
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

單  元:Unit 2 Language
板  塊:Project 1
如果“Welcome”是一個單元的序曲,Project則是單元的尾聲。就像一首動聽感人的樂曲,需要每個節(jié)都有恰到好處的表現(xiàn)一樣,單元的處理也要采取各種適當(dāng)?shù)姆绞竭M(jìn)行演繹。 Project的設(shè)計通常由兩部分構(gòu)成:一篇閱讀本和學(xué)生的合作項目,要處理得得當(dāng),真正操作起是有很高的要求的。這種要求體現(xiàn)在:學(xué)生方面,需要投入大量的時間、精力以及超出語言學(xué)習(xí)本身的各種社會交往、協(xié)調(diào)、工作能力;對于老師,則要有統(tǒng)籌、策劃和全盤掌控、指導(dǎo)的能力。在很多學(xué)校,由于受到時間的限制或是應(yīng)試的影響,“Project”往往予以忽略,或者干脆作為“Reading”教,這與“Project”設(shè)計的本初衷是相違背的,對于學(xué)生終身發(fā)展也是錯過了很好的鍛煉機(jī)會。所以“Project”還是要還其本面目,當(dāng)然我們不能否認(rèn)從中國國情的實(shí)際出發(fā),我們在具體操作上應(yīng)該因時因地制宜,作出適當(dāng)調(diào)整和取舍,這是符合客觀規(guī)律的。本時的設(shè)計為“Project”的第一時,主要是側(cè)重于本的處理。對于“Project”的本,我們在實(shí)際操作中達(dá)成了這樣的認(rèn)識:本是用以閱讀的,但是不同于“Reading”的閱讀,“Project”的本閱讀不是單單以獲取信息、了解本為目的的,它的存在是以閱讀為基礎(chǔ),為下一時的圖冊本設(shè)計提供信息與藍(lán)本。
Teaching aims:
1.Get to know the development of Chinese characters;
2.Get informed of the formation of Chinese characters;
3.Learn to explain the Chinese character by the way it forms.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Show the students a picture of a running horse. Simplify the image using lines. And explain how it became the origin of the character “馬”. Introduce the topic “The development of Chinese characters”.

Step 2 Skimming
Skim the text and discuss the structure of the text between partners. Think about how many parts we can divide the whole text into.
Step 3 Listening
Listen to the text and summarize the main idea for each part.

Step 4 Intensive reading
What makes the Chinese language differ from many Western languages?
The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. Chinese character can represent ideas, objects or actions.
Chinese words are formed by combining different characters.
Part 2
Who is said to have invented Chinese writing?
Cang Jie.
Give a short introduction of Cang Jie.
What fired his idea of inventing Chinese characters?
Footprints in the sno
Part 3
How are Chinese characters formed?
1. line drawings of physical objects — pictographs (象形)
(Show students a picture of examples of development of pictographs.)
(ore pictographs are given for students to match with their simplified characters.)
2. combine two or more elements together to express ideas or directions and numbers (會意)
The teacher explains some characters.
examples: 家(有房有豬)采(手采摘草本植物)尖(上小下大)旦(地平線上的太陽)
ore characters are given to the students. They are encouraged to use their imagination to explain them.
3. combine meaning and sound —— pictophonetic characters (形聲)
The teacher gives examples: 磚 編 聆 罵
Ask the students to have a discussion with the partner and try to find some more examples of pictophonetic characters.
Part 4
When were simplified Chinese characters introduced by the Chinese government?
In the 1950s.
Where are simplified Chinese characters used?
In mainland China.

Step 5 Retelling
Retelling the development of Chinese character according to what we’ve learned today.

Step 6 Dialogue
ake up a dialogue discussing the development of Chinese characters.

Step 7 Homework
Find more information on the Internet about the development of Chinese characters.


相關(guān)閱讀:Unit 2 Language單元復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)案