2013年高考英語第一輪復(fù)習(xí):so that引導(dǎo)從句

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


so that 以便于;目的是為了。相當(dāng)于in order that,引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句。從句中常帶有may/might;can/could;will/would/should等情態(tài)動詞

①He got up early so that he might catch the first bus.他早起為的是趕上第一班車。

②I put on my glasses so that I could see more clearly.我戴上眼鏡為的是看得清楚點(diǎn)。

③He spoke loud so that everyone could hear him.他大聲說是為了讓大家都能聽到。

以上各句中的so that均可用in order that代替。

當(dāng)so that從句的主語與主句主語一致時(shí),?珊喕癁閕n order to或so as to 結(jié)構(gòu)。


①He got up early in order to catch the first bus.

②I put on my glasses in order to see more clearly.


He spoke loud so that he could be heard by everyone.可轉(zhuǎn)換為:He spoke loud in order to be heard by everyone.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/177637.html
