Module 8 Photos學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

odule 8 Photos
Unit 1預(yù)習(xí)導(dǎo)綱
一 單詞拓展
1 trouble
1) 煩惱(n.)Her heart was full of trouble.
2) 困難(n.)I had a little trouble in learning English grammar.
3) 毛病、疾病(n.)
I often have trouble with my teeth.
He has heart trouble.
What’s the trouble with the machine?
4)困境(n.)The boy was in trouble so I swam over to save him.
y son always is getting into trouble with the police.
I'm sorry to trouble you, but Aunt Lina's birthday is coming and I want to buy something nice for her.
2 kid
1) 小孩(n.) They've got three kids.
2) 年幼的(adj.)y kid sister woke up and started crying.
3) 開玩笑(v.) Are you sure you're not kidding me?
3 expect
1) 指望、期望(v.) Don't expect me to come and visit you there.
We didn’t expect to see you.
2) 我認(rèn)為,我猜想(v.) I expect you're tired.
4 leave
1) 離開(v.) Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.
2) 出發(fā)(v.) We must leave early tomorrow morning.
3) 丟下、落在(v.) I left my bags in the car. Tony left his father’s camera upstairs.
4) 遺留(v.)He died two and a half years later, leaving everything to his wife.
5) 使處于(某個狀態(tài)或位置)(v.)I've left the window open.
6) 假期;休假(n.) Those workers are on leave.
He had to ask the teacher for half a day’s leave.
leave sb. alone 留下某人一個人/別管某人
leave behind 留下,忘了拿
leave for 動身去
on leave 休假
leave—left ---left
on the left 在左邊
5pick up
1) 撿起(v.) He picked up a pencil from the floor.
2) (通常指開車)接載,取走(v.)
I’ve just come to pick Tony up.
We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan
3)(不費力地)獲得,學(xué)會(v.) Where did you pick up your English?
6 try
1) try out 試用, 試驗(v.) Did he try out my camera?
2) try on 試穿 (v.) I'd like to try on that blue cotton coat.
區(qū)分work out 計算出,解出(數(shù)學(xué)題答案)想出,得到(解決方法);解(謎)
It took me a lot of time to work out the problem.
二 你知道下列短語嗎?能用他們造個句嗎?
1 a lot of
2 want to do
3 by the way
4 look after
5 play the guitar
6 on the left
7 expect to do
8 pick up
9 try out
三 你知道下面句型嗎?能用它造個句嗎?
1. There is something wrong with …
四 你還記得我們已經(jīng)學(xué)過的定語從句嗎?
I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia.
The camel that I rode had a bad temper.
1) I’m doing a project about countries that we want to visit.
2) This one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the Great Barrier Reef.
3) There were kangaroos that were jumping alongside the car on our way back from Uluru.
4) There’s a photo competition that I want to win.

Unit 2預(yù)習(xí)導(dǎo)綱
一 單詞拓展
1 move
1)移動,走動,行動(v.)He could hardly move about.
2) 遷移、搬家(v.)y family is going to move to France.
3)感動;打動(v.)His words moved us deeply.
4) 進(jìn)展、活動(v.)The work moves slowly.
5)移動(n.)If you make a move. I’ll shoot.
6)步驟,(下棋)走棋(n.)What’s your next move?
move about 到處走動 move away 搬走、離開 move off離去 move on繼續(xù)前進(jìn)
This is a moving story.這是一個感人的故事。
2 rich
1)有錢的、富裕的(adj.)He came from a rich family.
2)肥沃的(adj.)That farm has a very rich soil.
3)豐富的(adj.)It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.
the rich 富人: Robin hood hated the rich and loved and protected the poor.
3 present
1)禮物(n.)What present did Tom give his mother for her birthday?
2)現(xiàn)在、目前(n.)I don't need the dictionary at present.
3)現(xiàn)在的、目前的(adj.)I got my present job when I quit the army.
4)出席的、在場的(adj.)All the rich of the town were present at the party.
5) 授予,頒發(fā)(v.)He has agreed to present prizes at the sports meeting.
4 frightened
1) 害怕的; 受驚的(adj.)She was frightened of flying.
2) (使)驚恐;嚇唬(v.)He tried to frighten me by showing me a knife.
二 你知道下列短語嗎?能用他們造個句嗎?
1 be pleased with sth. 2 compared with 3 give sth to sb.
4 find out 5 win the prize 6 far from
7 like best 8 at a concert 9 manage to do sth.
10 congratulations to sb. 11 thanks to sb./sth.
三 你知道下列句型嗎?能用他們造個句嗎?
1 agree to do
2 make sth./ sb. + adj.


第一時:(聽說) Unit 1 It’s the band which gets everyone dancing.
Step 1前預(yù)習(xí)檢測
1 英漢詞組互譯
1) 許多________________________ 2) 順便說________________________
3) 想要做 _____________________ 4) 照顧__________________________
5) 在左邊______________________ 6) 彈吉它 _______________________
7) 用車接______________________ 8)試驗 _________________________
9) 期待做某事__________________
2 將下面英語句子譯成中。
1) There’s something wrong with Lingling’s bike today, so she had to come to school on foot.
2) He left early. There was something wrong with his camera
3) His father has just come to pick Tony up.

Step 2 聽力訓(xùn)練(Activity 3)
聽第一段對話,完成1.2小題 (Beginning…later)
( ) 1.What does Tony want to do at the school dance?
A. Get some books B. Dance. C. Get some photos.
( ) 2. Who won the photo competition last summer?
A. Tony. B. He Zhong. C. Daming.
聽第二段對話(Later--ending )填寫表格信息.
1. Tony got some great shots of the _________ who plays the guitar on the left.
2. There was something wrong with He Zhong’s _______ .
3. Tony’s _______ is the person who will be most unhappy.

Step 3 語法講練(Activity 3)
1 請在對話中找到下列各句,你知道它們的意思嗎?
1) It’s the band which gets everyone dancing.
2)He’s the photographer who won the photo competition last time.

3)The one who won the photo competition last summer?

4)I got some great shots of the boy who plays the guitar on the left.

5)His father is the person who will be most unhappy.
2 請同學(xué)們觀察畫線詞語的用法。
which: 先行詞為______
who: 先行詞為______
3 舉一反三: 請同學(xué)們用which 和who 連句子。
1) The building is our school. The building stands by the lake .
2) Here is the girl. The girl wants to see you.
3) I am the only student. I can run faster than Peter.
4) Yesterday we bought a book. The book is really hard to understand.
5) Is this the play? We will see the play next month.

4 完成P140 Activity 2(可以靈活安排)
Step 4當(dāng)堂檢測(語法和句型)
1 單項選擇。
1) I have a friend ______ wants to be a photographer.
A who B which C when D where
2) The mountain _____ we climbed last year is very beautiful.
A who B which C when D where
3) I’ve found a shop which ____ has everything we need.
A who B what C which D how
4)The hospital ____ was built five years ago has been painted.
A who B when C what D which
2 完成句子。
____________________________________ his car.
Go along the street, and you will see the shop_________________..
I bought a camera last week, but I have no chance to ________ it ________.
His mother comes to __________________ after school every day.

第二時:(閱讀) Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are.
Step 1前預(yù)習(xí)檢測 (根據(jù)學(xué)生情況,可以二選一)
1 英漢詞組互譯。
1) 對…….感到高興 2)和……進(jìn)行比較/對比
3)即使 4)同意做某事
5)take photos of the mountains 6)manage to show the movement
7) a collection of photos 8) make Bejing so famous
9)Congratulations to our winners 10) at the end of this month
2 用方框中所給的詞組的正確形式完成下列各句。
movement,beauty, photographer, historic
1) He is enjoying the ___________of the sunset.
2) Tony is a famous ____________. He has taken lots of beautiful photos.
3) This is a __________ moment in my life. I’ll remember it forever.
4) She watched the dancer and tried to copy her____________.
Step 2 閱讀訓(xùn)練。
1 主旨閱讀:
P 1 The prize of the ost Unusual category
P 2 Congratulations and presenting the prizes
P 3 The prize of the usic category
P 4 The prize of the Historic China
P 5 The introduction of the photo competition
P6 The prize of the ost Beautiful Nature

2 細(xì)節(jié)閱讀:(根據(jù)學(xué)生情況,可以二選一)
1)Are all of the photos excellent?
2)How many winners can get the prizes in the photo competition?
3)Who won the prize for the ost Beautiful Nature Photograghy?
4)Why was “The any faces of Our City” thought the ost Unusual category?
5)What is the passage mainly about?

We were pleased with the results of student photo competition. We recevied many photos which are excellent. ____1____ we chose four prizes for the winners.
The person who won the prize for the ost Beautiful Nature photography is fifteen-year-old Li Wei. He took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park. ____2____ The second best photo which was taken by Zhao in. Her photo is of Tian’anmen square which is the largest public square in the world. ____3_____The best photo in the usic category was taken by He Zhong. ____4____ The fourth photo which shows the rich culture.
Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition.
A. The park which is famous and isn’t far from his home.
B. However, we can’t give prizes to everyone.
C. It shows the movement and the sounds of the great new band..
D. It shows the size and beauty of the square perfectly.

We were very ___1___ with the photo competition. Compare with ___2___ years, we received many more photos. ___3___ all of the photos are excellent, we can’t give prizes to everyone.
Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who ___4___ the competition. We are very lucky that the famous photographer John William is in China to talk about his new book. He has agreed to ___5___ the prizes at the prize-giving ceremony at the end of this month.
( ) 1. A. sad B. pleased C. surprise D. afraid
( ) 2. A. the other B. another C. other D. others
( ) 3. A. if B. but C. even D. even though
( ) 4. A. won B. lost C. knew D. entered
( ) 5. A. present B. give C. talk D. write

Step 3 鞏固加深
1 請在中畫出下列重要詞組。
be pleased with, even though/if, find out, be far from, from north to south, manage to do, make sb/sth adj, thanks to, talk about, agree to do, at the end of
2 你理解下列句子的含義嗎?
1) The person who won the prize for the ost Beautiful Nature photography is fifteen.
2) The photo which we liked best in the Historic China group was taken by Zhao in.
3) The best photo in the usic category was taken by He Zhong.新標(biāo)第一網(wǎng)
4) A collection of photos called “The any Faces of Our City”which features Beijing won the prize for the ost Unusual category.
5) We are very lucky that the famous photographer John William is in China to talk about his new book.
3 你還記得下列句型嗎?在中找到它的原句。
1) be pleased with,
2) manage to do,
3) agree to do,
4) be taken by sb
1) 老師對學(xué)生們的家庭作業(yè)非常滿意。
The teacher____________________________the students’ homework.
2) 他設(shè)法去教他的孩子如何拼寫。
He ______________________________his child how to spell.
3) 姚明已經(jīng)同意為獲勝者頒獎。
Yao ing ____________________________the winners.
4) 這組照片是由玲玲拍攝的。
This group of photos _________________________________Lingling.
Step 4 當(dāng)堂檢測(語法和句型)
1 單項選擇(語法)
( ) 1. Without the keys, the worker waited in front of the office______was Locked ten minutes ago.
A. who B. which C. / D. whom
( )2.We were pleased _______ the photo competition.
A. with B. about C.of D. at
( )3. In this work of painting, the painter manages ________ his love of the beauty of countryside.
A. expressed B. expresses C. to express D. expressing
( )4. The girl ________ is singing an English song in the park is Tony’s sister..
A. which B. whose C. who D. whom
( ) 5. The famous singer has agreed_________ the prizes at the prize giving ceremony.
A. to present B. present C. presented D. presenting
2 完成句子(句型)
1) 媽媽對我的家庭作業(yè)很不滿意。
y mother wasn’t ____________________________my homework.
2) 全家福是我爸爸拍攝的。
The photo of my family _________________________________my father.
3) 我的老師總是設(shè)法教我們?nèi)绾斡洃泦卧~。
y teacher ______________________________remember the words.
4) 我們校長昨天同意為獲勝者頒獎。
Our headmaster ____________________________the winners yesterday.
第三時:(寫作) Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are.
Step 1 前復(fù)習(xí)檢測
1).即使 __________________ 2).同意做某事____________________
3).對……滿意________________ 4). at the end of____________________
5).找出 __________________ 6).congratulations to sb._____________
7).照相 __________________ 8). manage to do___________________
9).離……遠(yuǎn)__________________ 10) pare with _________________
1). 我媽媽將要在這個月末回。
y mother will come back______________________________this month.
2). Sally臉上的微笑表明她對自己的工作很滿意。
The smile on Sally’s face shows that she ____________________her own job.
3). 那張照片使我們思考地球需要保護(hù)。
The photo______________________________the earth needs to be protected.
4). 他的朋友已經(jīng)接他了。
His friend has come to ___________________________________________.
5). 和去年相比,我們已經(jīng)取得了很大的進(jìn)步。
______________________________ last year, we have made a great progress.
Step 2 寫作訓(xùn)練
某英報就業(yè)余時間(Free time)話題征,請你投稿。
提示詞語:everyone, free time, like, watch TV, play, join, read, do sports, help
1 話題:

審題: 2 時態(tài):

3 人稱:

1 開頭: 1

構(gòu)思: 2 信息點: 2

3 結(jié)尾: 3

1.everyone, free time
2.some, like, watch TV
3. some, spend, play computer games
4.I, join, interest groups
5.I, often, read books
6.I, do sports, at weekends
7.I, help, housework
8.I, hope, our life, rich and colourful
1 在業(yè)余時間我有些好的方式。(good ways, enjoy myself)
2 我參加了一些興趣小組并且參加了一些社會實踐。(interest groups,social activities)
3. 我經(jīng)常讀書以便我能夠得到更多的知識。(so that, get more knowledge)
4. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)做家務(wù)也是一種運動,它能使我高興。(a kind of exercise, make, happy)
5. 我希望大家能利用好自己的業(yè)余時間并且讓我們的生活豐富多彩。
(make good use of our free time)
活動三:寫作練習(xí)。 Free Time
________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

第四時:(復(fù)習(xí)) Unit 3 Language in use.
Step 1 前復(fù)習(xí)檢測
1 參加攝影大賽 _____________________ 2 順便說一下_________________
3 照顧 ____________________________ 4 期望干某事_________________
5 在左側(cè)___________________________ 6 即使 __________________
7 為……而高興______________________ 8 與…….相比_________________
9 遙遠(yuǎn),深遠(yuǎn) ________________________ 10在……末尾 ________________
11 at the back _________________________ 12 a lot of ___________________
13 at the front _________________________ 14 try out _____________________
15 pick up ____________________________ 16 find out _____________________
17 a collection of ______________________ 18 talk about ___________________
19 from … to… _______________________ 20 the same as __________________
_____________________________________ my camera.
This is the singer______________________ . He has been here many times.
3) 這組照片讓那個年輕人聞名全國。
The collection of photos______________________________ all over the country.
4) 這個相機太老了,照不出好照片了,你最好買個新的。
The camera is ________________________. You’d better buy a new one.
5) 我們的校長已經(jīng)同意給獲勝者們頒獎。
Our headmaster ___________________________________________ the winners.

Step 2 詞匯訓(xùn)練
1 你還記得這些詞組嗎?
1 a lot of 2 want to do 3 by the way
4 look after 5 play the guitar 6 on the left
7 expect to do 8 pick up 9 try out
1 be pleased with sth. 2 compared with 3 give sth to sb.
4 find out 5 win the prize 6 far from
7 like best 8 at a concert 9 manage to do sth.
10 congratulations to sb. 11 thanks to sb./sth.
2 請完成書上workbook 中P70 Activity 7 &P141 Activity6 , 檢驗一下自己是否已經(jīng)掌握。

Step 3 語法訓(xùn)練
which, who 引導(dǎo)的定語從句
which 引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾的是無生命的東西. 如果先行詞是物,引導(dǎo)詞可以是that,
者都行。Do you know r Li who(m) they like very much?
1) The building is our school_________ stands by the lake.
2) Here is the girl __________ wants to see you.
3) It successfully shows the rich culture __________ makes Beijing so famous.
4) It’s the band __________ gets everyone dancing.
5) He is the photographer ___________ won the photo competition last time!
完成workbook中P140 Activity2 的有關(guān)練習(xí)
請你以 “ y favorite photograph ” 為題,向大家描述一下拍的是什么?什么時間拍的?照片中人或物的細(xì)節(jié)描寫以及你喜歡它的原因。
Step 4 當(dāng)堂檢測(語法和句型)
( ) 1. Tony wants to take some good photos, he lost his camera.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
( ) 2. y grandmother always ______ after school.
A. picks me up B. picks up me C. pick up me D. pick me up
( ) 3. —Where is He Zhong? Do you know? —He photos over there.
A. is taking B. will take C. has taken D. was taking
( ) 4. Look! The man is in black is a famous painter in China.
A. which B. who C. where D. when
( ) 5. It’s the band gets everyone dancing.
A. which B. who C. where D. when
( ) 6. The house lies in the back of our school is the teachers’ office.
A. whose B. which C. what D. who
( )7. The girl ______ is singing an English song in the park is Tony’s sister.
A. whose B. which C. what D. who
_____________________________________ my father’s car.
3) 這首歌使她家喻戶曉。
This song ______________________________ all over the country.
4) 這道題太難了,我算不出。你最好幫幫我。
The exercise is _________________________________. You’d better help me.
5) 媽媽同意我們今天晚上去看電影。
y mum ___________________________________________ this evening.


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