

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語試題 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


班級(jí)¬¬¬¬_______ 姓名¬¬¬________ 學(xué)號(hào)________ 成績(jī)_______


( ) 1. A. bedroo B. sitting-roo C. dining-roo
( ) 2. A. puppet B. puzzle C. pupkin
( ) 3. A. how B. horse C. house
( ) 4. A. big B. pig C. play
( ) 5. A. skiing B. swiing C. swing
( )6. A. floor B. flower C. follow
( ) 7. A. listen B. lesson C. learn
( ) 8. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. start
( ) 9. A. ake a odel plane B. ake odel planes C. ake soe kites
( )10. A. He can play the accordion. B. She can play the guitar. C. He can play the violin.
( )1.A . Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, they are.
( )2.A. They’re farers. B. He’s eleven. C. He’s a bus driver.
( )3.A. It’s very nice. B. It’s y sister. C. It’s y sister’s.
( )4.A. It’s fifty- four yuan. B. They’re fifty-four yuan. C. She’s fifty-four..
( )5.A. No, thank you. B. Yes, please. C. Soe pupkins, please.
1. A: Is ______ _____ juice in the fridge?
B: Let e ______. Oh, no, there _____.What about ______ ilk?
A: OK.
B: _____ you are.
2. A: What _____ you _____?
B: “Two jackets”.
A: Can you play the _____?
B: No, I ______.

筆試部分 (70分)

1、( )jup usic 2、( )lot go
3、( )lap grape 4、( )vase nae
5、( )he red 6、( )good bedroo

1、一間大書房 2、上一堂英語課
3、許多花 4、唱唱跳跳
5、在晚上 6、a ap of China
7、each other 8、pupkin lanterns
9、ride a bike 10、Here’s your change.

三、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 (8分)ww xkb1
1. There aren’t (any, soe) sofas in the sitting-roo.
2. Now, follow (I, e), please.
3. There _____ (are, is) a book and two pencil-boxes on the desk.
4. We need soe (chocolates, chocolate)
5. He can (swi, swiing).
6. Today is ____ (first, the first) day of the new ter.
7. How any ________(studys, studies) are there in your new house?
8. Let’s play (football, the football) .

四、選擇。 (15分)
( )1.There _______ soe juice in the glass.
A. are B. have C. is
( ) 3. They would like ______ a toy onkey and a toy tiger.
A. buying B. to buy C. buy
( ) 4. -- How ______ are the puppets? -- Eighty yuan , please.
A. any B. old C .uch
( ) 5. Su Hai and her parents like reading ______ Saturdays.
A. on B. in C. with
( ) 6. Can you ake soe kites ?
A、Yes, you can. B、Yes, we can. C、Yes, I do.
( ) 7----Are there any toilets beside your school?
A、Yes, they are. B、Yes, there is. C、Yes, there are.
( ) 8.There are_______ trees near the house.
A. lot of B. a lot C. a lot of
( ) 9. I can the violin . I like the violin .
A. play, play B. play, playing C. playing, play
( )10. in the building? There are soe roos.
A. What’s B. Where’s C. What’re
( ) 11. Helen’s parents ________ work on Saturdays and Sundays.
A isn’t B aren’t C don’t
( ) 12. Can you ______ the book on your head?
A. put B. have C. see
( )13. Listen ______ the song, please.
A. for B. at C. to
( )14.Wang Bing and _______ parents are in the dining-roo.
A. her B. their C. his
( )15. Do you like ______?
A. a dog B. dogs C. dog

We _______ a big ___________.
______ _______ the door? There _______ soe balls.
Is there a ______? Sorry , I don’t _____ in the city(城市)
4、你會(huì)唱歌嗎? 是的。
________ you _________ ? Yes, I can.
There are soe chickens the .

1. There is soe ilk in the glass. (改為否定句)
There _________ _________ ilk in the glass.
2. She can ride a bike. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
_________ can she _________?
3. I like horses. (改為一般疑問句)
_________ _________ like horses?
4. and ,Let’s , look , go , a ,have (連詞成句)
5. the, there, are, any, swings, in, garden (連詞成句)
_________________________________________ ?


A. 判斷對(duì)錯(cuò) (對(duì) T 錯(cuò) F )5’
This is a picture of our class. There are fifty?five students in our class. You can see twenty-eight boys and twenty- seven girls. There is an Aerican(美國的) student in our class. His nae is David. His English is very good. We all like hi. He likes eating bread and cakes. He likes drinking ilk and apple juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. David can ski but we don’t. We are very happy together.
( ) 1. There are fifty ? five students in the class.
( ) 2. David is an English boy.
( ) 3. David likes bread and tea.
( ) 4. Chinese students can ski.
( ) 5. We all like David.

B. 根據(jù)短內(nèi)容,選出正確的答案5’
y nae is Billy . I’ a boy . I a eleven . I’ in China now . y father is a doctor and y other is a teacher . I like Chinese food , but y father and other don’t . They like bread . I have a nice roo . There’s a bed , a desk and a chair in it . There’re any books on the desk . I like books . I often (經(jīng)常)read books in the orning .
( )1. Billy is ________.
A. a boy B. eleven C. A and B
( )2. Billy’s father is ________.
A. a teacher B. a worker C. a doctor
( )3. Billy likes ________.
A. Chinese B. Chinese food C. bread
( )4. Billy has a ________ roo .
A. nice B. big C. sall
( )5. Billy often reads books ________.
A. at hoe B. after class C. in the orning


1. A. bedroo 2. C. pupkin 3. B. horse 4. A. big 5. C. swing
6. C. follow 7. C. learn 8. A. Sunday 9. A. ake a odel plane
10. B. She can play the guitar.
1. Is there a park near your house?
2. What are their jobs ?
3. Whose ask is it ?
4. How uch are they ?
5. What do you need ?
1. A: Is there____ _any____ juice in the fridge?
B: Let e see___. Oh, no, there _isn’t _.What about __soe____ ilk?
A: OK.
B: _Here____ you are.
2. A: What can____ you _sing____?
B: “Two jackets”.
A: Can you play the piano_____?
B: No, I can_’t.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/36894.html

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