高二英語Laughter is good for you教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高二 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

6U1 Laughter is good for you
1. A stand-up comedian may tease an audience member, or might decide to tell different jokes depending on how the audience react to his or her previous jokes.
① tease vt. 意為“取笑,拿……開玩笑” tease sb ( about… )
孩子們經(jīng);ハ嚅_玩笑 ids __often tease each other__
我小時(shí)候別人老取笑我長得胖 I _was__ __teased_ _about_my weight as a child.
② depend on 依賴,取決于
The meaning of a word changes _depending on_ (取決于)where it is spoken.
Children depend on their parents to meet their material needs.
我指望你把這事辦了I _depend on_ you __to__ get __it done___
③ react v. 反應(yīng) reaction n. 反應(yīng) react to 對 … 做出反應(yīng)
She slapped him and called his name, but he didn't _react (沒有反應(yīng))
他們對你的建議有何反應(yīng)? How did they__react to__ your suggestion?
It was difficult to guess what her _C__ to the news would be.
A. impression B. comment C. reaction D. opinion
2. While this kind of humor may sound cruel, it usually works if both the comedian and the audience have affection for or admire the person being made fun of.
While I’m willing to go, I would like it better if you went.__盡管__
He fell asleep while doing his homework.__當(dāng)…時(shí)候__
I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.__而,然而__
② have/ show (a great/ deep) affection for…喜愛,鐘愛
I _have a deep affection for my hometown__ 我對家鄉(xiāng)有著很深的感情。
3. Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV. (L28)
live “活著的” adj. 用作定語放名詞前面。還指“實(shí)況轉(zhuǎn)播” adj.& adv.
It wasn't a recorded show, it __was live__ (是現(xiàn)場直播)
There are __live football matches__ on TV every Sunday.
足球比賽今晚將現(xiàn)場報(bào)道(cover)。_The football match will be covered live tonight_
一條活魚 __a live fish___
4. The last kind of comedian does impression
impression n.印象 impress vt.使牢記, 留下印象impressive adj.給人印象深的
impress sb with sth= sb be impressed with/by sth 給予某人深刻印象;
do an impression / impressions of 模仿
1. Wuxi impressed us with the rapid development._____________________________
2. John does a great impression of Chaplin __________________________________
5. Instead of telling the joke he had planned, Crystal made up a new one. (L 39)
注意體會下列句子中的make up 的意思并翻譯
We need one more person to make up a football team. __________-
y grandpa is good at making up stories. ______________
He made up some excuse about his being late. _____________
Foreign students only make up 5 percent in this school. ___________
Jane made herself up as a princess in the party. _________
Have they made it up since last quarrel ? _________
Nothing can make up for your fault ! ___________
6. It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films. (L41)
appropriate adj.合適的,相稱的 appropriately adv.
be appropriate for/ to It is appropriate that 從句
eg. 你的衣服不適合求職面試時(shí)穿.Your clothes are not _appropriate for_ a __job interview__
注意:在表驚異,遺憾,理應(yīng)如此的主語從句要用虛擬語氣,即(should)+V。常用句型:It is important/ necessary/ surprising/ appropriate/ a shame/ a pity that sb (should) do …
It is appropriate that the agricultural tax_be abolished_(abolish)廢止農(nóng)業(yè)稅是適宜的。
It is important that we ___do___ (do) well in our lessons first.
We think it necessary that theory__be combined_ (combine) with practice.
7. Crystal’s popular with all age groups and has the ability to amuse people all over the world. (L43)
amuse vt. 使愉快,使高興。 amuse oneself by / with以……自娛,消遣;
His story amused us, and we couldn’t help laughing.
他們以看舊照片消遣. They __amuse_ themselves _by_ looking at old photos.
amused 指“(人、表情等)愉快的,覺得好玩的”;amusing 指“(物)好玩的,有趣的”。
ike was so _amused_ when he was playing with __amusing monkeys.
8. Whatever the reason (there may/ might be), research shows that in the end, the English saying ‘ Laughter is the best medicine’ may be true after all.(L55)
① Whoever breaks the law, he should be punished.
= __No_ _matter__ __who_breaks the law, he should be punished
Whenever you come, you can’t go in without permission
=__No_ __matter__ __when__ you come , you can’t go in without permission
__Whoever is guilty__ (任何有罪的人)will be punished.
We will donate the money to __whoever needs it_(任何需要它得人)
Wh- + ever 可以用引導(dǎo)__狀語_從句或_名詞性_從句
No matter + wh- 只可以用引導(dǎo)_狀語__從句
I’d like to co-operate with _D__ keeps his word and is strict in his work.
A.who B. whom C. no matter who D. whoever.
I’m determined to visit Iran __B_ it costs.
A.No matter how B.no matter what C. no matter D. however
② after all 終究;畢竟
I thought I wouldn’t need to study hard for the test, but it seems my teacher was right after all.___終究___
Don’t be too hard on Tim. After all, he is only fifteen._畢竟___
I don’t knohy you are so concerned. This is not your fault after all. 這畢竟不是你的錯(cuò)。
He wrote to say _they couldn’t offer me a job after all_ 他們終究還是不能給我一份工作。
Task & project
9. take on 接受,雇傭,呈現(xiàn)
__the doctor said I was too tired and advised me not to take on too much work.__
他被一家工廠錄用當(dāng)工人。He __was taken on__ by a factory as a worker.
他臉上露出焦慮的神情。His face __took on___ a __worried_ look.
__take in__吸收,理解,欺騙; __take over_接管 __take down__記下
__take up_占據(jù),從事 _take to__產(chǎn)生好感,嗜好
Some plants can take in carbon dioxide we breathe out ____________
Don't believe him--he'll try to take you in. _________
Alan took over the farm when his father died. ___________
Learning English takes up a lot of my time. ____________
She took down my address. _______
10. tear vt. 撕,扯 (tore , torn)
tear up 撕毀,撕碎; tear down 拆除,拆毀; tear in half / two 撕成兩半
She __tore up__ the letter as soon as she had read it.
They are __tearing down_ those old buildings to make room for a new road.
The ticket collector _tore_ my ticket __in half__and handed back the return half.
It’s time that some of these old houses _was torn down__.
be in tears 哭泣,流淚 burst into tears 突然哭起 excited tears激動(dòng)的淚水
She __burst into tears__ the moment she saw her lost daughter.
y wife _was in tears_ telling me about it.
11. burst in 闖入,突然插嘴
The police burst in and arrested the murderer. ___________
“I don’t see why I must not go,” he burst in angrily. ___________
burst into 突然…起(+n) burst out 突然…起(+doing)
They were so moved that they _burst into_ tears. Hardly had she heard the sad story when she _burst out_ crying.
12. glance; stare; glare
glance at“匆匆一瞥” stare at“凝視” glare at“怒視;瞪眼”
She _stared at__ him in surprise.
Don’t _glare at_ me like that. You deserve the blame.
He didn’t shout or swear, but just _glare_ silently _at__ me.
He __glanced at__ his watch and left hurriedly.
13. hold out ①拿出,伸出 ②堅(jiān)持 (抵抗) ,頂住 (壓力) ;維持,夠用
He __held out his hand__(伸出手)and stopped a taxi in front of the cinema.
Will the water supply __hold out_ through the whole summer?(能維持整個(gè)夏天嗎)
I tried to work on, but I was so tired that I __couldn’t hold out any more__ (再也堅(jiān)持不了了)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoer/34358.html

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