
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一、 單選(20分)
1. My mother told me ____more water.
   A. drinking    B.drank      C.to drink    D.drink
2. I want ____a new bike. ____ you?
   A. buying; How about         B.to buy; What for 
   C.to buy; How about          D.buying; What about
3. I like soap operas, she likes____, too.
   A.it          B.they          C.them    D.the one
4. .--Did your parents climb Mount Tai last weekend?
---No, they____ went to see a film.
A. all  B. both   C either   D. everyone
5. I didn’t expect ________anything enjoyable at all.
  A. saw    B. see    C. seeing    D. to see
6. Walt Disney was famous _______his cartoons.
  A. like    B. as    C. at    D. for
7. I don’t mind _________soap operas.
  A. watch    B. to watch    C. watching    D. watched
8.All these talent shows have one thing _________ common.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
9.Our teacher asked us to_ _________ a story about the moon.
A. make up B. make of C. make in D. make out
10.It’s fun _________ the talent show.
A. watch B, to watch C, watched D. watches
11. Who listens       , Tom, Jack or bill?
A.the most carefully B.more carefully C.the most careful D.more careful
12. She learns a lot _________the educa tional movie. A. in   B. at   C. to  D. from
13. Great changes _________in China in 1997.
  A.  happen  B. happens  C.  happened   D. to happen
14.Who is____, your father or your mother?  A.thin  B. thins  C.thinner   D more thin
15 .Lily is ______ of all the girls.
A. most interesting  B.more interesting
C.the most interesting   D. the more interesting
16. Do you mind ____the windows?  A.to open  B.opens    C.opening  D.opened
17.-____going shopping this weekend?
   -That sounds great.  A. Why don’t you  B. Please  C. Let’s   D. What about
18. Tell him ____the window. A.to close not   B.not to close C.to not close  D.not close
19. You’d better________ the story in Japanese.  A.say  B.speak   C.tell   D.talk
20.-I usually go there by train.
    -Why not____ by boat for a change?
   A.to try going  B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going
Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(壞脾氣的) and never gave way to .     
  “You may first take the   __ home for my friends .Let me     here against him instead.” he said to his son when he knew what had happened.
(   )21. A. one        B. another          C. other         D. others
(   )22. A. decided    B. decides        C.  decide       D. decision
(   )23. A. hope     B. told             C.  let          D. tells
(   )24. A .long       B. wide            C  high         D .tall
(   )25. A.. their      B. they             C. them         D. theirs
(   )26. A .gone       B  bought          C. returned      D. been
(   )27 A. wrong      B. accident          C. thing        D. matter
(   )28. A .to look for   B. looked for        C. find      D. found
(   )29 .A. meat      B.  dinner           C.  bread      D. money
(   )30 .A. stood       B.  stands         C.  stand      D. standing
三、 閱讀理解  (20分)
Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Don’t forget this!”
  One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, “Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it.
     About half an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, “Will you ple ase show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train.” said the old man.
  “I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t  have to buy another one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going? ? I can’t remember my station!” the old man said sadly.  
31.The old man in the story was very ______.
 A. kind   B. poor  C. forgetful    D. sad
 32.Where is the ticket? _______
 A. The old man forgot to buy it.
 B. The old man could not remember where it was.
  C. The old man showed it to the conductor.
  D. The old man’s wife took the ticket away.
 33. The old man bought the ticket _____ he got on the train.
 A. after    B. before   C. as      D. when
 34 .The conductor ______ the old man.
 A. didn’t believe  B .laughed at C. believed  D .felt sorry
 35. The old man was sad because _______
 A .he had to buy another ticket.
  B .he lost all the things his wife gave him.
 C .he did not know where he was.
  D .he did not know where he should get off. 
Mr Zhang 正在國外旅游,這是他所入住賓館的房卡。請根據(jù)房卡正反兩面的信息,回答下列問題。
Usage:* Keep the card close to the response zone on the door until the green light is on.
    Then open the door.
Notice:* Take the card with you. It will be a help if you get lost.
* If the card is lost during your stay in the hotel, please call our Service Centre.
* Give the card back to the Service Centre when you check out.
36. Mr Zhang lives in ____.
A. Hotel Eiffel        B. Hotel Concorde    C. Hotel Mapol
37. The hotel is ____.
  A. on King Street near a bank     B. next to a museum    C. near a train station
38. ____ buses can reach the hotel.
  A. Two           B. Three        C. Four
39. If Mr Zhang gets lost (迷路), he can __________.
  A. take Bus 507 to the hotel
  B. wait until the light is green
C. call the hotel at the phone number on the card
4 0. Which of the following is TRUE?
   A. Open the door when the red light is on.
   B. The card can be used to open the door.
   C. The card can be used for shopping.
Every country has its own way of cooking. American people have their way of cooking.
Most people in the United States like fast food, but if you think that American people don’t like cooking, you are wrong. It’s true that most Americans eat fast food for their breakfast and lunch, but they also think cooking is interesting. Parents see the importance of teaching their children how to cook, and most Americans say that home-cooked meals are the best.
Americans have their own way of cooking. For example, baking (烘烤) is the most popular way of cooking in America. Most American families have ovens (烤爐). American cooks (廚師) pay attention to the balance of food. In planning a big meal, they try to cook meat, a few vegetables, some bread and often some sweet food. They also like to make the meal look beautiful. There are many kinds of food of different colors, so the meal is healthy and looks beautiful, too.
41. Most Americans _____.
  A. like fast food   B. like having a picnic (野炊)   C. don't like cooking  
42. _____ is the most popular way of cooking in the USA.
  A. Cutting        B. Baking         C. Peeling
43. From this passage, we know _______.
  A. most Americans like to eat fast food fo r dinner.
  B. most Americans don’t have breakfast or lunch.
  C. most Americans have fast food for their breakfast or lunch.
44. How does an American cook balance different kinds of food?
  A. He makes the food delicious.
  B. He cooks meat, vegetables, bread and sweet food for a big meal.
C. He cooks a lot of vegetables for a big meal.
45. Which of the following is TRUE according to (根據(jù)) the passage?
  A. The meal looks beautiful because the food is in different colors.
  B. American parents do not like to teach their children how to cook.
C. American people do not like to cook food at home.
Where is Love? How can we find Love?
Once a little boy wanted to meet Love . He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he want ed to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy.
  “I ate a pizza in the park w ith Love,” she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.”
If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life.
46. When the little boy saw the old woman, she was    .
A. looking for a seat in the park     B. passing the street
C. looking at some birds           D. having a pizza
47. The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because    .
A. the old woman still felt hungry    B. he wanted to see the smile again
C. he didn’t like the drink          D. the old woman paid him for it
48. The old woman gave th e little boy the biggest smile    .
A. after the little boy went home        B. before it grew dark
C. when she was drinking Coke        D. after the little boy hugged her
49. The boy’s mother was surprised to see her son was very    when the door opened.
A. pleased     B. sad  C. unhappy  D. angry
50. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The little boy failed to find Love.
B. Both the little boy and the old woman found what they wanted at last.
C. The little boy decided never to go home.
D. The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him.


選 擇 題 答 題 欄
題號 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
題號 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
題號 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
題號 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
題號 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

四 詞匯考查(15)
1. .Jodie often__________(鍛煉) in the park.
2. I don’t like the talk shows at all because they are ____________ ( 毫無意義的 )
3.Can you tell me the _________ (原因 ) why you were late for class?
4.He is a __________(著名的 ) actor.
5.He has a lot of money .He is really a ________ (富有的 ) man
6. Everyone wants to have a good  ________ (教育)at school.
7. My friend wants to be an  _______  (工程師).She’s going to study math.
8. Kelly dreams to be a _______ (科學(xué)家).She’s going to study science.
9. Where did you go on __________ (假期)?
10.He want to be a _________  (音樂家 )
11. When did she _______(成為)a movie star?
12. They are very __________ (友好)to us.
13. My father plays basketball_________(兩次) a week.
14. He can’t __________( 忍受)soap operas. He thinks they are too boring.
15. Let’s have a __________ (討論) about the vacation plan.
五、 動詞填空(10分)
1 He  ________ (watch) TV every night.
2 She is good at ____________(speak)Japanese.
3. I’m going to take up a hobby like _________ (take) photos or painting
4. Mum _________(buy) me a nice coat last Sunday.
5. kelly wants to be  a race car driver when she _____ (grow) up.
6. He always helps her mother ____________ (cook).
7. Most women like going ______ (shop) when they are free.
8. My mother wants me _________ (eat) healthy food.
9.  I decided ____________(go) to Shanghai.
10. I have to practice _____ (play) the piano this evening.
六 句型轉(zhuǎn)換(15分)
1. 1 think Jason’s has the best clothes in town.(改為否定句)
I _________ _________ Jason’s _________ the best clothes in town.
2. It is about three kilometers from the market to the hospital.(對畫線提問)
_________ _________ _______ ______from the market to the hospital?
3. Miss Li is popular in our class,Mr. Wang is more popular.(改為同義句)
Mr. Wang is _______                        Miss Li in our class.
4. Tom went to Shanghai last month.(改為否定句)
Tom _______  ________ to Shanghai last month.
5. There are only two  boats in the river.(對畫線提問)
   _______ ________ ________are there in the river?
6.She often reads books on weekends..(改為一般疑問句)
  ________ she often ________ books on weekends?
7. Vera visited The Great Wall last Sunday.(改為一般疑問句)
  ________ Ver a ________ the Great Wall last Sunday?
8. I did my homework yesterday.(改為否定句)
I _______  ________ my homework yesterday.
9.She went to London on vacation.(對畫線提問)
 _________ _______she ________ on vacation?
10.There were some seats in the theater (改為否定句)
There                        sits in the theater.
11. His father  does the dishes twice a week.(對畫線提問)     
________  _________ _____ his father ______the dishes?
1. .那由你自己來決定。
That’s ____   ____ you ____   _____.
2. 當(dāng)人們在觀看表演時,同場承擔(dān)著評判優(yōu)勝者的角色。
When people watch the show, they usually ________    _____  ____ _____ ____________ the winner.
3. 然而,他總是準(zhǔn)備盡最大努力。
________, he was always ______  ______  ______  _______  ___ ___.
 4. 他們決定去看電影。 
They _________   ________ go to the movies.
 5. 誰有一雙比Mickey的耳朵更聞名于世的呢?
Who has a pair of ears_____   ______   ________ Mickey’s?
6. 看別人展示才藝總是很有趣。
It’s always interesting ____   ________ other people ________ their _________.
7. I forgot to bring an umbrella, so I ____   _ _____(淋濕)
8. .My brother and I______   _______(嘗試滑翔傘運動 )last Sunday.
9. 暑假你去了有趣的地方嗎?
Did you go _______  _______ in your summer vacation?


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/309883.html
