2014年中考英語九年級Units 3、4復(fù)習(xí)題(帶答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

九年級 Units 3、4
(45分鐘 100分)
一、單項選擇 (30分)
1. The river is very . It’s too dangerous to swi in it alone.
A. deepB. correctC. energetic
2. —People should keep quiet in a public place such as in a library.
— It’s a coon public rule.
A. I agree. B. I disagree. C. I don’t think so.
3. He doesn’t do his hoework . So he always akes soe istakes.
A. careful enoughB. carefully enoughC. enough carefully
4. You shouldn’t put your car here, or it will get in way of the traffic.
A. theB. aC. no
5. —The twin boys have ade great progress recently.
— .
A. So has AnnB. So Ann hasC. So does she
6. It’s silly you your car at such a low price.
A. for; to sellB. of; to sellC. of; sell
7. —Coe and join us, Jiy!
—I’ sorry, but I’ really busy no If I tie, I would certainly go.
A. haveB. have had C. had
8. —What is your Chinese teacher like?

A. He is tall and thin.
B. Sorry, I don’t like hi.
C. He is strict but friendly.
9. I would rather basketball than the piano in y free tie. xkb1
A. playing; playB. play; playC. playing; playing
10. — his car is broken on the way to work?
— He has to walk there.
A. What ifB. What aboutC. Even though
11. The young boy is good e. He is good English and often tells e oral practice is good iproving spoken English.
A. for; at; toB. to; in; ofC. to; at; for
12. people watched Shenzhou-Ⅸ docking with(與……對接)Tiangong-Ⅰ in space.
A. illions ofB. Eight illionsC. illion of
13. Tina doesn’t want to her parents , so she studies harder than before.
A. ake; happyB. let; happy C. let; down
14. —How bad! I always get . They look terrible!
—You’d better ore fruit and vegetables.
A. piple; eatB. piples; eating C. piples; eat
15. Guo Jinging’s new book will next onth.
A. coe alongB. coe upC. coe out
  What would you do if toorrow were the end of the world? People usually ask e questions 1 that.
  If toorrow 2 the end of the world, I would fly hoe at once for one day’s stay with y beloved parents. aking lots of oney, 3 around the world and enjoying the ost delicious food are all y life dreas, but nothing is ore iportant than y dear 4 . On that day, at the 5 of the world, I hope after breakfast I would go to the 6 with oy and Daddy and buy their favorite things. I would cook lunch for the 7 I hardly ever do that when I stay at hoe. After having a nap (小睡) at noon, we would have the afternoon tea and watch TV together. After supper, I would have Daddy in one hand and oy in the other to have a walk. We would tell jokes 8 in y childhood.
  If soeone 9 e a question like “Who is your ost iportant person in your life? ”, y answer would always be the sae—“y handsoe Daddy and y sweet oy! ” I a the 10 daughter in the world because y parents are the best. y faily is not rich but it is rich in affection(情感).
1. A. beforeB. afterC. like
2. A. isB. wasC. were
3. A. lookingB. watchingC. traveling
4. A. fatherB. otherC. faily
5. A. beginningB. endC. oent
6. A. schoolB. zooC. superarket
7. A. ifB. butC. because
8. A. caeB. happenedC. found
9. A. askB. asksC. asked
10. A. youngestB. tallestC. happiest
情景七選五。請下面對話, 根據(jù)其情景, 從方框內(nèi)七個選項中選出能填入下面對話的五個選項。
A. Yes, they did.
B. And I used to swi a lot with you.
C. No, they wouldn’t.
D. What’s the atter?
E. If I were you, I’d tell our teacher and ask for soe advice or help.
F. If I were you, I would be a little late.
G. Do you agree with your parents?
A: Hi, To! Let’s go swiing together!
B: Sorry, but I don’t have tie for that.
A: 1 You always said swiing is your favorite sport, didn’t you?
B: Yes, I did. 2 But y parents think I should concentrate ore on y study!
A: Didn’t they agree you were really good at swiing?
B: 3 But they also think I should study for the test. y father said that sports wouldn’t ake y future.
A: 4
B: Of course I don’t. But, what can I do?
A: 5
B: Will that help?
A: At least you can have a try!
B: aybe it’s the only thing I can do no Thanks for your advice.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  Now I’ studying in the US, and I find there are soe differences between schools in the US and in Vietna(越南).
  One big difference is the clothes students wear at school and how they look. In y country, all the students should wear unifors when they go to school. Boys aren’t allowed to have long hair. Girls aren’t allowed to have long or colored nails(指甲).
  Another difference is about the rules for parents. In Vietna, when we begin a new year, our parents have to go to a eeting in our class. If they don’t go to that eeting, their children won’t have a grade or a report card fro school.
However, in the US, there aren’t such strict rules above.
  In Vietna, a class is only 45 inutes and we have only five classes each weekday. When the bell rings, all the students just sit in their classroo. They can’t ove to a different roo, but students can in the US.
  In Vietna, students can’t go to work because they can’t find a job if they’re under 18. But in the US, any students work after school. This helps the ake oney. ore iportantly, this helps the becoe ore independent. They’re able to do things by theselves in their own way, without asking other people for help.
1. Which country is the writer’s hoetown?
A. Aerica. B. The UK. C. Vietna.
2. What are the girl students allowed to do in the writer’s country?
A. To have long nails.
B. To color their nails.
C. To grow their hair long.
3. What does the underlined word “independent” ean in Chinese?
A. 勇敢的B. 獨立的C. 依賴的
4. Which is TRUE about the Vietnaese students according to the passage?
A. They have twenty-five classes a week.
B. They can design their school unifors.
C. They don’t get a report card fro school.
5. Fro the passage, we can learn that .
A. in Vietna, the students ust sit quietly and can’t ove around in class
B. the US students don’t have such strict rules as the Vietnaese students
C. at the end of a school year, parents in Vietna have to go to a parents’ eeting
  Internet is educational. any people think children should be allowed to surf the Internet as they wish. In this way, they can look through different subjects on different kinds of websites according to their own interest. But in y opinion, children should always be watched while surfing the Internet.
  any websites have inforation and pictures that children should not see. There are any things that children don’t understand. All of these ay have soe bad influence on children’s developent. Also, (1)讓孩子們單獨用聊天室是危險的。any parents tell their children not to talk to strangers in the street, so they should be careful of who their children talk to on the Internet, too. What’s ore, sitting in front of a coputer for a long tie isn’t good for children’s eyes, so parents should onitor(監(jiān)視)the tie that children spend on the Internet.
  (2)In a word, children should be kept away fro anything that could be bad for the. I strongly believe that it is necessary for parents to watch their children when they use the Internet.
1. Is the Internet educational all the tie?
2. What do the parents tell children to do when they eet strangers in the street?
3. Why shouldn’t children sit in front of a coputer for a long tie?
4. 將短文中畫線句子(1)翻譯成英語。
5. 將短文中畫線句子(2)翻譯成漢語。
1. There’re two big (shelf) in y father’s study and he has any books on the.
2. In y faily, I’ not allowed (get) y ears pierced before 20.
3. y ath teacher joined our class party and she enjoyed (her) very uch.
4. Whenever we have any probles, we like to ask uncle Chan for help, because he’s _______ (knowledge).
5. —How about seeing a ovie tonight?
—What if our father (not agree)?
下列各句中均有一處錯誤, 請寫出并改正
1. I think teenagers should be allowed choosing their own clothes. ______ _______
2. Have you already cleaned up your roo? _______ _______
3. Lucy is an eight-years-old girl. _______ _______
4. If I a you, I wouldn’t go there. _______ _______
5. What if it will rain toorrow? _______ _______
   某地曾出現(xiàn)過這樣的事件:一位老人跌倒在馬路上, 而路人卻不敢出手相助。某記者就What would you do if an old an fell down? 這一問題對200名學(xué)生進(jìn)行了調(diào)查。請根據(jù)下面的調(diào)查結(jié)果寫一篇80詞左右的英語短文。開頭和結(jié)尾已給出, 不計入總詞數(shù)。

What would you do if an old an fell down?
   A reporter did a survey about “What would you do if an old an fell down? ”aong 200 students. Here are the results. ___________________________
The rest students would depend on whether the old an needed help or not.

2.【解析】選A。根據(jù)答語第二句“這是一項常見的公共守則!, 判斷設(shè)空處表示同意對方觀點。
3.【解析】選B。enough 修飾形容詞或副詞時需后置;副詞carefully修飾動詞do。故選B。
4. 【解析】選A。get in the way of 擋道的;妨礙人的, 固定搭配。句意:你不應(yīng)該把車放在這里, 否則會妨礙交通。
5.【解析】選 A。so+助動詞/be/情態(tài)動詞+主語, 意為“某人也如此”。句意:
6.【解析】選B。當(dāng)描述人的性格、品質(zhì)時, 介詞用of , it 為形式主語, 動詞不定式短語to sell. . . 為真正的主語。X Kb1. C o
7. 【解析】選C。由答語“對不起, 我現(xiàn)在很忙。如果我有時間, 我一定去。”可知, if 引導(dǎo)的虛擬條件句表示與現(xiàn)在事實相反, 從句用一般過去時。x kb 1新_課_標(biāo)第_一_網(wǎng)
8.【解析】選C。What+be+sb. +like? 主要用于詢問人的品質(zhì)、個性。故選C。
9.【解析】選B。would rather do sth. than do sth. 意為“寧愿做某事也不愿做某事”, than 前后要跟兩個同類的詞或詞組。
10.【解析】選A。考查短語辨析。what if 如果……怎么辦; what about怎么樣; even though即使。句意:——如果在去上班的路上, 他車壞了怎么辦?——他只好走著去那兒。
11.【解析】選C。be good at 意為“擅長于”, be good to意為“對……友好”, be good for 意為“有益于……”。句意:小男孩對我很好。他擅長英語并且經(jīng)常告訴我口語訓(xùn)練對提高英語口語有益。故選C。
12.【解析】選A。句意:數(shù)百萬人觀看了“神舟”九號和“天宮”一號在太空中對接。當(dāng)數(shù)字不確切時, 數(shù)詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式, 且接介詞of; 數(shù)詞前有具體的數(shù)字時, 用單數(shù)形式, 且不加介詞of。
13.【解析】選C。let. . . down, 使……失望或沮喪。句意:蒂娜不想讓她的父母失望, 因此她比以前更努力地學(xué)習(xí)。
14.【解析】選C。get piples 起小膿包, had better最好……, 后跟動詞原形。句意:——真糟糕!我總是起小膿包。它們看上去很可怕!——你最好多吃水果和蔬菜。
15.【解析】選C。coe out出來, 出版。根據(jù)book判斷, 選擇C項。句意:郭敬明的新書將于下個月出版。coe along進(jìn)展;coe up走近, 均與題意不符。
二、1.【解析】選C。like that 像那樣的。句意:人們經(jīng)常會問我像世界末日到來, 你會怎么樣那樣的問題。
2.【解析】選C。虛擬語氣中, be動詞用were的形式。
3.【解析】選C。travel around the world 環(huán)游世界。
4.【解析】選C。沒有什么比“我”的家人更重要。由上句中的“y beloved parents”可知。
5.【解析】選B。on that day 指世界末日, 即at the end of the world。
6.【解析】選C。由下文“. . . buy their favorite things”可知, 去購物。
7.【解析】選C!拔摇币獮樗麄冏鑫顼, 因為“我”幾乎沒有做過。
9.【解析】選C。虛擬語氣中, 從句用一般過去時。
10.【解析】選C。由下文“y faily is not rich but it is rich in affection”可知, “我”是世界上最幸福的女兒。
三、答案:1~5. DBAGE
四、1.【解析】選C。由文中第一段中“Now I’ studying in the US, and I find there are soe differences between schools in the US and in Vietna. ”可知。
2.【解析】選C。由第二段“Boys aren’t allowed to have long hair. ”可推知, 女生可以留長發(fā)。
3.【解析】選B。由最后一段可知, 美國的很多學(xué)生放學(xué)后去工作, 這有助于學(xué)生更加獨立。
4.【解析】選A。由倒數(shù)第二段“. . . we have only five classes each weekday. ”可知, 他們一周上25節(jié)課。
5.【解析】選B。由第四段可知, 美國的學(xué)生不像越南的學(xué)生那樣, 有著嚴(yán)格的學(xué)校規(guī)章制度。
五、答案:1. No, it isn’t.
2. Parents/They tell children not to talk to strangers/the (in the street). /Not to talk to strangers/the(in the street).
3. Because it is bad/not good for children’s/their eyes.
4. It’s dangerous to let children use chat roos by theselves.
5. 總之, 孩子們應(yīng)該遠(yuǎn)離可能對他們有害的任何東西。
六、答案:1. shelves2. to get3. herself4. knowledgeable
5. doesn’t agree
七、答案:1. choosing; to choose2. already; yet(置于句末)
3. eight-years-old; eight-year-old4. a; were
5. will rain; rains
What would you do if an old an fell down?
  A reporter did a survey about “What would you do if an old an fell down? ” aong 200 students. Here are the results.
  25% of the students would help the old an stand up at once without thinking, because they think it’s their duty to help old people in trouble. And 80 students would offer help when the old an asked, and they would ask soeone else to help together. Only 30 students would refuse to help, because they worried that they ight be regarded as the person who hurt the old an and be asked to pay oney. But they would call the police.
  The rest students would depend on whether the old an needed help or not.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/chusan/80222.html
