
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
第一部分: 聽力理解(分兩節(jié),共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
1.What does the man want?
A.Some stamps.
B.A telephone numbe r.
C.The location of the post office.
2.Where are the speakers?
A. In the open air. B. In the bookshop. C. In a restaurant.
3.What do we know about Mr. Butler?
A.He always speaks loudly.
B.He is too quiet.
C.He always feels sleepy.
4.What are the speakers talking about?
A.A physics exam. B. An experiment. C. A health exam.
5.Why did the man visit the woman?
A. To say sorry to her. B. To borrow something. C. To help cook a meal.
6.Where is the woman working?
A.In a restaurant. B. In a bookstore. C. In a post office.
7.What do we know about the man?
A.He is quite lazy.
B.He can’t afford to play golf.
C.He is busy preparing for his examination.
8.What does the woman enjoy doing on weekends?
A. Watching TV. B. Reading. C. Working.
9.What is the man probably doing?
A.Buying a car. B. Having his car repaired. C. Renting a car.
10.What is he asked to do befor e he leaves?
A.Have a careful look at the car.
B.Pay for the small scratch he’s caused.
C.Write down his address on the form.
11.What surprised the man?
A.The small scratch. B. The inside of the car. C. The full tank of gas.
12.Who is the man?
A.A history teacher. B. An overseas student. C. A worker
13.Why does he like the apartment?
A.It’s very quiet. B. It’s quite big. C. It’s near where he works.
14.What will the woman do next?
A.Say goodbye to the man.
B.Clean the kitchen.
C.Get the man to sign an agreement.
15.What’s the conversation mainly about?
A.The hardships of raising children.
B.How to raise kids.
C.Being childless or not.
16.What’s the woman's opinion?
A.She would prefer not to have children.
B.She is eager to have a child.
C.She would rather listen to her husband.
17.What does the man think of raising children?
A.A child may spoil a couple’s happiness.
B.A child can help keep a family together.
C.It takes a lot of time and energy.
18. What is the new concept of fitness based on?
A. Individual needs, goals and styles.
B. The healthiest lifestyle of athletes.
C. Some tests and a comparison with a standard.
19. How is the new concept of fitness different form the old one?
A. It is more accurate.
B. It is more flexible.
C. It is less enjoyable.
20. Of the three basic factors, which one does the speaker talk about most?
A. Endurance. B. Strength. C. Flexibility.
21. ____ we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?
A. What about B. How far C. What if D. How come
22. China Daily is _______ a newspaper, it can also help us to improve our English.
A. no more than B. not more than C. less than D. more than
23. The _______ Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _______ that he had
enjoyed his stay here.
A. visiting; add B. visited; adding C. visiting; adding D. visited; added
24. People are encouraged to speak openly, but careless words are ____ to hurt others’ feelings.
A. possible B. probable C. likely D. sure
25. When Nancy was at college, she ____ three foreign languages, but I am surprised to find that
she ____ all except a few words of each.
A.spoke; had forgotten B. had spoken; had forgotten
C .spoke; has forgotten D .had spoken; has forgotten
26. Tyron was very angry, but cool-headed enough to _________ rushing into the boss’s office.
A. prevent B. avoid C. protect D. allow
27. Ann lent me an interesting novel________by Mark Twain this morning and I am
very________with her kindness.
A.written;pleased B.bein g written;pleasing
C.was written;pleased D.to be written;pleasing
28. ---Do you know what Tom does all day?
---I know he spends at least _______ time watching TV as he does spend doing his lessons.
A. more     B. as much C. much D. as more
29. In _______, the northerners are keen on dumpl ings while the southerners are fond of rice.
A. common B. total C. general D. particular
30. The enthusiastic physician takes part in all community services. ________, he often provides
his medical service to the neighborhood.
A. What’s worse B. On the contrary C. After all D. Apart from it
31. _______ the children grew old, they became more and more _______ in science.
A. As; interested B. With; interesting C. While; interest D. With; interested
32. The old tower must be saved, _______ the cost.
A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever
33. ______ made her put on weight so quickly was ______ she never limited her diet.
A. Which; / B. What; when C. What; that D. That; what
34. After having some interesting rides and terrifying free-fall drops, the children returned home,
_________ but excited.
A. inspired B. satisfied C. worn-out D. depressed
35. We all feel it is you as well as your wife that ________ for your son’s bad performance at
A. are to blame B. is to blame C. are to be blamed D. is to be blamed
36. Director Zhang Yimou often has his films _______ local contents, which foreigners are not
familiar ______.
A. base on; with B. to base on; to C. basing on; to D. based on; with
37. ---Mike is said to have fallen in love with Jane. ---______ he reminded me so much of her.
A. No wonder B. No chance C. No doubt D. No way
38. To ______ the other players, the athlete ________ a lot of difficulties in his training.
A. win; defeated B. defeat; overcame C. beat; defeated D. win; overcame
39. The dic tionary, a few pages ________ are missing, is of no use.
A. which B. of which C. whose D. of that[
40. Thanks to the advice _______ by the experts, we finished our task at an amazing speed.
A. preserved B. equipped C. provided D. directed
第二節(jié):完形填空(共20 小題,每小題1 分, 滿分20分)
Returning from a trip overseas, I sensed that something was wrong between Keith, one of my two sons, and me. So I asked him, “Keith, have I done anything that really 41 your feelings?”
Immediately, he said, “Yes, last Christmas you promised us a special 42 that I really wanted but you 43 gave it to me.”
The 44 was that I’d completely forgotten about it. I 45 , “Is there anything else I’ve done wrong, but I haven’t apologized 46 ?”
Again, his 47 was immediate, “Remember last Christmas when Mom said you had to go to the 48 because Kate, my little sister, was going to be born? You left us at home and 49 in a hurry. Remember?”
“Well, you left and forgot the suitcase.” I couldn’t believe he 50 all the details! “After you came back from the hospital you were 51 to see the suitcase had been opened and 52 had been thrown all over the place, and then you 53 me.”
“And you didn’t do it?” I asked.
“No, I didn’t. I was just searching for my gift.”
My heart sank. I felt 54 . I hugged Keith and asked him to 55 me. His honesty made me think of my other son, Kevin. Maybe I’d hurt his feelings, too. I went to ask him the 56 question. Kevin answered as immediately as his 57 , “Last Christmas you promised us a special toy, but you forget about it.”
58 Christmas had passed, I took my two sons to the store that day and bought them what I had promised. The 59 thing wasn’t the toy. The problem was that I’d made a promise too 60 and didn’t keep it as their mother.
41. A. showedB. hurtC. attendedD. expressed
42. A. candyB. bookC. pictureD. toy
43. A. neverB. oftenC. alwaysD. ever
44. A. challengeB. messageC. ideaD. fact
45. A. complainedB. apologizedC. continuedD. explained
46. A. withB. toC. inD. for
47. A. suggestionB. answerC. memoryD. blame
48. A. hospitalB. churchC. schoolD. garden
49. A. settled downB. went onC. set offD. got up
50. A. knewB. imaginedC. discoveredD. remembered
51. A. angryB. worriedC. happyD. satisfied
52. A. nothingB. somebodyC. everythingD. nobody
53. A. praisedB. punishedC. helpedD. educated
54. A. terribleB. hopelessC. inspiredD. encouraged
55. A. supportB. criticizeC. suspectD. forgive
56. A. easyB. directC. sameD. funny
57. A. motherB. brotherC. sisterD. father
58. A. ThoughB. BecauseC. SinceD. Until
59. A. strangeB. interestingC. importantD. difficult
60. A. lightlyB. rudelyC. equallyD. truly
閱讀下列短文, 從每題所給的四個選項中, 選出最佳選項。
Linus Pauling,the only person who has won two undivided Nobel Prizes,was born in Portland,Oregon. He attended Washington High School but because of an unimportant detail he did not receive his diploma until 1962,long after he had received his Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Orgon State College in 1922. He had chosen to study his major because he could get a good job with it.
He won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1954 for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the explanation of the structure of complex substance. His interest in the “behavior” of molecules(分子) led him from physical chemistry to biological chemistry,especially of the human body. He began with proteins and their main parts,the amino acids(氨基酸),which are called the“building blocks of life”.In 1950,he constructed the first satisfactory model of a protein molecule,a discovery very important to the understanding of the living cell.
During World WarⅡ,Pauling was a member of the Research Board for National Security,for which he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit in 1948. However,the use of the atomic bomb near the end of the war turned Pauling in a new direction. Having long worked on the structure of molecules,he took an immediate interest in the deadly effects of nuclear fallout on human molecular structures.
61.From the first Paragraph,we learn that Linus Pauling________.
A.didn’t study hard while in Washington High School
B.is the only scientist who has won two Nobel Prizes
C.was once badly treated in Washington High School
D.chose to study chemical engineering to earn his living
62.Which of the following things did Pauling pay much attention to at first?
A.The “behavior” of molecules.B.Physical chemistry.
C.Biological chemistry.D.The human body.
63.Which of the following is legal according to The NuclearTestBan Treaty?
A.The use of nuclear weapons.
B.Testing hydrogen bomb on the ground.
C.Testing hydrogen bomb on underground.
D.The production of hydrogen bombs.
64.The main idea of the passage is to show________.
A.Linus Pauling’s attitude towards nuclear weapons
B.Linus Pauling’s contributions to the world
C.Linus Pauling’s research on the structure of molecules
D.Linus Pauling’s got the Nobel Prize for Peace
Nobel had many patents in Britain and other European coun tries. He was quick to see industrial openings(機會) for his scientific inventions and built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forwardlooking industrialist.
But Nobel’s main co ncern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries. Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth, he had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. His greatest wish, however, was to see an end to wars, and thus peace between nations, and he spent much time and money working for this cause. To follow his will, a fund was set up to encourage people to make great progress in p hysics, chemistry, physiology(生理學), medicine, literature and peace. That’s the Nobel Prize which means great honor to a scientist.
65.Through his early experimental work, it is evident that ________.
A.Nobel was a man of strong will
B.Nobel was a man of gift
C.Nobel seldom got on well with his work
D.Nobel had his heart in his work
66.In fact, his inventions were first used in ________.
A.a(chǎn) war to kill and injure his fellow menB.building roads
C.digging tunnelsD.both B and C
67.Based on the passage, Nobel, as a scientist, ________.
A.took a single interest in science
B.took a serious interest in money
C.took no interest in literature
D.took a serious interest in literature as well as in science
68.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.His wonderful will surely provided other scientists with a large sum of money.
B.In leaving behind a wellmeant will, Nobel succeeded in setting up a permanent monument
for his interests and ideals.
C.Nobel made a glorious will so that he might be remembered and respected after his death.
D.Nobel expressed his wish in his will that a monument should be put up in memory of him.
Dr. Sylvia Earle wants you to stop eating fish. It’s not because fish are endangered, though wild fish stocks in many oceans are very low. It’s not because they’re bad for you, though fish in many areas are exposed to poisonous substances in the water. It’s because they’re smart.
“Fish are sensitive, they have personalities,” says the marine biologist. For Earle, eating a fish would be like eating a dog or a cat. “I would never eat anyone I know personally.”
There’s a lot more to fish than meets the eye: they talk to each other, they like to be touched, and they engage in behavior that can seem very human. They can remember things and learn from experience. Earle and a growing number of animal rights activists see these as strong arguments against eating fish altogether.
Fishermen and (fried) fish lovers are doubtful. “I’ve never seen a smart fish,” says Marie Swaringen as she finishes off a plate of fish at a Seattle seafood restaurant. “If they were very smart, they wouldn’t get caught.”
“For years, everyone’s been telling us to eat fish because it’s so good for us,” says another diner. “Now I’ve got to feel guilty while I’m eating my fish? What are they going to think of next? Don’t eat salad because cucumbers have feelings?”
69. Dr. Sylvia Earle discourage people from eating fish because _____________.
A. there are not that many wild fish in the ocean
B. fish actually are sensitive and have personalities
C. some ocean fish contain poisonous substances
D. fish are like dogs or cats that people know personally
70. We can infer from the passage that _____________.
A. all people don’t agree with the idea to stop eating fish
B. people will be persuaded not to eat fish in the future
C. stopping eating fish will lead to people’s not eating vegetables
D. we shouldn’t care too much about the feeling of fish
71. By saying “There’s a lot more to fish than meets the eye,” the writer means ____________.
A. there are far more fish than other animals in the world
B. there are more fish in the world than people can see
C. people can see more fish if they pay more attention
D. fish are not that simple as they appear to people’s eyes
We’ve organized the following information to help you prepare for your arrival at Boston College. Please feel free to contact our Admissions Office at any time over the coming months with any questions.
Over the Coming Months…
Get informed about services around campus. We have provided links for you to the following offices.
■Student Services
After you return your Acknowledgment Form, you should receive a letter containing your BC Username and Eagle ID number. With this information you can reach email and Agora. In Agora, BC’s online community, you can update your student information, check your student account, and register (登記) for classes.
The Office of Student Services issues (發(fā)行) your BC Eagle One Card. This ID card acts as your campus library card and meal card.
Student Services’ website offers a complete listing of courses for the school year, as well as student forms and other important student information. The Office of Student Services also handles billing.
…CLICK HERE for more information.
If we can be of any more help to you, just contact us. Congratulations again! We look forward to you joining our University!
72. The above page can most probably be read ________.
A. on the Boston College website B. in the Boston College newspaper
C. on BC Eagle One Card D. at Student Services
73. The information above is particularly useful for those ________.
A. who want to apply for Boston College
B. who want to know about Boston College
C. who’ve been admitted to Boston College
D. who’ve decided to pay a visit to Boston College
74. If you want to study for your master’s degree with funding, you will have to ________.
A. return your Acknowledgment Form by May 31, 2008
B. send back your Acknowledgment Form by April 25, 2008
C. email your Acknowledgment Form to Admissions Office by May 31, 2008
D. return your Acknowledgment Form to Student Services by April 25, 2008
75. If you want to decide what courses for the school year you’d better ________.
A. call up the Office of Student Services B. get in touch with the Admissions Office
C. read your acceptance letter D. visit Student Services’ website
第四部分:寫作(共四節(jié),滿分50 分)
第一節(jié): 單詞拼寫(共15小題, 每小題1分,滿分15分)
76. Generally speaking, snow announces the a__________ of winter.
77.The students can’t enter the lab without the chemistry teacher’s a___________.
78. What can you do to c____________ to the poor?
79.The twins are s__________ to each other in appearance, but they have nothing in common in nature.
80.Charlie Chaplin, a famous actor, often appeared on the stage, s________ his stick in the air.
81.Unfortunately, he was d_________ in the last election.
82.The soldiers fought bravely to d________ against the enemies for their homeland.
83.The news that our team won spread t_________ the whole school.
84.In my o pinion, parents should be s________ with their kids about table manners.
85.Children have a natural c_________ about the world around them.
86.When he came to life, he found himself lying on the bed, s_________ by many people.
87.Learning English as a second language can be a big c__________.
88.The pigeon r________ peace, which is the most important thing for human being.
89.Whenever he is late, he always has v_______ reasons for his being late.
90.Everyone was silent as he a__________ the winner of competition.
第二節(jié):翻譯句子(共5小題, 每小題2分,滿分10分)
91. 當老師要求他們分組討論時,整個課堂活躍起來。(come to life)
92. 車禍中乘客的死亡應(yīng)該歸咎于醉酒的司機。(be to blame for---)
93. 因為有這么強的決心,難怪無論何時他處于困境都能克服種種困難。(no wonder; whenever; various)
94. 最終他們得出結(jié)論,爭論沒有意義。(draw a conclusion; make sense)
95.(讓)兒童接觸暴力電視是不恰當?shù),這很可能會傷害他們的身心健康。(expose---to---; be likely to)
第三節(jié):書面表達 (共1題,滿分25分)
為了慶祝我校建校 90周年,你所在的班級將要舉辦一次主題為 “What Can We Do For Our School?” 的英語比賽。請寫一篇英語稿,要求從以下幾個方面進行闡述,可適當舉例說明。
參考詞匯: 校園----campus
What Can We Do For Our School?
Hello, everyone. It’s nice to speak about what we can do for our school, and I think each of us can do something.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for listening!
III. 完形填空
IV. 閱讀理解
61-65 DBCBA 66-70 DDBBA 71-75 DACBD
I. 單詞拼寫
IV. 書面表達(參考范文)
As a student, the most important is to study hard,have a good knowledge of every subject and improve ourselves in every aspect. What’s more, we can take exercise and build up our strength in order to make great contributions to our country in the future. Our school will be proud of us.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/64193.html
