D. without
 13. ______I meet with difficulty, the teacher always gives me a hand.
  A. If              B. Whether
  C. Whenever           D. As soon as
 14. Although Mom repeatedly points out my mistakes, ______, I know she cares for me.
  A. by the way           B. on a way
  C. in a way            D. at the way
 15. If you don't ______ your English study seriously, you'll fail in the entrance examination.
  A. think             B. carry
  C. take             D. find

Ⅲ. 選詞填空
  excite, face, affect, friend, wonder, impress, congratulate, repeat, outweigh, strength
 1. He is _____ enough to carry the box upstairs himself.
 2. Most people think that trying ______ success in doing many thing.
 3. Mom said______, “Do be careful when crossing the road.”
 4. Many countries showed their ______ on our succeeding in sending up the Shenzhou Ⅴ with man.
 5. What______ me most was the warmth and kindness from the local(當(dāng)?shù)氐模﹙illagers.
 6. The Great Wall is one of the eight ______ that can be seen on the moon.
 7. Chinese people are always ______ to foreign guests.
 8. Too much drinking and smoking ______ his health greatly.
 9. We're ______ with many new things we don't understand.
 10. The Asian Football Games were so ______ that all the audience(觀眾)were ______when watching them.

Ⅳ. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
 1. She forgot her wallet, so I lent her money to buy a drink.
  She ______ some money ______ to buy a drink ______ she forgot her wallet.
 2. Pat is interested in science, so am I.
  ______ ______ Pat______ ______ I'm interested in science.
 3. The girl is Jenny. She is talking to a group of kids.
  The girl ______ ______ ______ to a group of kids is Jenny.
 4. If you try harder next time, you'll succeed.
  ______ ______ next time, ______ you'll succeed.
 5. What if I don't pass the examination?
  What ______ ______ if I ______ ______ ______ the examination.

V. 課文濃縮
I. 短語(yǔ)翻譯
 1. be / get lost
 2. the same…as
 3. get good marks in maths
 4. at the end of
 5. have great fun with
 6. be / get used to(doing)
 7. make a decision
 8. the first day of high school
 9. year-round school
 10. have difficulty(in)doing sth.
 11. congratulate sb. on(upon)…
 12. over and over again
 13. be satisfied with
 14. be guaranteed acceptance to a key university
 15. make sb. disappointed
 16. lose touch with…

II. 單項(xiàng)填空
 1. 解析:考查固定短語(yǔ)be faced with“面臨著……”。答案為D。
 2. 解析:考查近義詞的區(qū)別,答案為C。
 3. 解析:現(xiàn)在分詞短語(yǔ)作后置定語(yǔ)。答案為B。
 4. 解析:具體時(shí)間前介詞的用法。故答案為D。
 5. 解析:動(dòng)詞過(guò)去分詞用作形容詞、表狀態(tài)。答案為B。
 6. 解析:常規(guī)用法。答案為C。
 7. 解析:考查固定短語(yǔ)的用法。答案為C。
 8. 解析:現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語(yǔ)。答案為C。
 9. 解析:過(guò)去分詞放在句首表被動(dòng),作狀語(yǔ)。故答案為B。
 10. 解析:考查with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。答案為C。
 11. 解析:enjoy之后要跟動(dòng)名詞。答案為D。
 12. 答案:C
 13. 解析:讓步狀語(yǔ)從句,無(wú)論什么時(shí)候,故答案為C。
 14. 解析:固定短語(yǔ)。答案為C。
 15. 解析:動(dòng)詞用法。take…seriously“認(rèn)真對(duì)待”。故答案為C。

Ⅲ. 選詞填空
 1. strong
 2. outweighs
 3. repeatedly
 4. congratulations
 5. impressed
 6. wonders
 7. friendly
 8. affected
 9. faced
 10. exciting; excited

Ⅳ. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換
 1. borrowed; from me; because
 2. Not only; but also
 3. who is talking
 4. Try harder; and
 5. will happen; fail in(to)passing(pass)

V. 課文濃縮
  Today was my first day of high school. When I walked into the school, I found it very big and felt lonely. Seeing that a girl was wearing the same clothes as mine, I felt my clothes were okay, and was more confident. My first class was maths. The girl who sat in front of me was Pat. She was very friendly. After maths class I went to look for Room 211?the science classroom, but I could hardly find the stairs. When I was a child, I just played and had nothing to worry about. But now I have more things to think about. I must study hard and must get used to new school, new teachers and new classmates. Now I feel life isn't easy.


相關(guān)閱讀:Unit 1 Cultural relics教學(xué)案