
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 2 School life
Comic strip &Welcome to the unit
主備人:趙光輝 審核:八年級英語備組
1. 簡要談?wù)搶W(xué)校生活,復(fù)習(xí)與學(xué)校生活有關(guān)的詞匯。
2. 掌握相同概念在英式英語和美式英語中的不同表達(dá)法。
3. 了解英國英語和美國英語的有關(guān)區(qū)別。
Hobo wants to know 1_______ dogs don’t go to 2________ while people must go. Eddie thinks dogs are 3________ than people and they 4_______ go to school. But Hobo still wonders 5______ a school is like. Eddie thinks it’s just 6_______ 7______ TV. But there are 8_______ 9_______ in it. Do you think 10_____?
center centre color colour favorite favourite
traveling travelling math maths neighbor neighbour
lift film autumn holiday
rubber mail high school soccer
(1).Why don’t dogs go to school?
【辨析】這是一個疑問否定句,翻譯成“為什么不。。。。。。呢?”否定疑問句Why don’t you do sth?專門用表示建議或詢問對方的想法,相當(dāng)于Why not do sth?,
ΔWhy don’t you ask the teacher for help?
== Why not ask the teacher for help?
Shall we do sth? /Let’s do sth./ What /How about doing sth?/ Would you like to do sth/ Do you want to do sth?
(2).What’s school like? It’s like watching TV. 學(xué)校是什么樣子?它像看電視一樣。
【辨析】What’s school like?相當(dāng)于What does school look like?在這當(dāng)中l(wèi)ike是介詞。be like 像 look like看起像,強(qiáng)調(diào)視覺印象,大多數(shù)情況下它們是可以替換使用的,但有時候還是有區(qū)別的,試分析下列例句,看看它們到底區(qū)別在哪里。
He looks like his mother. His mother is like his friend.
Do you want to watch movies on Internet? It’s like watching TV.
like作動詞講,意為“喜歡”。 would like意為“想要”后面跟名詞或to do sth.
選用be like, look like, would like, like 的適當(dāng)形式填空:
1. ? What subject ______ you _______?- I ________ English.
2. ? What _______ Yao ing ________? -- He is tall and strong.
3. ? What _____ you _______ to do on the coming holiday? -- I _______ to go to orea for holiday.
4. ? What ______ his daughter _______? ? She’s lovely and very clever.
5. I am hungry, I ______ ______ something to eat.
1、Students speak English in both Britain and the USA. So we have (Britain) and
2、In England, we call it secondary school, but in America, they call it h school.
3、Listen, the bell is ringing. The class is over. Let’s have a b .
4、Jack uses the e to go up and down the tall building because he lives on the 35th floor.
5、Some times people use d words which mean the same thing.
6、In f leaves turn yello
7、Why (not play) soccer with us?
8、y ideal school is to have (little) homework to do and (few) subjects to study.
( )1、Jim is popular in our class. And he is than illie.
A. clever B. more clever C. the cleverer D. cleverer
( )2、--- ? ---He is tall and strong.
A. What is he B. What does he do
C. How do you like him D. What is he like
( )3、Please come to my house next week.
A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time
( )4、The text is very easy for us. There are neords in it.
A. some B. few C. a few D. a little
( )5、It’s hotter today than yesterday.
A . so B. very C. much D. too
1、New York is one of (big) cities in the world.
2、Life is like (run)after the time.
3、Can you tell me the (different) between them?
4、Every day there are too many (advertise) on TV.
5、What he said (make)me very angry.
1、Tom runs fast, Jack runs faster than Tom.(同義句)
Tom fast as Jack.
2、The life in our school is very exciting.(對劃線部分提問)
the life in our school ?
3、Shanghai is the largest city in China. (同義句)
Shanghai is larger city in China.
4、Shall we spend our summer holiday in Dalian? (同義句)
spend our summer holiday in Dalian? or
spending our summer holiday in Dalian?
5、The meeting will start in ten minutes. (對劃線部分提問)
the meeting start?
Unit 2 School life
(Reading I)
主備人:趙光輝 審核:八年級英語備組
1. 學(xué)會運(yùn)用各種閱讀方式,讀懂,了解英美國家中學(xué)生的學(xué)校生活。
2. 了解作者的個人感受和觀點(diǎn)。
3. 了解和掌握中的語言點(diǎn)。
in Year 8__________ in 9th grade________________ a mixed school________________
do things for oneself _______________during this year’s Reading Week__________________-
near the end of__________________ bring in books and magazines from home
have driving lessons_________________ drive somebody to school________________
spend much time practicing playing softball _____ _ ________
talk to somebody about something________________ in the Buddy Club__________________-
cook healthy and tasty meals_________________ as well__________
have a great time doing something_____________ Home Economics________
a close friend___________
二、閱讀完,請把下列談及的內(nèi)容給John 和Nancy歸類,填寫序號。
1. a mixed school 2. go to school in a car 3. cook healthy and tasty meals
4. talk to each other 5. Home Economics 6. play softball
7. go to a bubby club 8. a reading week 9. go to shopping malls
10. talk to friends about books
John _____________________________ Nancy ________________________________
1. a mixed school: adj. 混合的 mix: v. 使…混合/融合; mixture : n. 混合物
2. near the end of each class :每堂快結(jié)束的時候
類似的詞組還有at the end of … 在。。。的盡頭、末尾 in the end=finally=at last 最后
3. …because we want to read all our classmates’ books as well
as well==too: 也(常用于肯定句,放在句末)
either 也不(常用于否定句,放在句末。
as well as 意思是“和。。。。。。一樣好”放在動詞后。
4. We have to tell our English teacher what we are reading. 我們得告訴我們的英語老師我們
ΔPeople don’t knoho we are.
ΔCan you tell me how old he is?
ΔDo you knohat happened to her last night?
5.taste 既可作動詞,意為“品嘗”,也可作名詞,意為“味道”。它的形容詞為tasty,相當(dāng)于delicious。詞組有have a taste==taste,嘗一嘗, taste like 嘗起像什么,pleasant taste 可口的味道 sweet taste 甜味 salty taste 咸味
6. at the age of 16 在16歲的時候,也可以用 at 16 or when someone is 16 years old
1、They look so . We can’t believe they’re .
A. young; senior B. older; junior C. oldest;; senior D. younger; junior
2、There are some trees on sides of the street.
A. each B. both C. all D. every
3、We don’t know ,either.
A. what to do it B. to do what C. how to do it D. how to do
4、--- does he go to the cinema? ---Twice a month
A. How long B. How often C. How many D. when
5、I spent three hours the World Cup yesterday evening.
A. watching B. to watch C. looking D. seeing
6、Did you have a nice time in the park last weekend/
A. sing and dance B. to sing and dance
C. singing and dancing D. sang and danced
1.Of all the s , I like English best.
2.When he was young, he a his father very much. He thought his father is a h .
3.How many (圖書館) are there in your city?
4、Don’t worry. I am old enough to look after (I)
5.Do you want to be healthier? You should cook and eat (health)?
6. --- Whose are these bags? ---They are those (boy).
1、Both you and I are students.
You are a student and I am a student .
2、It took me a lot of time to get to school in my father’s car.
y father time me to school .
3、They enjoyed themselves in the People’s Park last Sunday.
They in the People’s Park last Sunday.
4、I read an article. It was written by a girl from the USA.
I read an article from the USA..
the word “bedroom” ?
the room you sleep in.
Students in are
Li Ping doesn’t know .
We have a each other.
Don’t the Reading Week.

Unit 2 School life
(Reading II)
主備人:趙光輝 審核:八年級英語備組
1. 學(xué)會運(yùn)用各種閱讀方式,讀懂,了解英美國家中學(xué)生的學(xué)校生活。
2. 了解作者的個人感受和觀點(diǎn)。
3. 了解和掌握中的語言點(diǎn)。
一種混合飲料 怎樣做飯和縫紉
做健康美味的飯 我們朋友的書
練習(xí)打壘球 上駕駛
在午飯時間 世界各地的學(xué)校
花許多時間練習(xí) 愉快地談話
1、Twice a week, I play softball after school. 通常我們會對表示頻率的時間副詞用How
often…?提問,類似的時間副詞有once a week, three times a year, often, usually, always,
seldom, never, sometimes等。
Δ Taking a car to school takes less time than taking a bus.
Δ It’s colder in Beijing than in Shanghai.
ΔEasier said than done.說起容易,做起難。
ΔA good name is better than riches.美名勝財富。
ΔHealth is better wealth.健康好過財富。
3. …I spend a lot of time practicing.
* spends + 時間/金錢 + on sth/(in) doing sth It takes + sb + 時間 + to do
Sth costs sb + 金錢/精力 sb pay for 付款;
* practice=practise: v. 練習(xí) ~ doing
4.We always have a great time talking to each other.
Have a great time 玩的開心==have a good/nice/wonderful time==enjoy oneself,后面跟doing
1、We often food from homebecause our home is far from the school.
A. take B. bring C. carry D. get
2、Beijing is city in China.
A. the second largest B. a second largest C. the first largest D. the largest
3、Yesterday afternoon, there were only three boys in the reading room, .
A. you ,he and I B. I, you and he C. he, I and you D. you, ,I and he
4、These oranges taste .
A. well B. good C to be good .D. to be well
5、What the word “pop” ?
A. is; mean B. does; mean C. is ; meaning D. does; meaning
1、Lei Feng and Yao ing are (hero) we admire.
2、Jim and I are good friends , or good b .
3、In a m school, boys and girls have lessons t .
4、y mum can cook (with a pleasant taste) meals.
5、Her cousin often goes to (shop) malls at lunchtime.
1、It’s raining outside. We have (stay) at home.
2、The man is learning how (drive) a car.
3、They had a great time (chat)under the tree.
4、I spend two hours a day (speak) English to improve my spoken English.
5、Father says he (take) me to the epark if he (be) free the day after tomorro
During the day we work and play; at night we sleep. Our bodies rest while we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. While we are asleep our bodies grow most. Children who are tired usually need more sleep. We can get our lessons better and we feel better too, when we have had plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our bodies need plenty of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh(新鮮的)air we’ll feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our heads. If we do, our lungs(肺)will not get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls who want to grow and be strong must get plenty of sleep.
( )1. Our bodies grow most while we are .
A. eatingB. playingC. sleepingD. waking
( )2. Which is the best air for us?
A. Hot airB. Cool airC. Warm airD. Dry air
( )3. Too little sleep makes us .
A.happyB. hungryC. tiredD. grow
( )4. How much sleep should boys and girls of nine ears have every night?
A. Eight hoursB. Nine hoursC. Ten hoursD. Eeven hours
( )5. What do the lungs need most?
A. Fresh airB. FoodC. RestD. Exercise

Unit 2 School life
主備人:趙光輝 審核:八年級英語備組

kind helpful grateful polite big old
brave quick interesting careful happy lazy
1、send an e-mail to somebody ==send somebody an e-mail=e-mail sb給某人發(fā)電子郵
2、關(guān)于英語前綴un-和后綴 ?less的用法,他們均表示否定的含義,表示相反的意思,如:
happy---unhappy king---unkind helpful----unhelpful popular---unpopular
careful---careless useful---useless hopeful---hopeless home---homeless
You can learn to speak different languages.
You can learn about different countries, seas, rivers of the world.
You can learn about the past
You can learn to cook and sew
You can draw pictures.
You can learn to use the computer.
You can learn about the natural world through experiments.(實(shí)驗)
You can do a lot of physical exercise, for example, run, jump, play balls.
1、It’s not right to think PE is an (important)subject.
2、These things are (use). Throw them away.
3、Some students think ath is interesting, but some students think it is (bore).
4、The (interest)man often makes others (interest)in him.
5、Languages are much (difficult) than Science.
( )1、Picking apples in fall very interesting
A. are B. is C. be D. am
( )2、There is with my bike, so I have to walk home.
A. wrong something B. something wrong C. wrong nothing D. nothing wrong
( )3、You spend too much time on computer games, but they are and .
A. important; useful B. important; useless
C. unimportant; unuse D. unimportant; useless
( )4、He is a Chinese but he knows Japanese.
A. a little B. little C. a few D. few
( )5、There a meeting in the hall tonight.
A. will have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going to have
( )6、Did you and he enjoy at the party?
A. themselves B. himself C. yourselves D. yourself and himself
( )7、Their school is three times as as ours. That means our school is than theirs.
A. big; three times smaller B. small; large
C. big; small D. large ; twice smaller
1、They (go) to Hainan by air in a month.
2、I (hurt)my leg just now, so I couldn’t go out of the room.
3、I heard someone (cry)in the next room a moment ago.
4、Look! How happy your mother (look0!
5、They (have) a trip to the Great Wall if it (not snow) tomorro
John is a famous writer no But he said that he was not a ___1_____student when he was young. He was often late for ___2_____ and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes, he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn’t understand much, ____3____ he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher ____4____ the students a question, “when Jack was ten years old, ____5____ brother Bob was twenty. Jack is fifteen now and ____6____ is his brother Bob?” John said, “That’s easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.”
Another time, the ____7____ in a science class asked, “when it thunders(打雷), ____8____ do we always see the light before we ____9____ the sound?”
“But, iss,” said John quickly, “don’t you ___10_____ our eyes are in front of our ears?”
( )1.A. good B. tallC. richD. fat
( )2.A. sleepB. lunchC. classD. play
( )3.A. soB. andC. orD. but
( )4.A. sentB. askedC. toldD. found
( )5.A. yourB. myC. hisD. her
( )6.A. how manyB. how oldC. whatD. who
( )7.A. teacherB. farmerC. nurseD. policeman
( )8.A. whatB. whenC. whereD. why
( )9.A. breakB. makeC. hearD. smell
( )10.A. readB. hopeC. studyD. know

Unit 2 School life
主備人:趙光輝 審核:八年級英語備組
1. 運(yùn)用more …than, fewer …than,和 less…than比較數(shù)量。
2. 運(yùn)用the most 比較兩個以上的事物,表示數(shù)量最多,運(yùn)用the fewest和the least比較兩個以上的事物,表示數(shù)量【前自主學(xué)習(xí)】
3. 運(yùn)用the same as 和different from 做比較.
4. 運(yùn)用the same... as 做比較.
many much
few little
3. 試著寫出下列英語詞組。
業(yè)余時間 參加俱樂部 最滑稽的女孩
得到最少的分?jǐn)?shù) 植樹 我們中的大多數(shù)
在這書上花了10元 在健康俱樂部 在線友誼俱樂部 與。。。。。。一樣 與。。。。。。不同
1. Comparing more than two things(比較三個或三個以上): the most/the fewest + (countable) nouns. the most/the least + (uncountable) nouns.
2.Please use more /fewer /less …than or the most/fewest/least to compare two things.(比較兩者)
3. y uniform is the same as Simon's uniform.
y uniform is different from Jhon's uniform.
the same as。。。表示“和。。。。。。一樣”。
different from。。。表示“和。。。。。。不同”。
補(bǔ)充 the same + 名詞 + as。。。表示“和。。。。。。一樣。。。。。。!。相當(dāng)于as…as, 如:
Δillie's pencil box is the same size as Amy's pencil box.
== illie's pencil box is as big as Amy's pencil box.
類似的還有 the same colour/age/length/weight/hight as ===as colour/ old/ long / heavy/ tall as
1、In the English exam, I got (many)points, but Betty got (few) points
2、He looked (sad) at us when the bad news reached him.
3、Your dictionary is (use) than my small one.
4、The (little) you eat, the (thin) you will be.
5、When I got to the hospital, the old man got even (bad).
6、ath is more interesting than Chinese but (popular) than Chinese.
7、This is one of (important) subjects that I study in school.
8、Do you think Rose is (pretty) of the two sisters?
( )1、By online chatting, I know that I am age illie.
A. the same; with B. the same; as C. as same; as D. as same; with
( )2、The weather in Zhenjiang is quite different that in Guangzhou.
A. than B. to C. from D. in
( )3、There are the eggs in the third basket.
A. least B. fewest C. less D. fewer
( )4、---Do you need some bread?---No thanks. There is bread in the fridge.
A. enough B. little C. no D. few
( )5、They do eye exercises twice a day, so of them glasses.
A. a few; put on B. a few; wear C. few; put on D. few; wear
( )6、This maths problem is easier but interesting than that one.
A. much; much B. more; much C. much; more D. more; more
( )7、Her grades are better than in the class.
A. any other student B. the other student
C. the one of the any other student D. other students
( )8、Things are on the moon on the earth.
A. much lighter; than B. much heavier; than
C. as heavy; as D. not so light; as
( )9、This boy is of the two boys.
A. taller B. tallest C. the taller D. the tallest
( )10、A thick book has pages than a newspaper.
A. less B. fewer C. more D. many
1、Jack is the tallest boy in his class.
Jack is taller boy in his class.
2、ath is more difficult than English.
English is than ath.
3、He joins more clubs than Lucy.
Lucy clubs than he does.
4、This desk is as long as that one.
This desk is as that one.
5、Amy has ten pears. Andy has eleven pears. Jane has twelve pears.
Amy has of the three.
二、用some, few, little, many, much的正確形式填空。
1、illie likes collecting hair clips. She has hair clips in her class.
2、Simon doesn’t like reading stories. He reads stories than we do.
3、This glass is full. There is water in that glass.
4、Yesterday we had dinner at Simon’s home. Sandy liked the fish, and she ate fish .But she ate apples.
5、You should spend as time as you can speaking English.

Unit 2 School life
Integrated Skills

1. 穿校服______________ ___ 2. 休一周假 __________________
3. 做早操_________ ____ 4. 花更少的時間進(jìn)行外活動_______________
5. 學(xué)生的數(shù)量_____________ 6 暑假的長度_______________________
1、the number of… 意為“。。。的數(shù)量”作主語時謂語動詞用單數(shù),用large, small 表示數(shù)量的多少。a number of…意為“許多、大量”,相當(dāng)于many, a lot of, lots of ,只能修飾可數(shù)名詞,作主語時謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù),類似的詞組還有 a great/ large number of…大量的。。。。。。 a small number of…少量的。。。。。。練習(xí):
1). number of students are playing on the playground.
2). number of the students in her class 45.
3).how many students are there in your class?
== the students in your class?
The number of the students in Class 1 is than the students in Class 2.
==There are in Class 1 than in Class 2.
2、length是形容詞 long 的名詞形式,表示長度;width是形容詞 wide的名詞形式,表示寬度;height是形容詞 high的名詞形式,表示高度;weight 是動詞weigh的名詞形式,表示重量。
3、have/take + some time + off ,意為“有。。。。。。時間的假期”,off本身就有“離開離去”的意思,這里表示“免于正常的工作;不上班”。 如: She will have a month off。
1. How many is the number of students in your school? ( )__________
3. y school uniform is different from John. ( )__________
4. y school has the least classrooms. ( )__________
5. How long do you live from your school? Four kilometres. ( )__________
6. What will you do if it will rain or snow? ( )__________
( )1. The number of the students in Woodland 50 and a number of students there having a good time chatting.
A. is; is B. is ; are C. are ; are D. are ; is
( )2. She is better at English than _______ in the class.
A. any other student B. the other student
C. the one of any other student D. those of any other student
( )3. I can’t do the job _____ you.
A. so bad as B. as badly as C. as worse as D. so worst as
( )4. Students are very busy because they have so ____ books to read and so ___ homework to do .
A. many, many B. much, much C. many, much D. much, many
( )5. The aths problem is so difficult that ____ students can work it out.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
( )6.Who do you think is of the two boys?
A. clever B. cleverer C. the cleverest D. the cleverer
( )7. ---Do you mind my sitting here? ----- .
A. Of course B. Better not C. Certainly D. Yes, I do
( )8. Justin and Paul are twins. Their appearances are ___.
A.like B. likes C. alike D. likely
( )9.Remember this, children. Careful you are, mistakes you will make.
A. The more; the more B. The fewer; the more
C. The more; the fewer D. The less; the less
( )10.A horse is animal. It helps people a lot.
A. a useful B. an useful C. a useless D. an useless
1、Playing games is better than (do) homework at home.
2、Do you mind my (open) the window?
3、The (long) of the winter holiday is about 20 days.
4、They are old enough to look after (them). You needn’t worry about them.
5、Which subject is (interesting), History, Geography or Science?
We ___________Saturday and Sunday every week. .
We should do the work best with people and money.
The weather in China is nearly ____________________ that in America.
any words in Britain English are______ ________ in American English.
5. 這個杯子中的水比那個杯中的水多.
There is ____________________________________________________________________.
Amy has ______ ______ _______ of the three students.

Unit 2 School life
ain Task&pronunciation
主備人:趙光輝 審核:八年級英語備組
壘球 羽毛球 棒球 排球 電腦
家政 地理 象棋俱樂部 駕駛
歌唱團(tuán) 烹飪
呆在醫(yī)院里 能夠 表示驚訝
看窗外 上電視 搬到、移居到加拿大
理想學(xué)校 起床遲 聽流行音樂
有許多進(jìn)行外活動的時間 戴領(lǐng)帶
在馬路的兩邊 一個。。。。。。另一個。。。。。。
一個擁有大量有用書的圖書館 有半個小時的作業(yè)
1、be able to相當(dāng)于can /could do sth, 所以它們不能連在一起。Be able to可以用于各種時態(tài),但can /could do sth不可以。
2、We have an hour for lunch,/We will have lots of time for after-school activities注意介詞要用for. 而We have half an hour of homework.句中介詞要用of.
3、There is a park on one side of our school and a shopping mall on the other.
One…and the other…是連起用的,意為“一個。。。。。。另一個。。。。。!。另外,“在某一邊”要用介詞on,如on one side of, on the left hand, on the right.
“在什么。。。。。。的兩邊”,有以下幾種:on both sides of… on each /either side of…如:
ΔThere are many trees and flowers on both sides of the street.
( ) 1. Yesterday I wrote letter to my mother.
A. a eight-hundred words B. a eight-hundred-word
C.an eight-hundred-word D. an eight-hundred words
( ) 2. -- _______ do you watch TV at one night? ---- Two or three.
A. How much B. How many hours C. How often D. What time
( )3. -- ________ is he staying? ---He’s staying for two weeks.
A. How much B. How often C. How long D. How old
( )4.There is a bookshop of the road.
A. on other side B. on the other side C. on the other sides D. at the other side
( )5..Please pass me a pen .
A.to write on B.write with C.to write with D.writing
( )6. The Changjiang River is ________ in the world.
A. a longest riverB. the longest rivers
C. one of the longest riverD. one of the longest rivers
( ) 7.I like music, but I don’t like music of the film.
A. /; he B. the; / C. the; the D. /; /
( ) 8.Do you find Jack an person?
A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests
( ) 9.Have you got enough food ?
A. to eat B. ate C. eating D. eat
( ) 10. Tommy usually chats the phone his friends.
A. with; on B. on; at C. at; on D. on ; with
1、Swimming is one of the ___________ (healthy) activities.
2、A club is a___________ (please) place to spend our free time.
3、Did you finish (read)this book called “Harry Potter”.
4、r Wu (watch) the film with his students tonight,isn’t he?
5、I don’t think (read) in the sun is good for your eyesight.
6、ary is my (close) friend of the three.
7、Here _____ (be)Tom’s and Tim’s bikes.
8、They often spend their free time _________(chat) online.
9、---Do you have any h________ ? ---- Yes, of course. Yang Liwei and Nie Haisheng.
10、What’s the short form(形式) for a__________ ? It’s ad.
It was very late when we came out of the cinema. We knew the last train would leave __1_ 11:15 , so we ran as __2__ as we could to the station. It was just after 11: 15 when we __3__ the station, but the trains often leave a little __4__ and there was a train standing at Platform 1(第一站臺) , so we got in. We __5___ for half an hour, then we got __6___ . We found the ticket collector and asked him ___7___ the train was going to leave.
“Tomorrow morning at six o clock,” he told us.
There were __8__taxis outside the station. __9__ we walked home. It __10__ us nearly two hours. The next morning we felt very tired.
( ) 1. A. in B. for C. at D. on
( ) 2. A.fast B. faster C. fastest D. fastly
( ) 3. A. reached to B. got C. arrived in D. arrived at
( ) 4. A. later B. early C. earlier D. late
( ) 5. A. wait B. are waiting C. waited D. waits
( ) 6. A. out B. in C. off D. on
( ) 7. A. how B. when C. why D .that
( ) 8. A. no B. not C. none D. nothing
( ) 9. A. but B. or C. so D. and
( ) 10. A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took
Unit 2 School life
主備人:趙光輝 審核:八年級英語備組
1、學(xué)會運(yùn)用the same as和different from作比較。
2、學(xué)會運(yùn)用the same+名詞as作比較。
softball ,Geography, aths ,rubber ,Science ,secondary school, table tennis, History, pencil , ruler, high school, basketball, senior, mixed school, diving, climbing, paper, PE, baseball, pencil case ,primary school
SportsStationarySchool subjectsSchools and students

1.illie’s pencil box is the same size as Amy’s pencil box
=== illie’s pencil box is as big as Amy’s pencil box.
Be the same as 意為“….和….一樣”.
the same+名詞+as===as adj as,表示“……和….一模一樣……的某物.” same 的后面一定要放一個名詞.類似的詞組還有:
the same colour as===as red/white/black…as
the same length as===as long as the same weight as==as heavy as
the same age as ===as old as the same hight as===as high/tall as 如:
ΔHe is 12 years old. I am 12 years old.==He is as old as me==he is the same age
as me.
( )1.You look than before, why?
A. more thin B. more thinner C. much thinner D. much more thin
( )2.Do you have any problems English?
A. learning B. for learning C. with learn D. to learn
( )3.I’m new here. So I don’t know except r Gao.
A. someone else B. anybody else C. else somebody D. else anybody
( )4.He is better telling jokes than the famous actor. He brings us much joy and happiness.
A. at B. in C. for D. by
( )5.He has money, doesn’t he?
A. few B. a few C. a little D. little
( )6.---Peter would you mind me?---Of course not.
A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps
( )7.---um,could you buy me a dress like this?
---Certainly. We can buy one than this but this.
A. a better; better than B. a cheaper; as good as
C. a worse; as good as D.a more important; not as good
( )8. This kind of pencil is of all, but it’s too .
A. the best;dearest B. the best; dearer C. better; dear D. the best; dear
Nancy’s shoes the mine.
John studies Naniel, so he has
He has two sons, is a doctor, is a teacher.
There is a small woods a lot of .
1、Bill and elinda were born on January 1, 1995.
Bill and elinda age.
2、Our summer holiday lasts for two months.
The of our summer holiday two months.
3、This is Lily’s pencil-box.
This pencil-box .
4、It takes us only half an hour to finish the homework every day.
We only have homework every day.
A college teacher invited two businessmen(商人)to dinner at his home.One of the two men never went to school when he was young and was worried that he couldn’t answer other men’s questions correctly(正確的).But his friend said,”Don’t worry,Tom.Just do what I do,and don’t talk about anything if you don’t understand it.”
Everything went on quite well,but by the end of the evening had had a lot of drink,and began to get careless.
One of the guests(客人) asked him if he liked Edison,and Tom answered,”It’s pleasant,but I like whisky(威士忌) better.”
All the guests kept quiet for a moment and soon they began to leave.When the two men went out of the house,the friend said to Tom,”You certainly made yourself a fool(傻子)because you told me whisky foolishly(愚蠢地)!”
“What do you mean?” asked the other man.”What was wrong with it?”
“We all know that Edison isn’t a kind of drink.”his friend said,”it’s a kind of music!”
( ) 1. The passage is about how to go to dinner.
( ) 2.One businessman was afraid to answer questions because he thought he had little learning.
( ) 3.One businessman told the other to try to talk less at dinner.
( ) 4.One businessman thought that Edison was a kind of drink and the other thought that Edison was a leader (領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者)
( ) 5.Reading the passage ,we can know the two businessmen were foolish.
ore and more middle students in Beijing are getting shorter sleeping time. ost students sleep l
than eight hours every n ,because they have m homework to do. Some homework is given
by school teachers ,and some by p . Also, some students don’t know how to s the time.
They are not careful enough while doing their homework, so it t them a lot of time. Some students
have to get up e every morning to get to school on time b bus or bike. It may be a long way
from home to school.
S and parents should cut down some of the homework so that children can enjoy not
less than eight hours of sleep every night for their h .

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/51541.html

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