高一英語My New Teachers教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來源: 高中學(xué)習網(wǎng)

高一英語y New Teachers教案
The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important neords, expressions in the part of Vocabulary and Reading. And get the students to find out the meaning of the text, then give some explanations about them , and offer practice to make students master the important words of usage.To consolidate the contents of the reading passage , students should be required to retell the text in their own words .In order to arouse students’ interest , the teacher can hold a competition.
Get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful neords and expressions in the part:
amusing ,energetic , intelligent ,nervous ,organised ,patient ,serious ,shy , strict ,impression ,avoid ,hate ,incorrectly ,completely ,immediately ,appreciate ,admit ,scientific ,literature ,loudly ,wave ,joke ,make sure ,so that ,make progress ,as a result ,in fact ,fall asleep ,tell jokes
1) Improve the Ss’ ability in reading.?
2) Train the Ss to grasp the meaning of the words from the context.?
1) Get the Ss to knohat are the good qualities of a teacher.
2) Get the ss to love their teachers ,cooperate with them,and make a closer relationship.
重點: The following important useful neords and expressions in the part:
amusing ,energetic , intelligent ,nervous ,organised ,patient ,serious ,shy , strict ,impression ,avoid ,hate ,incorrectly ,completely ,immediately ,appreciate ,admit ,scientific ,literature ,loudly ,wave ,joke ,make sure ,so that ,make progress ,as a result ,in fact ,fall asleep ,tell jokes
難點: To master these words and expressions.
新授教學(xué)基本環(huán)節(jié):預(yù)習檢查 總結(jié)疑惑; 情景導(dǎo)入 展示目標;合作探究 精講點撥;反思總結(jié) 當堂檢測;發(fā)導(dǎo)學(xué)案 布置預(yù)習。
1 學(xué)生的前準備:預(yù)習,初步理解,查閱資料,嘗試練習。
2 教師的教學(xué)準備:多媒體制作,前預(yù)習學(xué)案,后延伸拓展學(xué)案,分好小組。
七、時安排 四十分鐘
Step1 Check(預(yù)習檢查 總結(jié)疑惑)
Step 2 Lead in
Do you like your teachers ?
What kind of teacher do you like best ? Why ?
Step 3 Warming ?up
? 1.Show some pictures of the teachers, introducing neords.
2.Ask a student to introduce a teacher that he or she likes best ,and the reason ,introducing more neords.?
?Step 4 Fast Reading?
Read the passage quickly to get the gene ral idea.
. Q: 1.What is your impression of the three teachers ? (Using several words to describe them)
2.What is the main idea of the passage ?
3.atch the paragraphs with their main ideas.
Para.1 A. r.Wu is a good teache because he is good looking,energetic and humourous.
Para 2 B. rs.li is a good teacher because she is kind, patient and tolerant.
Para 3 C.rs Chen is strict but good teacher because her teachering is well-organisd and clear.
1)Young,beautiful,and kind
2)Serious and strict
3) Young ,good-looking and energetic
2. The passage introduces three new teachers and the students’ impressions of them.
3. B C A
Step 5 Detail Reading
1.Choose T or F
1) rs Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her.
2) rs Li makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes.
3) With rs Li’s help, I begin to do better in English.
4) rs Chen is very strict and some students don’t like her.
5) r Wu is rather good-looking, so all the students like him.
1) What’s that girl’s first impression of rs Li?
2). Why do all the students like rs li ‘s lessons now ?
3) What do students think of rs Chen?
4) Why do most students in the class like rs. Chen?
5) How old is r Wu and how is he?
6) What does he do when he gets excited?
7) What does he do when his students get tired?
4. Fill in the tables
1.T F T T F
2. 1) Her first impression of rs Li was that she was nervous and shy.
2) Because she is kind,and patient And she explains english grammar so clearly that even I can understand.
3) She’s very strict and serious and doesn’t smile much.
4) Her teaching is well organized and clear.
5) He is about 28. He is energetic and rather good-looking.
6) He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.
7) He tells jokes when the students get tired.
Step 6 Sum up
rs li is my English teacher. She is kind and __1____. She always avoids __2____her students___3___embarrassed and she explains grammar _____4___clearly that even poor students can understand it. They feel they can____5_with her.
rs Chen is serious and ___6____. Even the students who keep __7____to class late are always on time for her lessons. ost of the students ___8____her because her ____9___is well ____10___ and clear.They think they will do well with her _11____them.
r Wu _____12__ teaching Chinese literature. He __13_____his hands a lot when he gets ______14__.He often tell jokes when the students are getting ___15____.Even things like compositions and _____16__ are fun with r Wu.
eys:1.beautiful 2.making 3.feel 4.so 5.make progress
6.strict 7ing 8.like 9.lesson 10.organised 11.teaching
12.has been 13.waves 14.excited 15.tired 16.summary
Step 7 Discussion
Describe a teacher you like best in the passage and show your composition to your classmates in fornt of the class.
Step 5 Homework
Write a composition about a teacher you like best ,trying to use as many as neords in the text.
九 板書設(shè)計
intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious strict stupid energetic shy
十 教學(xué)反思

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/40243.html

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