
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高三 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
I. 重點詞匯
1. former adj. 以前的,從前的;(兩者之中的)前者
2. habitat n. 棲息地;(動植物的)自然環(huán)境
3. host n. [C]主人;東家;主持人
4. hostess n. [C]女主人;女乘務(wù)員;女主持人
5. humorous adj. 幽默的,詼諧的
6. informal adj. 非正式的(反義詞:formal adj.正式的)
7. income n. [C]& [U]所得;收入
II. 重點短語
1. fill out/in a form 填表
2. the former…the latter… 前者……后者……
3. keep goal 守球門
4. mean no harm 并無惡意
5. in relief 如釋重負;松了口氣
6. in return 作為報答;回答
7. in no way 決不,休想
8. in the way 妨礙,阻礙
9. on the way 在途中,在路上
10. by way of 通過……方式,經(jīng)由
11. in danger (of) 在危險中;垂危
12. on one’s way to sth./ doing sth. 即將成為……
III. 佳句賞析
1. When choosing a city to host the Olympics, there are certain things we need to consider.
2. Cartoons are humorous pictures with words.
3. To enjoy the former, the latter must be achieved.
IV. 詞匯練習(xí)
1. The place is the _______ for giant panda.
2. Fruit juices can be h_____ to children’s teeth.
3. He gave a ______(幽默的) account of their trip to Spain.
4. Their band is _______ of eight boys and girls, including two Japanese.
A. made B. joined C. attended D. formed
V. 短語練習(xí)
1. He is on his way to ______ a doctor after having finished his 4 years’ study in the university.
A. become B. becoming C. became D. having become
2. ? I think he is taking an active part in social work.
? I agree with you, _______.
A. in a way B. on the way C. by the way D. in the way
3. The little girl was _______ losing her life, but she is now _________.
A. in the danger of ; out of danger B. in danger of; out of the danger
C. in the danger of; out of the danger D. in danger of; out of danger
4. If we want to have a bright future, we must learn to act in ways _______ do not harm other living things.
A. in which B. that C. 不填 D. how
5. We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and _______, dogs give us their all.
A. in all B. in fact C. in short D. in return

1. habitat 2. healthy 3. humorous 4. A

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaosan/64831.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2012屆高考英語選修6 Unit 3頂尖復(fù)習(xí)教案