
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 高中英語 來源: 高中學習網

  (一)對建議句型的考查(一般以第二個說話人為主) 常見提問方式:
  What will the man probably do? Whats the mans suggestion? What does the man mean? What does the woman suggest the man do? 1. 由疑問詞引出的建議句型
  What about? How about? Why? Why not? Why bother? Why dont you? What if? What do you think。2. 祈使句表建議
  Lets Just + v.原
  3. 由情態(tài)動詞引出的建議句型
  May be you should Youd better You might You need do
  You have to do You should You can/Can you
  4.Its about/high/just time .... 早就該這么做了表主觀愿望,選項中找與should后面那句話相同意思的選項為答案
  5. 副詞引導委婉語氣表建議
  maybe, perhaps, probably 6. 助動詞放前
  Do you want to?
  (二)對虛擬語氣的考查 包含虛擬語氣的聽力考題中一般都有"是與非"相對的選項,這就要求同學們了解虛擬語氣的表意功能,根據(jù)虛擬語氣判斷正確選項。一般來說,這樣的題目答案與聽到的相反。
  1.I wish
  2.if if only Its not bother if you
  3. should have done shouldnt have done could have done
  如果句中出現(xiàn)I should have done this,那么答案一定是I didnt do this. 反之亦然。
  4.must be must have done(表推測的為例外,它應該選與所聽相同的部分。)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/gaozhong/269881.html
