Would you mind turning down the music教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
八年級(下)英語學(xué)案 第41課時
【課題】Unit 7 Reading Would you mind keeping your voice down?
【勵志小木屋】Virtue is a jewel of great price.美德乃是無價寶。
【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】(一)知識目標(biāo):Master words、phases and sentences.
(二)能力目標(biāo):學(xué)會運(yùn)用scanning for details的方法來提高閱讀效率,提高學(xué)生聽、說、讀、寫及知識自學(xué)的綜合能力。
Task 1: 漢譯英:
1.壓低聲音;使緩和 ___ 2.聲音 ____ 3.術(shù)語 _______ 4.首先 ______ 5.亞洲(人)的 ____ 6.無理的 ___ 7.歐洲 ______ 8.允許某人干某事 ________ 9.當(dāng)眾 ______ 10當(dāng)心 ___ 11.違反規(guī)則 ______ 12.熄滅 ________ 13.撿起垃圾
Task 2英譯漢
1.keep ----down ____ 2.voice __ 3.term __ 4.at first 5.Asian______ 6.impolite _ 7.Europe __ 8.allow sb to do sth _______ 9.in public___________10.take care _____ 11.break the rule ______ 2. put out _______ 13.pick the litter up/pick up the litter _____
Task3: 據(jù)意填詞
1.China is an ___________ country. (Asia)
2.He __________ litter on the ground and got criticized. ( drop )
3.Have you finished _____________ the letter? ( write )
4.Some ______________ are visiting our farm next Monday. ( foreign )
5. Most people would agree that talking loudly in a library is ____________. ( polite )
I don’t like w_______ in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone c_______ .When that h________ , I usually say , “Would you mind h_______me ?” And I don’t like it when shop a_________ follow me a__________. Then I say , “Could you please n_______ follow me around ?I’ll ask you i_________ I need some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are s_________, but sometimes they get m__________ . If that happens, I w_________ go back to that s___________ again.
(三)預(yù)習(xí)置疑: Do you have any questions?__________________
Step1: Warming-up Step2: Lead-in Step3: Finish some tasks by reading.
Step4 精講點(diǎn)撥 take care not to do something. 意為“注意(當(dāng)心)不要做某事” 試譯:當(dāng)心自己不要過馬路。________ _________ _______ _________ go across the road alone.
Step5: 拓展延伸:選擇相應(yīng)詞填空。
understand decide rent improve show
1.My English wring is good , but I need to ______my listening skills .
2.I don’t ___________ .Could you explain that again ,please ?
3.That’s a special cinema . It only _______foreign films .
4.Have you _______what you want to do after school ?
5.You can _______bikes at the amusement park . Step6: Summary:
三、限時作業(yè):(滿分10分). 得分_______
1.I didn’t finish _________(write) my paper because I ran out of time .
2.We should also take care not to cough or sneeze__________(loud) in public if possible .
3._________(drop ) litter is almost never allowed around the world .
4.People don’t usually like to be criticized, so we have to be _________(care) how we do this .
5.I’m ________(interest) in this job.
6.It’s better ___ (keep) your voice down in public places.
7.Would you mind putting out that cigarette ? _________ you ________ put out that cigarette?
8.Why did you go to that city ? ________ did you go to that city _______?
9.I think math is an interesting subject . I am very _________ ________math .
10.I can speak several foreign languages. I ________ _______ _______ speak several foreign languages.

1.____________ (降低) your voice, please. They are sleeping.
2. You should often ________ your mother__________ (幫助…做)
3. There is a test tomorrow. So I __________ ( 不得不 ) go to bed early today.
4. you should ________ ( 排隊(duì)等候) when there are too many people.
5. We will become angry when people _________ (插隊(duì)).
6. Will you __________ (繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)) how to use the computer.
7. Where are your teachers? I think they are __________ (在開會).
8. Eating much fruits __________ ( 對…有益處) your health.
9. We __________ ( 感覺不舒服) for your smoking here.
10.Smoking and eating __________ (不允許)during the exam.
A. Would you mind my smoking here? B. Would you mind waiting in line?
C. Would you mind standing straight? D. Would you mind not talking so long on the
telephone? E. Would you mind not talking so loudly?
1. In the library, if someone is talking so loudly, you will say, ______?
2. If he is a gentleman, before smoking, he usually asks, _____?
3. If someone cuts in line, you should say, _______?
4. If you don’t stand well, your teachers or parents will say, _____?
5. If you often chat with your friends on a phone,
your mother will say, ______?


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/62863.html

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