9B Unit3 Asia導(dǎo)學(xué)案2

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

8. If you continue to practice your oral English, you will improve it .

9. My grandfather traveling when he was young.

10. The dustbin rubbish. It needs emptying.


People say that America is a country on four wheels. Do you know why? It is because most of the American people have cars, and cars, you know, have four wheels. Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. 1. If both parents are working , they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van.(住房汽車) With a van, it’s easy for the family to travel to other places, near or far, away from their homes.

2. You know most of the American people have got itchy feet. They don’t like to stay in the same place all the time. They want to see what is happening in the world.

1. ______________________________________________________



Singapore’s public transport system(交通系統(tǒng)) is one of the best in the world, so you should have no problem finding your way around like a local (當(dāng)?shù)厝?. There are three main forms of public transport that you would find in any other major city ---trains, buses and taxis. TRAINS Trains run from 6:00 am to midnight. Single trip tickets start at 80 cents. If you buy an EZ-Link card for $15, you can ride the trains and buses as you like. If you need more information, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333. BUSES There are several bus services in Singapore and fares start at 80cents. Be sure always ask the driver the cost of your ticket as he can not give change. If you need help, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333. TAXIS There are three main taxi companies ?City Cab (6552 2222), Comfort (6552 1111) and Tibs (6552 8888). Booking can also be easily by calling the numbers listed above. RENTAL CARS Driving in Singapore is a pleasure and if you like to travel at your own pace, renting a car is a good choice. Renting takes away the hassle of getting to places around Singapore. Just sit back and enjoy the city. It also means you’ll get to see a lot more that a train or a bus won’t let you see. For car rental, call Avis on + 65 6737 1668. 1. By an EZ-Link card, you can take . A. both buses and trains B. only trains C. both buses and taxis D. only rental cars 2. When you take a bus there, always remember to . A. take your own license with you B. ask the driver how much your ticket is C. buy the bus map of Singapore D. book your ticket ahead of time 3. What does the word “hassle” mean in Chinese? A. 麻煩 B. 樂趣 C. 景點(diǎn) D. 費(fèi)用 4. What do you know about traveling in Singapore from the passage? A. A local has no trouble finding his way around B. It’s much cheaper to go around by bus than by train. C. You can see a lot more in Singapore only by renting a car. D. It’s very convenient(方便的) for visitors to travel in Singapore.


【自學(xué)探究】 一、預(yù)習(xí)P47?P49,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。
1. 名勝,風(fēng)景 ___________ 6. 下大雨 __________________

2. 建議 __________________ 7. 建議不帶很多錢 _________________

3. 文化__________________ 8. 錯過揚(yáng)州傳統(tǒng)小吃 __________________

4. 健康地 _______________ 9. 帶他們參觀長城 _________________

5. 汗?jié)竦?_______________ 10. 每天健康飲食 _________________

11.盡管每5分鐘有一班火車,車站上仍然很擁擠。 12. 盡管我走得很慢,但我仍然很熱并汗流浹背。 13. 除非你想觀看升國旗,否則你沒有必要早起。 14. 我們建議你們不要帶很多的錢,除非你們先買很多紀(jì)念品。 15. 他在美國學(xué)過漢語以便他能用漢語和人交流。 16. 無論去哪里,他都拍很多照片以便他能告訴他的家人和朋友。 ?P49上的練習(xí)。 三、although, unless 與so that 1. Although 是從屬連詞,意思是“盡管,雖然”,可用于句首或句中。Although 的意思和but 相近,但在同一個句子中although 和but 不同時出現(xiàn)。 Although there’s still a lone way to go, we’d better continue to the end. Although the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old ,it is still very beautiful. 2. Unless 意思是“如果不,除非”。引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。用來引出例外情況,它相當(dāng)于“if not ”。unless引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句常用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來。   例1:除非邀請你否則別進(jìn)來。Don't come in unless you are invited to. 例2:除非他來,我們不可能去。Unless he comes, we won't be able to go. 3. so that引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句時,表示“以便;為了”,從句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情態(tài)動詞或助動詞; 例1:為了使皇帝能看到美麗的湖水,頤和園里建了一個人工湖。 A man-made lake was built in the Summer Palace so that the emperors could see the beautiful water 例2:他們準(zhǔn)備在北京多待一周,以便游覽更多的名勝。 They are going to stay in Beijing for one more week so that they can see more sights 注意:so+形容詞或副詞+that ...引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句。
1)so+形容詞或副詞+that ...引導(dǎo)的肯定的結(jié)果狀語從句,意思是“如此......以致于......”。 例如: 當(dāng)球迷們看到貝克漢姆的時候,他們?nèi)绱思右灾掠诖蠛按蠼小?When the football fans saw Beckham, they got so excited that they cried out. 2) so+形容詞或副詞+that ...引導(dǎo)的否定的結(jié)果狀語從句,意思是“如此......以致于不能......”。 例如: 他太小了不能自己穿衣。 He is so young that he can’t dress himself.


9B Unit 3 Grammar






3、用談?wù)撟瞿呈碌哪康摹?br />

教會學(xué)生如何理解運(yùn)用although, unless, so that 引導(dǎo)從句。


學(xué)生已經(jīng)掌握一些關(guān)于although, unless, so that的表達(dá)方法,但如何正確運(yùn)用卻有一些茫然,所以要通過情景訓(xùn)練教給他們具體用法。









STEP 1 Presentation

Revise the two sentences in Reading:

1) Although the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, it is still very beautiful.

2) You can experience its beauty and greatness, although it is very tiring to climb it step by step.

Get the students read the information on P47.

STEP 2 Exercise

Get the students do the exercises on Page 47.

After finishing, check the answers.

Read the sentences.

Work out the rule.

Do more exercises. 用although連接下列句子。

2. I was still hot and sweaty ,I walked slowly

3. the weather is cold, many girls wear short skirts


Millie: Mum. I can’t fall asleep these days __________ it is so late.

Mum: You sound excited. Aren’t you sleepy?

Millie: I am very tired ______ I am just too excited to fall asleep.

Mum: I think the trip must be really great, right?

Millie: of course. ______ ___I am so far away from the USA, I never feel homesick. The people I met here are very kind.

Mum: I’m so glad to hear that. Have you got used to the food there?

Millie: Oh, I have never tasted such delicious food before. Sometimes, I’m full up ______ I just can’t help eating a little more.

Mum: Are you able to use the chopsticks?

Millie: It doesn’t matter. _________ I can’t use them well, I can still enjoy the delicious food.

STEP 3 Presentation

Get the students to translate the following sentences:

1) 我們明天要去公園,除非下雨。

We’ll go to the park tomorrow unless it rains.

2) 除非你幫助我,否則在月底之前我完不成這項(xiàng)工作。

Unless you help me, I won’t finish the work before the end of this month.

Get the students read the information on P48. if they have any question, they can ask.

STEP 4 Practice

Do the exercises on P48.

Check the answers .

Complete the e-mail with ‘unless’ or ‘if’

Check the answers.

STEP 5 Presentation

Ask: You get up early every morning. What’s your purpose ?

You go to school every day. What’s your purpose?

You often play football. What’s your purpose?

Encourage the students answer the questions orally, and write the answers on the Bb.

Join the sentences together with “so that”.

Explain the use of “so that”.

STEP 6 Practice

Get the students to complete the exercises on P49.

Check the answers.

Read the dialogue in pairs.

Explain the differences between “so that” and “so…that…”

STEP 7 Doing some consolidate exercises

STEP 8 Homework

Write the structure of “Although…, …”

“…., although…”

Explain: Mr. Wu didn’t enjoy his holiday in Singapore last year.

Explain: unless 相當(dāng)于 “if not”.

Answer the students’ answers.

Ask the students some questions.

Write their answers on the Bb.


Check answers.

Read the two


Do exercises On P47.


Read the sentences.

Work out the rule.

Check their answers in pair.

Complete the exercises.

Complete this exercise.

Practice the dialogue in pairs.

Do the exercises by themselves.

Read the e-mail.

Answer the teacher’s questions.

Complete the exercises on P48.

Complete the exercise on P49.

Practice in pairs.

Complete some exercises.


1. Reciting the sentences on P47-P49.

2. Writing five sentences with ‘a(chǎn)lthough’ , ‘unless’ and ‘while’


Although there’s still a lone way to go, we’d better continue to the end. Although the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old ,it is still very beautiful. 我們明天要去公園,除非下雨。

We’ll go to the park tomorrow unless it rains.


Unless you help me, I won’t finish the work before the end of this month.

I get up early so that I can catch the early bus.

He is so young that he can’t dress himself.

He is too young to dress himself.




1. 下大雪 2. 感到汗流浹背

3. 車站上很擁擠 4. 把某人叫醒

5. 正確地看地圖 6. 生病 ___

7. 建議不要帶傘 8. 匆忙 __

9. 沒有必要早起 10. 對北京的風(fēng)景感興趣


A. Although B. Because C. While D. Since 2. You can’t catch up with others ______ you work hard.

A. until B. after C. unless D. when
3. I have ______ a raincoat ______ an umbrella. That’s why I have to wait until the rain stops.

A. neither; nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. both; and

4. I suggest ________ children to the park this coming Sunday.

A. to take B. taking C. taken D. take

5. _________, please never forget your home town.

A. Where you go B. Where to go C. Wherever you go D. Wherever you will go

6. The police are searching the whole city ________ they can find the murder.

A. in order to B. so as to C. so that D. unless


1. 除非天氣預(yù)報說明天下雨,否則我們?nèi)ミh(yuǎn)足。


2. 老師建議我們外出時不要帶很多錢。


3. 他租了一輛自行車以便更好地欣賞揚(yáng)州的美景。


4. 盡管大雨傾瀉不止,運(yùn)動員們?nèi)詧?jiān)持訓(xùn)練。



In 1620, about half the USA was c___1____ with forests. Today the forests h__2___ almost gone. A l___3___ of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand. China doesn't want to copy the USA's e __4___.We're p__5____ more and more trees. We've built the ‘Great Green Wall’ of trees across northern p__6___ of our country. The Great Green Wall is 7,000 k____7___ long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide. It will stop the wind f____8___ blowing the earth away. It will stop the sand from m__9____ towards the rich farmland in the south. More "Great Green Walls" are needed. Trees must be g__10____ all over the world. Great Green Walls will make the world better.
Integrated skills and Pronunciation

【自學(xué)探究】 ,在課本上劃出下列詞組和句子并翻譯。
1. 去日本的一次旅行_________________6. 離開日本去其他國家_________________

2. 在第二天 __________________ 7. 由于…而聞名 __________________

3. 去度假__________________ 8. 日本最高的山 __________________

4. 帶某人參加北京_________________ 9. 更多的了解東京__________________

5. 天氣預(yù)告 __________________ 10. 學(xué)習(xí)日本文化__________________

11. 美國交流學(xué)生___________________ 12. 用盡可能多的信息_______________

13. 一路爬到山上__________________ 14. 計(jì)劃呆在那兒三天_______________

15. 再呆在北京一周________________ 16. 去觀光__________________

17. 去滑雪_______________________ 18. 帶他們?nèi)プ匀徊┪镳^_______________

19. 他們將參觀的第二個國家_____________________________

完成P50-51 A1 和A3項(xiàng)練習(xí)。





9BUnit 3 Integrated skills





2. 從錄音材料中提取和加工信息,補(bǔ)全一篇有關(guān)在日本旅行的文章。

3. 談?wù)搧喼薜牟煌瑖液途包c(diǎn),說說自己最想去哪個國家旅游。






Task-based method, practice method, situational method


A tape recorder, a computer,some objects or pictures.





STEP 1 Talking about some places of China first, get the students to talk about their favourite place..

STEP 2 Have a discussion

Discuss:How many countries do you know? Which country do you want to go ?

STEP 3 Discussing about the attractions

the students wish to go to.

STEP 4 Looking at the note written by Millie on Page 50

Explain that the American students are going to visit Japan after visiting Beijing. Millie wants to write about their for the school newsletters.

STEP 5 Listening the tape and fill in some blanks in Part A1 according to A2

Complete some blanks

Playing the tape two times

Play the tape two times for the students to complete the rest of the blanks.

Get them to read the information below and find more information.

STEP 6 Checking the answers

After completing the note, invite the student to check the answers in pairs. Make sure that all the students get the answers right.

STEP 7 Completing Millie’s article.

Students compare their answers with each other. And then practice reading the article by themselves for about minutes. Get some of the students to read aloud the article in class. Praise them for correct pronunciation and intonation.

STEP 8 Locating some language points and sentences patterns

Go through the article and help the students to locate some language points and sentences patterns.

STEP 9 Give students some hints to retell the story.

STEP 10 Making up a new dialogue

Get the students to work in pairs and make up a new dialogue between two students about the places in Asia that they want to visit. Retell the story

STEP 11 Homework





1. Revise the key points in this lesson.

2. Read Part A3 on {page51}

Asian countries

Places of interest
A trip to Japan





Study skills

【自學(xué)探究】 一、預(yù)習(xí)P25,在課本上劃出下列單詞和詞組,通過查字典或參考書將其翻譯成漢語。 1. Transitions between ideas 2. make it well organized 3. connect the ideas 4. in addition 5. besides 6. nevertheless 7. therebefore 8. play an important role 9. in total 10. make its first appearance 11. medal sport 12. drop from 13. winner of the 100-metre dash 14. lose gold medal for drug using 二、通過查詢參考書、網(wǎng)上搜索、同學(xué)交流,你還了解到哪些過渡詞,請列出來。 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________ 10. ____________________ 三、寫作

當(dāng)前不少文學(xué)作品被改編成電影。有人選擇看電影,有人則喜歡讀原著。請你以“Film or book, which do you prefer?”為題,按照下列要點(diǎn)寫一篇英語短文:




注意: 1、詞數(shù):100字左右。 文章題目和開頭已給出(不計(jì)入詞數(shù))。

2、參考詞匯: original work 或 book in the original (原著)

Film or book, which do you prefer?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/67777.html

相關(guān)閱讀:9B Unit3 Asia導(dǎo)學(xué)案1