
The Blind Date 介紹會面

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語學(xué)習(xí)方法 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

  Excuse me. Can you help me? 對不起,你能幫我么?
  Sure, what do you want? 可以啊,什么事?
  Where is 83 Wooster Street? Wooster街83號在哪?
  That's easy. Walk to the corner. 很好找。你走到拐角,
  Then make a left turn. 然后向左轉(zhuǎn),
  Then walk two blocks to the traffic light. 接著走兩條街到紅綠燈,
  Make another left to Wooster. 再向左轉(zhuǎn)就到了Wooster街了。
  Thank you. 謝謝你。
  To the corner and then a left? 走到拐角向左轉(zhuǎn),對嗎?
  Yeah. A left. 是的,向左轉(zhuǎn)。
  Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents. 要熱狗嗎?只要七十五美分。
  No. Thank you. I have a dinner date. 不,謝謝。我要去赴晚餐約會。
  555-9470...and it's busy.... 555-9470……占線……
  Try again. 再試一次。
  555-9470...and it's still busy. 555-9470……還是忙。
  Excuse me, ma'am. 對不起,夫人。
  I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street. 我想找Wooster街83號。
  Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, 噢,Wooster街是兩條街區(qū),   
  and 83 is to the right, about two houses. 83號是在右邊,大約過兩棟房子就到了。
  Thank you, thank you! 謝謝,謝謝!
  You're welcome. 不用謝。
  Who is it? 誰呀?
  Harry Bennett. Is this Susan? Harry Bennett。是Susan嗎?
  Yes, it is. Come up. 是的,是我。請上來。
  I'm on the top floor. 我在頂層。
  Hello, Harry. It's nice to meet you. 你好,Harry。很高興見到你。
  Nice to meet you, Susan. 很高興見到你,Susan。
  Sorry I'm late. 很抱歉我遲到了。
  The traffic. The parking. I was lost. 交通擁擠,又找不到停車的地方,而且我又迷路了!
  What pretty flowers! Thank you. 好漂亮的花!謝謝你。
  Oh, please come in. 噢,請進來。
  Don't worry about being late. It's fine. 別為遲到擔心了,沒有關(guān)系的。
  Excuse the mess. I just moved here. 請不要介意這兒亂得很,我剛剛搬來住。
  Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in-law Marilyn. 噢,我來向你介紹我嫂子Marilyn。
  Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett. Marilyn Stewart,這是Harry Bennett。
  Pleased to meet you. 很高興見到你。
  Nice to meet you, Harry. 我也很高興見到你,Harry。
  Are we too late for our dinner reservation? 我們會不會錯過晚餐訂位的時間?
  No, the restaurant will hold our table. 不會,餐廳會保留我們的席位。
  I know the owner very well. 我和老板很熟。
  I eat there a lot. 我在那兒吃過好多次。
  Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? 知道那家餐廳的電話號碼么?
  I'd like to call home 我想打電話回家
  and leave the number with the baby-sitter. 把餐廳的電話告訴臨時保姆。
  Sure. The number is... five five five...seventeen twenty. 沒問題,號碼是555--1720。
  May I use the phone? 我可以用一下電話嗎?
  Five five five...one seven two oh. Hello? 555-1720 , 喂?
  Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. 嗨,Michelle。是爸爸。
  Can I speak to Betty? 我能跟Betty說話嗎?
  I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant...我要留餐廳的電話號碼給她......
  Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five...seventeen twenty. 好,Betty。我的電話號碼是555-1720。
  OK. Thanks. See you later. 好,謝謝。再見。
  Well, that's done. Shall we go? 好了,打完了。我們可以走了嗎?
  I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn. 我準備好了。Marilyn,再見。
  Have a nice evening. 祝你們今晚愉快。
  Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again. 再見,Marilyn。希望能再次見面。
  Me, too. Have fun! 我也是。祝你們玩得愉快!
  Thanks. 謝謝。
  After you. 請先走。
  Excuse me, can you help me?
  Sure, what do you want?
  Where is 83 Wooster Street?
  That's easy, walk to the corner
  and make a left turn,
  then walk two blocks to the traffic light,
  make another left to Wooster.
  To the corner, and then a left.
  Walk to the corner
  and make a left turn,
  then walk two blocks to the traffic light,
  make another left to Wooster.
  Come on Harry, it's your turn.
  Follow the directions.
  Excuse me, ma'am.
  I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street.
  Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks
  and 83 is to the right.
  Wooster Street is two blocks
  and 83 is to the right.
  Come on Harry, it's your turn,
  follow the directions.
  Congratulations, Harry.
  You found 83 Wooster Street!
  Now Harry, let's try some new directions.
  Go to the traffic light
  at the corner of Prince Street
  and make a right turn.
  Go 1 block and make a left at Queen Street.
  Go to 290 Queen Street.
  Congratulations, Harry, you did it. 

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/waiyu/yingyuxuexi/20023.html

實用英語寫作技巧6 如何寫好段落(Ⅰ)