
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

專題12 狀語(yǔ)從句
地點(diǎn)狀高考資網(wǎng)語(yǔ)從句通常由where, wherever 引導(dǎo)。
Where I live there are plenty of trees.
Wherever I am I will be thinking of you.

方式狀語(yǔ)從句通常由as, (just) as…so…, as if, as though引導(dǎo)。
1) as, (just) as…so…引導(dǎo)的方式狀語(yǔ)從句通常位于主句后,但在(just) as…so…結(jié)構(gòu)中位于句首,這時(shí)as從句帶有比喻的含義,意思是"正如…","就像",多用于正式體,例如:
Always do to the others as you would be done by.
As water is to fish, so air is to man.
Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds.
2) as if, as though
They completely ignore these facts as if (as though) they never existed.
He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lighting.
It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon.
說(shuō)明:as if / as though也可以引導(dǎo)一個(gè)分詞短語(yǔ)、不定式短語(yǔ)或無(wú)動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ),例如:
He stared at me as if seeing me for first time.
He cleared his throat as if to say something.
The waves dashed on the rocks as if in anger.

比較:because, since, as和for
1)because語(yǔ)勢(shì)最強(qiáng),用說(shuō)明人所不知的原因,回答why提出的問(wèn)題。當(dāng)原因是顯而易見的或已為人們所知,就用as或 since。
I didn't go, because I was afraid.
Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey.
2)由because引導(dǎo)的從句如果放在句末,且前面有逗 號(hào),則可以用for代替。但如果不是說(shuō)明直接原因,而是多種情況加以推斷,就只能用for。
He is absent today, because / for he is ill.
He must be ill, for he is absent today.

表示目的狀語(yǔ)的從句可以由that, so that, in order that, lest, for fear that, in case等詞引導(dǎo),例如:
You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all.
He wrote the name down for fear that(lest) he should forget it.
Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.

結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)從句常由so… that 或 such…that引導(dǎo),掌握這兩個(gè)句型,首先要了解so 和 such與其后的詞的搭配規(guī)律。
比較:so和 such
其規(guī)律由so與such的不同詞性決定。such 是形容詞,修飾名詞或名詞詞組,so 是副詞,只能修飾形容詞或副詞。 so 還可與表示數(shù)量的形容詞many, few, much, little連用,形成固定搭配。
so foolish such a fool
so nice a flowersuch a nice flower
so many / few flowerssuch nice flowers
so much / little money. such rapid progress
so many peoplesuch a lot of people
( so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 雖相當(dāng)于 many,但 a lot of 為名詞性的,只能用such搭配。)
so…that與such…that之間的轉(zhuǎn)換既為 so與such之間的轉(zhuǎn)換。
The boy is so young that he can't go to school.
He is such a young boy that he can't go to school

連接詞主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 等。.
if 引導(dǎo)的條句有真實(shí)條句和非真實(shí)條句兩種。非真實(shí)條句已在虛擬語(yǔ)氣中闡述。
unless = if not.
Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired.
If you are not too tied, let's go out for a walk.
You will be late ___ you leave immediately.
A. unlessB. untilC. ifD. or
答案A。 句意:除非你立即走,否則你就回遲到的?赊D(zhuǎn)化為 If you dong leave immediately, you will be late.B、D句意不對(duì),or表轉(zhuǎn)折,句子如為 You leave immediately or you will be late.

though, although
注意: 當(dāng)有though, although時(shí),后面的從句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可連用
Although it's raining, they are still working in the field.
雖然在下雨,但他們?nèi)栽诘乩锔苫睢?br />He is very old, but he still works very hard.
Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain.
傷口雖愈合,但傷疤留下了。 (諺語(yǔ))
1) ___she is young, she knows quite a lot.
A. WhenB. HoweverC. AlthoughD. Unless
2)as, though 引導(dǎo)的倒裝句
as / though引導(dǎo)的讓步從句必須表語(yǔ)或狀語(yǔ)提前(形容詞、副詞、分詞、實(shí)義動(dòng)詞提前)。
Child as /though he was, he knehat was the right thing to do.
= Though he was a small child, he knehat was the right thing to do.
注意: a.句首名詞不能帶任何冠詞。
Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.
= Though he tries hard, he never seems…
3)ever if, even though.即使
We'll make a trip even though the weather is bad.
4) whether…or-不管……都
Whether you believe it or not, it is true.
5)"no matter +疑問(wèn)詞" 或"疑問(wèn)詞+后綴ever"
No matter what happened, he would not mind.
Whatever happened, he would not mind.
替換:no matter what = whatever
no matter who = whoever
no matter when = whenever
no matter where = wherever
no matter which = whichever
no matter how = however
注意:no matter 不能引導(dǎo)主語(yǔ)從句和賓語(yǔ)從句。
(錯(cuò))No matter what you say is of no use no
(對(duì))Whatever you say is of no use no
你現(xiàn)在說(shuō)什么也沒(méi)用了。(Whatever you say是主語(yǔ)從句)
(錯(cuò))Prisoners have to eat no matter what they're given,
(對(duì))Prisoners have to eat whatever they're given.囚犯?jìng)冎荒芙o什么吃什么。

比較while, when, as
1)as, when 引導(dǎo)短暫性動(dòng)作的動(dòng)詞。
Just as / Just when / When I stopped my car, a man came up to me.
2)當(dāng)從句的動(dòng)作發(fā)生于主句動(dòng)作之前,只能用when 引導(dǎo)這個(gè)從句,不可用as 或 while。
When you have finished your work, you may have a rest.
3)從句表示"隨時(shí)間推移"連詞能用as,不用when 或while。
As the day went on, the weather got worse.
日子一天天過(guò)去,天氣越變?cè)綁摹?br />
此兩個(gè)連詞意義相同?隙ㄐ问奖硎镜囊馑际"做某事直至某時(shí)",動(dòng)詞必須是延續(xù)性的。否定形式表達(dá)的意思是"直至某時(shí)才做某事"。動(dòng)詞為延續(xù)性或非延續(xù)性都可以。 正確使用這兩個(gè)連詞的關(guān)鍵之一就在于判斷句中的動(dòng)詞該用肯定式還是否定式。
I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜時(shí)醒了。
Wait till I call you.等著我叫你。
(在肯定句中可用before代替 Let's get in the wheat before the sun sets.)
She didn't arrive until 6 o'clock.
Don't get off the bus until it has stopped.
I didn't manage to do it until you had explained ho直到你教我后,我才會(huì)做。
Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.
2)Until when 疑問(wèn)句中,until要放在句首。
---Until when are you staying?你呆到什么時(shí)候?
--- Until next onday.呆到下周一。
(1)Not until …在句首,主句用倒裝。
Not until the early years of the 19th century did man knohat heat is.
直到19 世紀(jì)初,人類才知道熱能是什么。
Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.
(2)It is not until… that…

hardly/scarcely…when/before, no sooner…than和as soon as都可以表示"一…就…"的意思,例:
I had hardly / scarcely got home when it began to rain.
I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.
As soon as I got home, it began to rain.
注意:如果hardly, scarcely 或no sooner置于句首,句子必須用倒裝結(jié)構(gòu):
Hardly / Scarcely had I got home when it began to rain.
No sooner had I got home than it began to rain
一、時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句:主要由when,whenever,after,before,as,(ever)since,once,as soon as,(not)until,while等連詞引導(dǎo)
We had hardly got into the country ______ it began to rain.答案(A)
A. when B. before C. than D. after
1. 比較while, when, as
1)as, when 引導(dǎo)短暫性動(dòng)作的動(dòng)詞。
Just as / Just when / When I stopped my car, a man came up to me.
2)當(dāng)從句的動(dòng)作發(fā)生于主句動(dòng)作之前,只能用when 引導(dǎo)這個(gè)從句,不可用as 或 while。
When you have finished your work, you may have a rest.
3)從句表示"隨時(shí)間推移"連詞能用as,不用when 或while。
As the day went on, the weather got worse. 日子一天天過(guò)去,天氣越變?cè)綁摹?

2. 表示"一…就…"的結(jié)構(gòu), hardly/scarcely…when /before, no sooner…than 和as soon as都可以表示"一…就…"的意思,
例:I had hardly / scarcely got home when it began to rain.
I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.
As soon as I got home, it began to rain.
注意:如果hardly, scarcely 或no sooner置于句首,句子必須用倒裝結(jié)構(gòu):
Hardly / Scarcely had I got home when it began to rain.
No sooner had I got home than it began to rain
3. 比較until和till  此兩個(gè)連詞意義相同?隙ㄐ问奖硎镜囊馑际"做某事直至某時(shí)",動(dòng)詞必須是延續(xù)性的。否定形式表達(dá)的意思是"直至某時(shí)才做某事"。動(dòng)詞為延續(xù)性或非延續(xù)性都可以。 正確使用這兩個(gè)連詞的關(guān)鍵之一就在于判斷句中的動(dòng)詞該用肯定式還是否定式。
肯定句: I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜時(shí)醒了。
Wait till I call you.  等著我叫你。
在肯定句中可用before代替 Let's get in the wheat before the sun sets.)
否定句:She didn't arrive until 6 o'clock.  她直到6點(diǎn)才到。
Don't get off the bus until it has stopped. 公共汽車停穩(wěn)后再下車。
I didn't manage to do it until you had explained ho  直到你教我后,我才會(huì)做。
1) Until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。
Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. 直到你告訴我以前,出了什么事我一點(diǎn)也不知道。 
2) Until when 疑問(wèn)句中,until要放在句首。
---Until when are you staying? 你呆到什么時(shí)候?
--- Until next onday. 呆到下周一!
(3) Not until …在句首,主句用倒裝。
Not until the early years of the 19th century did man knohat heat is.直到19 世紀(jì)初,人類才知道熱能是什么! 
Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 直到我開始工作,我才認(rèn)識(shí)到了我已蹉跎了幾多歲月。
(4) It is not until… that… 表示強(qiáng)調(diào),“直到。。。才。。!薄

二、地點(diǎn)狀語(yǔ)從句, 通常由where, wherever 引導(dǎo)。
Where I live there are plenty of trees. 我住的地方樹很多。
Wherever I am I will be thinking of you. 不管我在哪里我都會(huì)想到你。
三、條狀語(yǔ)從句: 表?xiàng)l的狀語(yǔ)從句主要連接詞有if,whether,as long as (只要),unless, as/so long as, on condition that ,provided(只要) (that)等。
if 引導(dǎo)的條句有真實(shí)條句和非真實(shí)條句兩種。非真實(shí)條句在虛擬語(yǔ)氣中闡述。 另外, unless = if not. 
  Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired. == If you are not too tied, let's go out for a walk.
典型例題 :
You will be late ___ you leave immediately. 
A. unless  B. until  C. if  D. or
答案A。 句意:除非你立即走,否則你就回遲到的。可轉(zhuǎn)化為 If you dong leave immediately, you will be late. B、D句意不對(duì),or表轉(zhuǎn)折,句子如為 You leave immediately or you will be late.
四、原因狀語(yǔ)從句: 原因狀語(yǔ)從句可由as,because,since及for引導(dǎo), 比較:because, since, as和for
1) because語(yǔ)勢(shì)最強(qiáng),用說(shuō)明人所不知的原因,回答why提出的問(wèn)題。當(dāng)原因是顯而易見的或已為人們所知,就用as或 since。
  I didn't go, because I was afraid.
  Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey.
2) 由because引導(dǎo)的從句如果放在句末,且前面有逗號(hào),則可以用for代替。但如果不是說(shuō)明直接原因,而是多種情況加以推斷,就只能用for。
  He is absent today, because / for he is ill.
  He must be ill, for he is absent today.

五、結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)從句: 結(jié)果狀語(yǔ)從句常由so… that 或 such…that引導(dǎo),掌握這兩個(gè)句型,首先要了解so 和 such與其后的詞的搭配規(guī)律。
1. 其規(guī)律由so與such的不同詞性決定。such 是形容詞,修飾名詞或名詞詞組,so 是副詞,只能修飾形容詞或副詞。 so 還可與表示數(shù)量的形容詞many, few, much, little連用,形成固定搭配。
so foolish       such a fool    
so nice a flower     such a nice flower 
so many / few flowers  such nice flowers  
so much / little money. such rapid progress 
so many people      such a lot of people( so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 雖相當(dāng)于 many,但 a lot of 為名詞性的,只能用such搭配。)  
2. so…that與such…that之間的轉(zhuǎn)換
The boy is so young that he can't go to school. ==== He is such a young boy that he can't go to school

六、 目的狀語(yǔ)的從句可以由that, so that, in order that, lest, for fear that, in case等詞引導(dǎo),例如:   
You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all.   
He wrote the name down for fear that(lest) he should forget it.   
Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold.

七、讓步狀語(yǔ)從句: 讓步狀語(yǔ)從句通常由(even)though,although,no matter,even if ,however,whatever等詞引導(dǎo)
1 ). 當(dāng)有though, although時(shí),后面的從句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可連用
 Although it's raining, they are still working in the field.  雖然在下雨,但他們?nèi)栽诘乩锔苫睢?
 He is very old, but he still works very hard.  雖然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。
 Though the sore be healed, yet a scar may remain. 傷口雖愈合,但傷疤留下了。 (諺語(yǔ))
___she is young, she knows quite a lot. 
A. When B. However  C. Although  D. Unless 答案:C。意為雖然她很年輕,卻知道許多。
2) as, though 引導(dǎo)的倒裝句: as / though引導(dǎo)的讓步從句必須表語(yǔ)或狀語(yǔ)提前(形容詞、副詞、分詞、實(shí)義動(dòng)詞提前)。   
Child as /though he was, he knehat was the right thing to do.== Though he was a small child, he knehat was the right thing to do.
注意: a. 句首名詞不能帶任何冠詞。
   b. 句首是實(shí)義動(dòng)詞,其他助動(dòng)詞放在主語(yǔ)后。如果實(shí)義動(dòng)詞有賓語(yǔ)和狀語(yǔ),隨實(shí)義動(dòng)詞一起放在主語(yǔ)之前。
Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.== = Though he tries hard, he never seems…  雖然他盡了努力,但他的工作總做的不盡人意。
3) ever if, even though. 即使  
We'll make a trip even though the weather is bad.
4) whether…or-  不管……都
Whether you believe it or not 5) "no matter +疑問(wèn)詞" 或"疑問(wèn)詞+后綴ever" 表示 “無(wú)論。。!
No matter what happened, he would not mind.=== Whatever happened, he would not mind.
替換:no matter what = whatever     no matter who = whoever     no matter when = whenever
   no matter where = wherever     no matter which = whichever    no matter how = however
注意:no matter 不能引導(dǎo)主語(yǔ)從句和賓語(yǔ)從句。  
(錯(cuò))No matter what you say is of no use no  
(對(duì))Whatever you say is of no use no    你現(xiàn)在說(shuō)什么也沒(méi)用了。(Whatever you say是主語(yǔ)從句) 
(錯(cuò))Prisoners have to eat no matter what they're given,  
(對(duì))Prisoners have to eat whatever they're given. 囚犯?jìng)冎荒芙o什么吃什么。

八、 行為方式狀語(yǔ)從句,方式狀語(yǔ)從句通常由as, (just) as…so…, as if, as though引導(dǎo)。
1) as, (just) as…so…引導(dǎo)的方式狀語(yǔ)從句通常位于主句后,但在(just) as…so…結(jié)構(gòu)中位于句首,這時(shí)as從句帶有比喻的含義,意思是"正如…","就像",多用于正式體,例如:
 Always do to the others as you would be done by. 你希望人家怎樣待你,你就要怎樣待人。
 As water is to fish, so air is to man. 我們離不開空氣,猶如魚兒離不開水。
 Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds. 正如打掃房屋一樣,我們也要掃除我們頭腦中落后的東西。
2) as if, as though  兩者的意義和用法相同,引出的狀語(yǔ)從句謂語(yǔ)多用虛擬語(yǔ)氣,表示與事實(shí)相反,有時(shí)也用陳述語(yǔ)氣,表示所說(shuō)情況是事實(shí)或?qū)崿F(xiàn)的可能性較大。漢譯常作"仿佛……似的","好像……似的",
例如:They completely ignore these facts as if (as though) they never existed. 他們完全忽略了這些事實(shí),就仿佛它不存在似的。(與事實(shí)相反,謂語(yǔ)用虛擬語(yǔ)氣。)
He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lighting. 他那樣子就像被雷擊了似的。(與事實(shí)相反,謂語(yǔ)用虛擬語(yǔ)氣。)
It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon. 看天氣很快就會(huì)好起。(實(shí)現(xiàn)的可能性較大,謂語(yǔ)用陳述語(yǔ)氣。)
 說(shuō)明:as if / as though也可以引導(dǎo)一個(gè)分詞短語(yǔ)、不定式短語(yǔ)或無(wú)動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ),例如:  
He stared at me as if seeing me for first time. 他目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地看著我,就像第一次看見我似的。
He cleared his throat as if to say something. 他清了清嗓子,像要說(shuō)什么似的。
The waves dashed on the rocks as if in anger. 波濤沖擊著巖石,好像很憤怒。

A組 2012年全國(guó)高考題組
1.【2012東卷32】A number of high buildings have arisen _______ there was nothing a year ago but ruins.
A. whenB. where
C. before D. until
【解析】此處是where引導(dǎo)地點(diǎn)狀語(yǔ)從句,表示“在……地方”。 句意:很多高樓在一年前還是廢墟的地方矗立起了。
2.【2012福建卷,30】It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties_________ gets more financial support from the European Union.
A. ifB. unlessC. because D. since
【解析】根據(jù)句意可知“除非有自歐洲聯(lián)盟的更多的經(jīng)濟(jì)支持,否則希臘政府很難克服目前的困難”,只能選擇unless“除非”才能使句意完整?疾闋钫Z(yǔ)從句的連詞題事實(shí)上非常簡(jiǎn)單,只要找到句中的關(guān)鍵詞,然后從句意上去排除就行了,本題關(guān)鍵詞是hard和more financial support。
3.【2012江西卷,31】You can borrow my car you promise not to drive too fast.
A.unless B.even ifC.in caseD.a(chǎn)s lone as
【解析】句意為只要你保證不開得太快,你就可以把我的車借走。A.unless除非,B.even if即使,C.in case以防萬(wàn)一,D.as long as只要。選D。
【2012遼寧卷】30. Leave your key with your neighbor you lock yourself out one day.
A. as long as B. even though C. in case D. as if
4.【2012四川卷,10】 If you happen to get lost in the wild, you’d better stay ______ you are and wait for help.
A. why B. where C. who D. what
【答案】 B
5.【2012全國(guó)II,11】I had hardly got to the office ______ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.
A. when B. than C. until D. after
【解析】此題較易。只要辨認(rèn)出固定句型hardly. . .when . . .問(wèn)題即刻解決。句意:我剛到辦公室,我妻子就給我打電話讓我立刻回家。
【考點(diǎn)】考查固定句型hardly. . .when . . . 的用法。
6.【2012陜西卷,18】Hot _______the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.
A. althoughB. as C. while D. however
7.【2012陜西卷,25】All the photographs in this book, _______ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.
A. unless B. until C. once D. if
8.【2012北京卷,21】—Look at those clouds!
—Don’t worry. ______ it rains, we’ll still have a great time.
A. Even if B. As though C. In case D. If only
【答案】 A
【考點(diǎn)】考查狀語(yǔ)從句連接詞!窘馕觥看颂巈ven if 即便,as though似乎,in case 以防,if only要是…多好。
9.【2012全國(guó)II,11】I had hardly got to the office ______ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.
A. when B. than C. until D. after
【解析】此題較易。只要辨認(rèn)出固定句型hardly. . .when . . .問(wèn)題即刻解決。句意:我剛到辦公室,我妻子就給我打電話讓我立刻回家。
【考點(diǎn)】考查固定句型hardly. . .when . . . 的用法。
B組 2008-2011年全國(guó)高考題組
1.【2011浙江卷 4】One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away ______my daughter heard cries for help.
A. afterB. whileC. sinceD. when
【解析】語(yǔ)義表示我們正在收拾行李,這時(shí)我的女兒聽到求救的呼喊。Be doing when表示“正在做某事,這時(shí)(突然)…”是常見結(jié)構(gòu),故選D項(xiàng)。
2.【2011福建卷 33】It was April 29, 2001 ____ Prince William and ate iddleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.
A. that B. when C. since D. before
3.【2011四川卷 4】Frank insisted that he was not asleep _____ I had great difficulty in waking him up.
A. whether B. although C. for D. so
4.【2011遼寧卷 25】No matter how ________ , it is not necessarily lifeless.
A. a desert may be dry B. dry a desert may be
C. may a desert be dry D. dry may a desert be
5.【2011陜西卷 19】__________all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post.
A. Since B. While C. If D. As
6.【2011天津卷 5】____ regular exercise is very important, it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.
A. It B. As C. Although D. Unless
【解析】although“盡管”; As “如”; Unless “除非”。句意為:盡管有規(guī)律的運(yùn)動(dòng)很重要,但是在睡前運(yùn)動(dòng)不是一個(gè)好主意。
7.【10東】The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______ accompanied by an adult.
A. once B. when C. if D. unless
【解析】句意應(yīng)為“學(xué)校規(guī)規(guī)定:除非有成年人陪同, 否則孩子們?cè)谛F陂g不能出學(xué)校!北硎 “除非”用unless。該句式構(gòu)成了 “連詞+過(guò)去分詞”結(jié)構(gòu)。
8.【10上! you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.
A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem
C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem
【解析】根據(jù)句意 “無(wú)論你有多么嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題, 你都應(yīng)該鼓起勇氣面對(duì)挑戰(zhàn)”, 而however表讓步時(shí)其順序應(yīng)是:however + 形容詞 + 主語(yǔ) + 謂語(yǔ)。however做連接副詞, 相當(dāng)于no matter how,后接形容詞或副詞, 意為 “無(wú)論、不管” , 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句, 其序?yàn)?“however+形容詞、副詞+主語(yǔ)+謂語(yǔ)”。
9.【09浙江】The medicine works more effectively _____ you drink some hot water after taking it.
A. as B. until C. although D. if
【解析】該題的意思是, 這種藥的效果更明顯, 如果你在吃藥后喝一些開水的話。
10.【09湖南】______ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him.
A. Although B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as
【解析】根據(jù)句意, 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句。故選A。
11.【08遼寧】I used to love that film______I was a child, but I don’t feel it that way any more.?A. once B. when C. since D .although
【解析】句意為:當(dāng)我還是一個(gè)小孩子的時(shí)候, 我喜歡那部影片。when引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句表示 “當(dāng)……的時(shí)候”;C項(xiàng)也可引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句, 但意思為 “自從……以”。
12.【08北京】—Did you return Fred’s call?
—I didn’t need to ____I’ll see him tomorro
A. though B. unless C. when D. because
【解析】因?yàn)镮’ll see him tomorrow是I didn’t need to的原因, 故該空格處用because表示原因。
A組 2012年全國(guó)模擬題組
1.( 浙江省杭州十四中2012屆高三3月月考,11)The problem of the present world is that those who are imaginative have little experience
those who are experienced have weak imagination.
2.(浙江省2012屆高三六校聯(lián)考試卷,13)______ we have realized the danger of over-consumption, some measures should be adopted as soon as possible.
A. Now thatB. As long asC. In order thatD. Even if
3.(浙江省部分重點(diǎn)中學(xué)2012屆高三下學(xué)期2月聯(lián)考,20)It was back home after the experiment.
A.not until midnight did he go B.until midnight that he didn’t go
C.not until midnight that he went D.until midnight when he didn’t go
4.(浙江省岱縣大衢中學(xué)2012屆高三12月月考,18)She was moving out of her old apartment she suddenly realized that the key to the new apartment wasn’t on her.
5.(浙江省東陽(yáng)市南馬高中2012屆高三下學(xué)期入學(xué)考試,7)Cynthia is not ashamed of what she does, ______ she ends up doing something wrong.
A. as though B. in caseC. even ifD. for fear
—Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?  
—I don’t mind where we get ____ there’s sun, sea and beach. 
A. as if B. as long as C. now that D. in order that
7.(浙江省杭州十四中2012屆高三2月月考,14)The government has taken more measures to prevent the H1N1 flu from spreading, but it may still be some time _______ it is completely under control.
A. after B. unless C. since D. before
8.(浙江省杭州市西湖高級(jí)中學(xué)2012屆高三3月月考,20)________difficulties we may come across, we'll help one another to overcome them.
A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However  D. Whenever
9.(浙江省嘉興市2012屆高三下學(xué)期教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢查(二),4)You’d better take down all the key points the memory is still fresh in your mind.
10.(浙江省臨海市杜橋中學(xué)2012高三12月月考,14)______ our good cooperation over the past years, let’s meet each other half way. I’ll reduce our price by 5%.
A. In case B. In view of C. In fear of D. In spite of
11.(浙江省任巖松中學(xué)2012屆高三期初五校聯(lián)考,18)any people believe we are heading for environmental disaster _________ we basically change the way we live.
A. butB. althoughC. unlessD. once
12.(浙江省瑞安中學(xué)2012屆高三上學(xué)期期末試題,14)How long do you think ____ the car factory launches a new model?
A. will it be until B. will it be whenC. it will be beforeD. it will be that
B組 2010-2011年全國(guó)模擬題組
1.(浙江寧波效實(shí)中學(xué)2011屆高三模擬考試,11)It’s an order that you stop you are doing for the time being and come here immediately.
A.no matter whatB.whatever
C.no matter how busyD.however busy
--- You will really get into trouble you can’t show enough evidence to the police.
--- I kno I’ll collect enough evidence to prove I’m innocent.
3.(浙江省2011屆高考考試樣卷,9)_______ the house is empty, memories flood my mind of a time when it was filled with life.
A. SinceB. UnlessC. As if D. Even though
4.(2010學(xué)年杭州二中高三年級(jí)第一次月考,3)________ people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that
television _______ the newspaper completely.
A. When; replacesB. Although; has replaced
C. What; is to replaceD. While; will replace
5.(杭州高中2011屆高三年級(jí)第七次月考,18)____ they did not believe him, what would they do then?
A. Suppose B. Supposed C.I suppose D. You suppose
6.(浙江省諸暨中學(xué)高三12月月考,8)How can you expect to make progress ______ you never listen in class?
A. beforeB. untilC. thoughD. when
---Hi, Bob, are you going to attend tomorrow’s conference?
--- Oh, I’m afraid not, _______ invited to.
A. even if B. as if C. even as D. since
8.(浙江省海鹽縣元濟(jì)高級(jí)中學(xué)2010屆高三第一次摸底考試,27) _______ she had time to realize what was happening, she was hit on the head.
A. SinceB. Before C. WhenD. Until
9.(浙江省杭州高級(jí)中學(xué)2010屆高三上學(xué)期第一次月考,16)I had just stepped out of the bathroom ______ I heard the steps.
A. whileB. whenC. sinceD. after
10.(杭十四中2009學(xué)年第一學(xué)期9月月考,4)He never hesitates to make _____ criticisms ______ are considered helpful to others.
A. so, that B. so, as C. such, that D. such, as

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/42736.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2012屆高考英語(yǔ)選修6 Unit 3頂尖復(fù)習(xí)教案