

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語(yǔ)試題 來(lái)源: 逍遙右腦記憶

( )1.Mary is good at ________but she is not good at ________.
A.swimming; running B.running; swimming C.run;swim
( )2.Don’t talk_______ don’t play in class.
A.or B.and c.but
( )3.The child doesn’t like _________.
A.sing or dance B.singing and dancing C.singing or dancing
( )4.I don’t like playing football. How about ________?
A.play volleyball B.play table tennis C.play basketball
( )5.do you have a football ________volleyball? I have a football.
A.and B.or C.so
( )6.What is your favourite ________?I like playing football.
A.food B.subject C.bobby
( )7.Carl likes playing chess _________he doesn’t like playing the piano.
A.or B.and C.but
( )8.Does Ken_______playing chess?Yes,he_______playing it very much.
A.like; like B.likes; like C.like; likes
( )9.Jenny plays_______piano.She doesn’t like playing_______it very much.
A../;/ B.the;/ C./;the
( )10.Lisa is a good student.She is _________late for class.
A.often B.never C.usually
( )1.Where________you yesterday evening?I________at home.
A.are;am B.was;were C.were;was
( )2.Tomorrow __________Sunday.
A.is B.are C.was
( )3.It_________hot and dry yesterday.
A.is B.were C.was
( )4.How _______the weather in Shenzhen yesterday?
A.is B.are C.was
( )5.My brother is going to clean the kitchen.Because it was_______.
A.clean B.empty C.dirty
( )6.________you at school last Sunday?
A.were B.was C.Were
( )7.Talk _______.I can’t hear you.
A.quietly B.quiet C.loudly
( )8.The old man doesn’t like________.
A.eat B.drink C.playing
( )9.you don’t look well.What happened___________you?
A.to B.for C.at
( )10.The kitchen was dirty.Let’s________.
A.pick up it B.clean up C.get up

( )1.What did you ________yesterday evening?I ________homework at home.
A.do;do B.did;did C.do;did
( )2.We are doing_______homework.
A.we B.us C.our
( )3.What________the weather like yesterday?
A.is B.are C.was
( )4.How_________you yesterday?
A.were B.are C.was
( )5.Tim stayed at home and________the Internet.
A.surfs B.surfed C.surf
( )6.Were you at school last Sunday?Yes,I________.
A.am B.was C.were
( )7.Where _______you________last night?
A.did;do B.did;go C.were;go
( )8.Last night I watched a film______TV.
A.on B.in C.from
( )9.You don’t look________.What happened to you?
A.nice B.well C.good
( )10.We don’t like _________weather.
A.raining B.rain C.rainy
Uint 4
( )1.What was the weather like yesterday?It ________cloudy.
A.is B.was C.were
( )2.I’ll get him.Hold_______,please.
A.in B.on C.of
( )3.They like ________volleyball.
A.playing B.play C.played
( )4.Hellen is good_________Chinese and music.
A.in B.at C.with
( )5.Tim stayed at home and ________the film.
A.see B.watch C.watched
( )6.Yesterday the walls_______dirty and the cupboard ________clean.
A.was;were B.were;was C.were;were
( )7.What_________you do last night?
A.did B.were C.are
( )8.Last night I saw________empty sink.
A./ B.an C.a
( )9.They are good at _________.What about you?
A.running B.swim C.sing
( )10.Clean the kitchen and _________healthy.
A.is B.are C.be
( )1.We can’t see dinosaurs because_________.
A.they are far from us B.they live in foreign countries C.they all died
( )2.This is my book.Do you know_______name?
A.her B.it’s C.its
( )3.It can’t swim ________fly.
A.and B.or C.but
( )4._______you at school last Sunday?Yes,I_______.
A.Were;were B.Was;was C.Were;was
( )5.There was no food________water.
A.and B.or C.but
( )6.Some dinosaurs_________in the air and_________in the water.
A.fly;swim B.flew;swim C.flew;swam
( )7.Some dinosaurs walk_______.
A.slow B.slowly C.good
( )8.Some dinosaurs ________a lot of water.
A.eat B.drinks C.drank
( )9.Some dinosaurs didn’t _________or_________.
A.eat;swim B.ate;swam C.eating;swimming
( )10.Some dinosaurs like_________fish and meat.
A.eat B.eating C.eatting
( )1.I rode a bike ________the school.
A.on B.of C.through
( ).2.I didn’t like running.How about _________out for a walk?
A.go B.goes C.going
( )3.They often watch a film_________the weekend.
A.at B.in C.on
( )4.I have a dog.________name is Mimi.
A.its B.It’s C.Its
( )5.Tim drove________Giraffe Farm and saw giraffes.
A.in B.to C.of
( )6.There _______some animals at Animal Land.
A.are B.was C.is
( )7.The Chinese students _______in London last summer.
A.was B.were C.are
( )8.Where were you ________Monday night?
A.at B.in C.on
( )9.Can I talk to Tim,please?Yes,I’ll_______him.Hold on.
A.tell B.take C.get
( )10.It was _________ ___________weather yesterday.
A.a;rainy B./;raining C./;rainy

( )1.Where ________Tim__________last month?
A.does;go B.did;go C.did;went
( )2.My father________a lot of pictures for us yesterday.
A.takes B.took C.take
( )3.I am going to ________in Canada _________three days.
A.be;for B./;with C.go;for
( )4.________does your brother like?He likes_________.
A.What;swim B.When;swimming C.What;swimming
( )5.Lily didn’t _________the hat because it was too _________.
A.bought;fat B.buy;big C.buys;big
( )6.__________are you going to go_________your long holiday?
A.What;on B.buy;big C.buys;big
( )7.I went to the US ___________.
A.by a plane B.by plane C.by the plane
( )8._________your sister buy ________ice cream yesterday?
A.Did;an B.Does;an C.Did;a
( )9.My uncle flew_________Beijing________Australia last Monday.
A.to;from B.from;with C.from;to
( )10._________did you do last night?I__________.
A.What;listen to music B.What;listened to music C.Where;listen to music
( )1.Where_______you_______last night?
A.did;do B.did;go C.were;go
( )2.We can’t see dinosaurs because_________.
A.they are far from us B.they live in foreign countries C.they all died
( )3.I rode a bike_______the school.
A.on B.of C.through
( )4.We get rain ________clouds.
A.in B.from C.of
( )5.Let’s go _________in the Xili Lake.
A.fishing B.fish C.fished
( )6._________ you at school last Sunday?Yes,I was.
A.Are B.Was C.Were
( )7.I like playing_______piano and I like playing________football.
A.the; the B.the;/ C./;the
( )8.Last night I watched a film _______TV.
A.on B.in C.from
( )9.Candy ____________her friend last weekend.
A.calls B.calling C.called
( )10.________room is very nice.
A.Tom’s and Ken’s B.Tom’s and Ken C.Tom and Ken’s

( )1.We had a Christmas party last night.The kitchen was dirty after __________.
A.that B.one C.this
( )2.I don’t like _________shopping.
A.fish and B.fishing and C.fishing or
( )3.Let’s go to the ___________.We can see many animals there.
A.shopping B.Animal Land C.school
( )4.___________are you going to the USA with?
A.What B.Where C.Who
( )5.Swimming is great ________in the sea in summer.
A.interested B.boring C.fun
( )6.Candy has a lot of ___________.
A.hobby B.hobbies C.favorite
( )7.What’s your favourite hobby,Tom?I like playing ________.
A.the piano B.piano C.the football
( )8.Yesterday the fridge _________but today it _________.
A.was full;was empty B.were empty;are full C. was empty; is full
( )9.Let’s _________in the river.
A.to go B.go swimming C.go swim
( )10.She _________picnics.
A.like having B.likes having C.likes playing
( )1.A.sit B.his C.listen D.like
( )2.A.feet B.see C.coffee D.me
( )3.A.room B.book C.look D.good
( )4.A.listened B.played C.danced D.cleaned
( )5.A.planted B.needed C.painted D.joked
( )6.A.heat B.healthy C.head D.bread
( )7.A.cooked B.looked C.wanted D.watched
( )8.A.both B.go C.home D.hot
( )9.A.foot B.cook C.typhoon D.book
( )10.A.sit B.mixture C.slice D.rich
( )11.A.sit B.Mike C.mice D.like
( )12.A.tree B.see C.coffee D.me
( )13.A.room B.food C.moon D.good
( )14.A.painted B.played C.danced D.liked
( )15.A.washed B.looked C.climbed D.joked
( )16.A.face B.make C.hand D.cake
( )17.A.good B.book C.moon D.cook
( )18.A.happy B.panda C.apple D.zebra
( )19.A.bed B.keep C.egg D.neck
( )20.A.set B.see C.teacher D.meet
( )21.A.pick B.in C.site D.it
( )22.A.pear B.there C.where D.here
( )23.A.her B.skirt C.first D.sister
( )24.A.visited B.talked C.needed D.shouted
( )25.A.watered B.cleaned C.called D.cooked
( )26.A.cooked B.played C.liked D.washed
( )27.A.happy B.plan C.plane D.Canada
( )28.A.greeting B.green C.week D.red
( )29.A.opera B.sorry C.computer D.long
( )30.A.climb B.fish C.clinic D.Sydney
( )31.A.cat B.plant C.black D.thank
( )32.A.yellow B.silent C.terrible D.December
( )33.A.little B.rich C.child D.children
( )34.A.come B.welcome C.computer D.collect
( )35.A.study B.lunch C.sun D.Tuesday
( )36.A.many B.Dad C.anything D.when
( )37.A.good B.look C.food D.cook
( )38.A.near B.wear C.hear D.dear
( )39.A.English B.sing C.think D.uncle
( )40.A.excuse B.student C.duty D.lunch
( )41.A.eat B.bread C.please D.peach
( )42.A.idea B.near C.theatre D.carefully
( )43.A.apples B.chairs C.ships D.things
( )44.A.went B.evening C.seven D.pencil
( )45.A.apple B.sat C.can D.take
( )46.A.wait B.train C.paper D.happy
( )47.A.look B.book C.tooth D.foot
( )48.A.bear B.ear C.hear D.near
4.won’t(完整形式)_______5.full(反義詞)________6.want(過去式)_______ 7.one(序數(shù)詞)______8.rain(形容詞)_______9.visit(現(xiàn)在分詞)_________10.does(過去式)__________11.picture(近義詞)_______12.good(副詞)_______13.take(現(xiàn)在分詞)______14.does not(縮寫形式)_______15.right(反義詞)_______16.beautiful(副詞)________17.watch(第三人稱單數(shù)形式)________18.clever(近義詞)______19.write(現(xiàn)在分詞)______20.big(反義詞)______21.ate(原形)______22.slowly(形容詞)_______23.do(過去式)_______24.teeth(單數(shù))_______25.have(第三人稱單數(shù)形式)_______26.is(過去式)______27.can’t(完整形式)_______28.this(復(fù)數(shù))_______29.their(單數(shù)形式)______30.two(序數(shù)詞)_____31.swim(動(dòng)名詞)_______32.drive(過去式)_______33.watch(第三人稱單數(shù))______34.write(同音詞)_____35.full(反義詞)______36.rain(形容詞)______37.study(近義詞)______

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/100643.html

第七冊(cè)英語(yǔ)Book7 Unit10 Work with Language 課后作業(yè)題
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