高一英語(yǔ)模塊1 Unit 1 詞匯I教學(xué)案答案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高一 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit One (詞匯I)
1. attend : Vt. go to ; be present at. 出席, 參加
參加集會(huì) attend assembly 出席婚禮 attend a wedding
上學(xué) attend school / class 聽(tīng)講座 attend a lecture
去 attend church 出席音樂(lè)會(huì) attend the concert
出席會(huì)議 attend a meeting
attend, join, join in, take part in
①She joined a health club.
②She joined the girls in a walk.
③Which team will Mr Wang join next year?
④Are you going to take part in / join in the discussion.
attend on/ upon sb. == look after 照看,照顧
照顧病人 attend on / upon a patient
attend to sth. 關(guān)注,注意,專心于…;
關(guān)注那個(gè)問(wèn)題 attend to the problem .
2. respect : n. / Vt. 尊敬、尊重
尊重規(guī)則 respect rules
博得某人的欽佩 gain / win / earn respect from sb.
尊重某人 show / have respect for sb. = respect sb.
失去……的尊敬 lose the respect of …
respects: 敬意、問(wèn)候;方面
give one’s respects to sb 請(qǐng)代某人向sb問(wèn)候
pay one’s respects to sb 對(duì)某人打招呼;對(duì)某人表示敬意
有許多方面/在一些方面 in many / some respects
3. achieve. Vt. 取得、完成、達(dá)到
達(dá)到目標(biāo) achieve a goal / aims
取得成功 achieve success
n. [C] 成就,功績(jī) achievement
科學(xué)上的成就 a scientific achievement
取得成績(jī) make achievements
4. prepare : Vt/ Vi. 準(zhǔn)備;為……作準(zhǔn)備
準(zhǔn)備功課 prepare one’s lessons
為考試作準(zhǔn)備 prepare for the exam
為某事而準(zhǔn)備某物 prepare sth for sth
使某人為某事作準(zhǔn)備 prepare sb for sth
準(zhǔn)備做某事 prepare to do sth
為某事作好了準(zhǔn)備 be prepared for sth
準(zhǔn)備好了做某事 be prepared to do sth
n. 準(zhǔn)備 preparation
為……作準(zhǔn)備 make preparations for
作為……準(zhǔn)備 in preparation for
5. experience : n. [C] experience(s)
[U.C] experience (+of/ in)
①please tell us your experiences in America?
②Have you had any experience of teaching English?
adj. 有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的 experienced
有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的老師 an experienced teacher
在某方面有經(jīng)驗(yàn) be experienced in / at
6. immediately adv. 立即,即刻;一……就
adj. 立即的 immediate
他立即就來(lái)了 He came immediately
我一到那就給你打電話 I’ll call you immediately I arrive there
在不久的將來(lái) in the immediate future
采取立即行動(dòng) take immediate action
隨 堂 檢 測(cè)
參軍 join the army
參加集會(huì) attend assembly
贏得高分 achieve high grades
一位有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的老師 an experienced teacher
一次愉快的經(jīng)歷 an enjoyable experience
免費(fèi)的 for free
照顧病人 attend on / upon a patient
贏得某人的尊重 gain / win / earn respect from sb
使得某人為某事作準(zhǔn)備 prepare sb for sth
在不久的將來(lái) in the immediate future
在許多方面 in many respects
在某方面有經(jīng)驗(yàn) be experienced in / at sth
1. We spent a fortnight’s time making preparations for the exam.(為……作準(zhǔn)備)
preparing for the exam.(為……作準(zhǔn)備)
2. You can leave for work immediately the baby fall asleep (一……就)
3. I am prepared to do anything for you. (我樂(lè)意為你做任何事)
4. The young should show / have respect for those who are older (尊重)

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaoyi/55181.html

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