高三英語教案 Casptain Cook

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

教案 Casptain Cook




2.高考重點短語:pay for one's schooling, a skilled seaman, defeat sb, watch sb.doing,head south,name sb ,jump about,end in disaster,strike a coral bed,tear a large hole,Cook's quick thinking

3.詞匯:store, live (adj.), raise, sickness, defend, seize, celebrate, sink , let out, set sail, fall ill, pass by, be worth doing, in search of, at sea, take an interest in, take... by surprise, in charge of

4.交際用語:Learn how to express "Decisions and intentions"

I insist that... I have decided to... I shall insist on... We will...

5.:進(jìn)一步動詞- ing 形式做賓語,主語和表語的用法,利用CAPTAIN COOK(1) 定語從句。



這篇文章內(nèi)容平板,普通的處理會流于平庸。DIALOGUE前建議先提問:“why did so many seamen die during the long voyage?" "what will you take if you go through a forest?" 啟發(fā)學(xué)生.在處理課文時,可緊緊抓住"庫克少年時受人資助,戰(zhàn)爭中表現(xiàn)出色,航海中的特殊貢獻(xiàn)"這一亮點,鼓勵學(xué)生獨立思考,勇于創(chuàng)新的精神.

這兩篇課文主要圍繞CAPTAIN COOK 富有傳奇色彩的一生。要求學(xué)生不僅能夠用英語描繪他的生平,而且汲取他勇于冒險的精神。教師可酌情要求學(xué)生對細(xì)節(jié)詞匯的領(lǐng)悟,比如:p8中的二段中的:break out, join the navy ,defend, chart ,mark, down the river, defeat, seize......語法上可結(jié)合P8課文內(nèi)容鞏固上一單元定語從句的基本用法。


1.alive, live (adj.) 和living

alive 指人和動物,在句中只能做賓補(bǔ),表語或后置定語.例如:

An army office was caught alive.一名敵人軍官被活捉.

He is still alive. 他還活著. Who is the greatest man alive? 誰是當(dāng)今最偉大的人物?

Live (adj.) [laiv] 指人,動物或物.在句中做定語 如: He is a live person. 他是個生氣勃勃的人.

Mother bought a live fish.媽媽買了一條活魚.

Living 可指人或物,說明某個時候是活著的. 如:

The living person are more important.活著的人更重要.

Language is a living and continually changing thing.語言是活的而且不斷變化的東西.

pass, past和pass by

pass 動詞,"經(jīng)過,通過"如:The ship passed the channel.船通過海峽.

Past形容詞,"過去的"如:for the past few days 過去幾天以來.

介詞"過"如:It is half past seven now. 現(xiàn)在七點半.

Our bus drove the Great Hall of the People.我們乘的公共汽車開過人民大會堂.

pass by 如:The expedition passed close by the island of Java.


raise "升高,增加,提升"多用做及物動詞,后面帶賓語,有被動形式.如:

Heavy rains raised the river stage.暴雨使河水水位升高.

The dumbbell was raised from the ground.啞鈴被從地上舉了起來.

rise "上升,起立,升起",但是不及物動詞,后面不能帶賓語,沒有被動形式.如:

The price rose.價格上漲.His hair rose on his head.他覺的毛骨悚然.

The fish were rising.魚浮上水面來了sickness, sick 和 ill

ill多用做表語形容詞.如: He was badly ill.他病的很嚴(yán)重.

Sick做定語形容詞,"有病的,病人的"a sick man 病人

Sickness名詞"疾病"如:There hasn't been much sick here this year.今年這兒疾病不多.

worth 和worthy

worth和worthy 都是形容詞,詞義也基本相同,但在詞的搭配及用法上有差別.



This machine is worth 100,ooo yuan. 這臺機(jī)器價值十萬元.

It is not worth more than 10 shillings.它的價值不超過十先令.


His suggestion is worth considering.他的建議值得考慮.

The book is worth reading.這本書值得讀.

The Great Wall is well worth visiting.長城非常值得參觀.

worthy 用做形容詞,為"配得上的,值得的".其用法如下:

be worthy of + 名詞.如:

The museum is worthy of a visit.這個博物館值得參觀.

That man is not worthy of his work.那個人不配做他的.

be worthy of + being done (to be done). 如:

This is worthy of being done.

The novel is worthy of being read.

His suggestion is worthy of to be considered.


Who is that worthy gentleman?那位"可敬的"大人是誰呀?

He lived a worthy life.他過著有價值的生活.

That worthy gentleman couldn't even tell wheat from barley.那位可敬的先生連大麥和小麥都分不清.


形式/態(tài) 主動語態(tài) 被動語態(tài)

一般式 writing being written

完成式 having written having been written

否定式 not + 動名詞


做主語,表經(jīng)常性的動作 e.g Seeing is believing.

Taking a walk in the morning makes one healthier. Reading good novels pleases me.

做賓語. 下列動詞或短語動詞后接動名詞

complete, finish, enjoy, mind, practice, resist, risk, suggest, understand, report, excuse, admit, appreciate, avoid, deny, escape, fancy, postpone,delay, imagine, consider, miss, give up, go on, can’t help, put off,

be used to, add to, devote to, lead to, get down to, pay attention to, look forward to, stick to + doing

prevent… from, keep on, be tired of, be afraid of, insist on, be proud of, be good at, be successful in + doing,be worth doing = be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done,be busy doing ,feel like doing

但注意區(qū)別 would like to do


e.g Her job is taking care of the children. The music they are playing sounds exciting.

The best exercise in summer is swimming.


e.g a sleeping car, a hiding place, a reading room, a spelling book


want/need/require + doing have difficulty ( in) + doing

There is no need/use/harm/hurry ( in ) + doing It is no use/good + doing


物主代詞( 名詞所有格 ) + 動名詞

e.g Mary’s coming late made her teacher angry.

Would you mind my/me opening the door?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/54400.html
