
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英 語 試 卷

第一部分 (共三節(jié),滿分20分)

A. B. C.
2.A. B. C.

第二節(jié) 聽句子,選出與所聽句子內(nèi)容相符的正確答語,并將所選答案的字母代 號(hào)填入答題卷相應(yīng)空格內(nèi)。每個(gè)句子聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
6.A.Her English is good. B.since three years ago C.By reading aloud
7. A. Yes .I a B. it ust belong to aria C. it is written by Henry.
8. A. it doesn't atter B. that’s a good idea C. you’re great
9. A. I’ afraid not B. So do I C. you are right.
10. A. I agree with you B. It's very kind of you C. I do too.
第三節(jié) 聽對(duì)話,選出能回答問題的正確選項(xiàng),并將其字母代號(hào)填入答題卷相應(yīng)空格內(nèi)。每段對(duì)話聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
11. What does John go to Australia for?
A.To have a eeting B. To see aggie C. To take a vacation
12. What tie is it in Los angles when they are calling?
A. 4:00 a B .10:00a C. 10:00p
13. What did the woan fail to write in the for?
A. nae. B. phone nuber. C. address
14. who did the woan coe to visit?
A. her other. B. her teacher. C. her son.
15. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A. teather and student B. officer and passenger C. husband and wife
第四節(jié) 聽對(duì)話,完成下列信息表格,并將其字母代號(hào)填入答題卷相應(yīng)空格內(nèi),對(duì)話聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)

Jack was in charge of the sales departent in 16
In order to ake Ti busy, Jack asked hi to 17
It took Ti only about 18 inutes to finish the task fro his dad
When Ti said he had copleted his task, Jack was 19
There was a picture of a 20 on the other side of the newspaper

16. A. a big factory B. a big copany C. a sall copany
17. A.draw a ap B. cut the ap pieces C. put the ap together again
18. A.4 B. 14 C. 40
19. A. excited B. surprised C. sad
20. A. buiding B. bird C. an

第二部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共三節(jié),滿分30分)
第一節(jié) 詞語釋義(共5小題每小題1分,滿分5分)選出與句中劃線部分意義最接近的解釋,并將其字母代號(hào)填入答題卷相應(yīng)空格內(nèi)。
21、---Do you like the new idea?
---No, I don’t see eye to eye with you.
A. want B. agree C. have D. know
22、I didn’t have lunch. I feel I could eat a horse.
A. a hungry B. a thirsty C. a beautiful D. a sart
23、His other doesn’t allow hi to play coputer gaes.
A. give hi a gift B. let hi play C. play with D. look after
24. I study hard every day, but I can’t get good grades. Because English is to cry for the oon.
A. easy B. silly C. deep D. difficult
25、Lucy is very shy .When she has to speak in front of the students, she gets cold feet.
A. feels sad B. feels soft C. feels afraid D. feels relaxed
第二節(jié) 單項(xiàng)(共15小題,滿分15分)
26、There will be _____ NBA basketball gae tonight.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
27、___________ travelers coe to visit our city every onth.
A. illion of B. illions of C. Four illions D. Hundred
28、 ---Don’t play all day and please do your hoework.
 A. I’ sorry, I will do it B. You’re kidding C.I hate you  D. kill e
29、 Kathy regards To _____ her best friend.
 A. with B. as   C. about D. at
30、The lazy boy shouldn’t _____the oney for these candies .
 A. ake up   B. look up  C. stay up  D. use up
31、Perhaps all girls _____snakes.
  A. are afraid to B. are terrified of C. are afraid of D. B and C
32. rs Greeen always enjoys _____at the party.
  A. hiself  B. herself  C. ourselves   D. theselves
33、Fred doesn’t like sports. The soccer ____ be his.
 A. ust  B. can’t    C. could   D. ay
34、The soldier _____ake istakes. But now he can deal with the probles.
 A. use to B. used to C. be used D. didn’t use to
35、Although I failed four ties, y teacher wish e to have a ______ try.
 A. first     B. second  C. third D. fifth     
36、 The big house ust belong to ______ .
A. the old an B. To’s C. Lucy’s D. the old an’s
37、I don’t know .
A. where is she B. what does she do
C. why she can’t solve the trouble D. how did she break off the friendship.
38、She will not coe I invite her.
A. but B. or C. and D. unless
39、 His father is ______ because John is pretending to do hoework.
A. annoy  B. annoying  C. annoyed D. annoys
40、_____ wild girl she is!
A.What B. What a C. What an D. How
第三節(jié) 完形(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)
A long tie ago, there was a big apple tree. A little boy loved to coe and ___41___around it every day. ___42___went by! The little boy grew up and he didn’t play with the tree. One day, the boy cae back to the tree and looked sad. The tree asked the boy, “Coe and play __43__ e.” “I a no longer a kid. I don’t play around trees __44__. I need oney to buy toys.” The boy answered. The tree was very sad and said, “I don’t have oney, but you can pick(摘) all y apples and sell the. So __45_ will have oney to buy your things.” The boy pick all the __46___ on the tree. After that, the boy didn’t coe back.
After any years, the boy cae back. The tree said, “I’ sorry, I __47___ want to give you soething,__48___ I don’t have anything for you, no ore apples for you , the only hing thing is y ___49__roots(根).”The boy said, “Now I don’t need oney, I’ tired. I
need to have a rest . The tree said, “Good, coe here, please sit down with e and have a rest.” The boy sat down, the tree was ___50_ and siled.
41. A、play B、plays C、playing D、played
42. A、oney B、Tie C、Food D、 House
43 .A、at B、on C、with D、in
44. A、anybody B、anything C、anyone D、anyore
45. A、I B、She C、He D、You
46. A、pears B、apples C、bananas D、strawberries
47. A、real B、 fast C、really D、quickly
48. A、and B、but C、or D、then
49. A、die B、dead C、dying D、death
50 . A、happy B、silly C、cute D、clever

第三部分 理解(共25分, 15小題,滿分25分)
Just to be on the safe side, in order to keep the road orderly and safe, it is very iportant about traffic safety. Everyone should follow traffic rules.
Nowadays, drunk drivers are ore and ore. They do not care about their lives. I dislike drunk drivers. Of course, drunk drivers will have their license revoked(吊銷)for five years and they will be given a 15?day detention(拘留)as well as fine ranging fro 200 Yuan (30 dollars) to 500 Yuan in China’s traffic safety la
You should be careful and look around before you cross the road. If you ride, on the one hand, you should not run through the red traffic lights, on the other hand, you should not ride too fast, besides, you should not drink wine before you drive. If you wait for a bus, please wait in line and don’t push others, then don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.
Soe drivers who don’t have driving licenses in our countryside let soe persons take their vehicles(車輛)for oney. Besides underage children should not drive because of danger. Unluckily, two underage children in Kun ing died of a traffic accident on ay2, 2011.
I believe if everyone obeys the traffic rules, we will have safer and happier life.
51. This passage is about traffic safety.
52. Nowadays drunk drivers are fewer and fewer because of China’s traffic safety la
53. Underage children should drive to school.
54. Drivers ust have driving licenses.
55. According to the passage the writer lives in a big city.
Anna was a cute and sart girl. Anna was very happy on Tuesday because her other would give her a beautiful gift for her four?year?old birthday. But she waited for a long tie; her other did not coe back. Finally, her father cae back. He looked tired and very sad. Anna threw herself into father’s ars happily and asked innocently when her other cae back because she issed her. Seeing his own darling daughter, Anna’s father stood his pain. He knew he had no right to be sad and he ust let his daughter have a happy life. He siled and said, “Dear baby, I a sorry that your other is on business in Hong Kong. I iss her, too. I will buy soe things for you and tell stories for you, OK? ”
In fact, Anna’s other had died for heart disease on that day. Anna did not know about it. Since then, her father played together with her and told stories every day. Anna still issed her other. She hoped her other could coe back early. After two years, Anna’s father decided to arry a girl as Anna’s other. He thought there was disadvantage for Anna without a other. When Anna saw the strange girl at hoe, her father said to her, “Honey, hurry up to hug your other. Don’t you know her? She is your other. She is just thinner and younger.”
The next day, Anna said to the strange girl, “Please follow e.” At the garden, Anna told the girl, “Yesterday I heard y grandparents say about y other’s death. I know you are not y other. But I hope y father is very happy for ever. If you can keep the secret and never tell hi about y other’s death, I ay call you‘u’.
56. Anna’s father felt when he knew his wife’s death.
A. happy B. lonely C. relaxed D. sad and painful
57. What does the underlined word “innocently” ean?
A.聰明地 B.天真地 C.難過地 D.不相信地
58. Which of the following stateents is TRUE?
A. Anna’s other died when was six years old.
B. Anna’s father liked the strange girl best, he wanted to arry her.
C. Anna didn’t iss her other.
D. Anna specially loved her parents.
59. Why would Anna call the strange girl‘u’?
A. Because the strange girl was beautiful and young.
B. Because the strange girl loved Anna.
C. Because Anna hoped the strange girl kept the secret about her other’s death and she hoped her father was happy for ever
D. Because Anna was too young and didn’t know her other’s death.
60. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. Love akes people sad. B. Love has already died.
C. We needn’t love. D. Keeping the secret for love.
A nine-year-old boy went to an ice-crea shop. He wanted to buy ice-crea for hiself. A waitress(女服務(wù)員)asked hi, “What do you want to buy, y boy? What about coffee?” “How uch is ice-crea?” the boy asked. “Five dollars” The waitress answered. The boy took out his oney fro his pocket, put it on the table and counted(數(shù)) it.
After a while, he asked, “Do you have cheap ice-crea?” The waitress was not patient, “Four dollars, I don’t know if you will buy ice-crea, other people are waiting for e.” The boy counted his oney again, then he said, “I will buy cheap ice-crea, here is the oney, four dollars. Thank you.”
The boy ate ice-crea happily and then he went out. When the waitress cae back to clean the table, she saw one dollar and a piece of paper---“ Dear ada, the oney is your tip(小費(fèi)). Thank you for your treat.”
61. The boy put his oney in the .
A. bag B. pocket C. purse D. hand
62. The boy spent dollars buying the ice-crea.
A. one B. two C. four D. five
63. What would be the best title for this passage? .
A. oney B. boy C. tip D. waitress
64. Which of the following isn’t entioned?
A. The boy counted his oney twice.
B. The boy bought the ice-crea.
C. The waitress was not patient.
D. The boy didn’t like the waitress very uch.
65. Fro the passage, we think the boy was a .
A. bad boy B. boring boy C. gentlean D. rich boy
第四部分 寫作(共三節(jié),滿分20分)
第一節(jié) 根據(jù)句意,用括號(hào)中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,并將所填單詞寫在答題卷相應(yīng)位置。(共5小題,每小題1分,滿分5分)
66. If I (be) you, I would fly in the sky.
67. He studies by (take) notes.
68. Everyone thinks the workers are very (sleep), they need to relax.
69. She is a good (listen ) and she is pretty friendly .
70. We don’t like Ti because he is ( honest ) ?”
71.They used to ( 嘲笑)Sally, now she is their good friend .
72. The girl has any beautiful (發(fā)帶) .
73. When you are in trouble, never (放棄) .
74. (最后,終于 ) , our classates succeeded.
75. Dear class, don’t (讓我失望) .
用英語以Learn to Sile 為題寫一篇短文

注意:1. 詞數(shù)80-100個(gè)。短文的開頭已給出,不計(jì)入總數(shù)。
2.參考詞:自信(confidence n.) (confident adj.)
打敗beat (beat、beaten)v.
Learn to Sile
Siling is an attitude(態(tài)度)to life.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/chusan/81038.html
