
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

early in the 21st century 在21世紀初
22.including sth 包括某事
23.create sth 創(chuàng)造某物
24.be made from 由...制成<不>
be made of 由...制成<能>
25.on a hard wooden floor 在一個堅硬的木制地板上
26.knock into sb 撞上某人
knock at the door 敲門
27.divide sth into 把...分成...部分
28.the aim of sth ...的目標
29.get/throw a ball into the basket 把球投入籃筐
a basket of apples 一籃蘋果
30.a metal hoop 一個金屬環(huán)
31.be shot 被射死
32.tour guide 導(dǎo)游
33.move/run towards 朝...方向移動/跑
34.a developping country 一個發(fā)展中國家
a developped country 一個發(fā)達國家
35.the popularity of ...的流行
36.rise worldwide 引起全世界廣泛傳播
37.NBA=National Basketball Association
38.equip sth with sth 用...來裝備
39.in 1891 在1891年
in the 1891s 在19世紀90年代
40.have a history class 上一節(jié)歷史課
41.a friend of mine 我的一個朋友
some partners of mine 我的一些伙伴
42.hand--held calculators 手提計算器
43.play indoors 在戶內(nèi)玩
44.create a game 發(fā)明一種游戲
45.the safety of ...的安全
46.fall down 跌倒
47.It's believed that 人們相信
It's heard that 人們聽說
It's said that 據(jù)說
It's thought that 人們認為
48.travel around China 游覽中國
49.since then 自從那以后
50.notice sth 注意..
51.the number of ...的數(shù)字
a number of sth = many 許多
52.dream about of doing sth 夢想做某事
53.much-loved and active sport 深受人們喜愛的運動
54.a doctor called/named… 一個叫...的醫(yī)生
55.be born in /on 出生于
56.the first basketball game in history
57.take park in 參加
58.in the dark 在黑暗中
59.change the style of sth 改變...的風(fēng)格
60.from casual to dressy 從休閑到正式
61.in a bad mood =be moody 心情糟糕
62.not...until 直到...才
63.be discovered 被發(fā)現(xiàn)
64.oven on open fire 在篝火上的爐

By the time I got outside ,
the bus had already left .

1.by the time 到..時候
2.go off 鬧響
3.run off/run away 跑掉 離開
4.on time 準時
5.break down 損壞
6.show up 出席 露面
7.April Fool's Day 愚人節(jié)
8.set off 激起 引起
9.get married 結(jié)婚
10.a piece of 一片 一塊
11.Qomolangma mountain 珠穆朗瑪峰
12.by mistake 錯誤的,失誤的
by the time 到...時候
13.He often oversleeps 他經(jīng)常睡過頭
14.The alarm clock went off just now. 剛才鬧鐘響了
15.rush at sb 朝某人沖奔
rush out of 沖出…地方
16.on time 準時
in time 及時
17.The door is locked. 門被鎖上了
18.break out 爆發(fā)火災(zāi)/能量
19.feel/be/get exhausted=feel stressed out 筋疲力盡
20.announce sth / that從句 宣布某事
Flowers announce that spring is coming .
21.convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事
22.set off 激起
set off=set out 出發(fā)/起程
23.reveal a hoax 揭露一個謊言
24.flee-fled-fled 逃離
flee from + 地點 從某地逃離
flee away 逃離/逃跑
25.marry sb=get/be married to sb 和某人結(jié)婚
26.ask sb to marry sb 求婚
27.in one's forties 在某人的四十多歲
28.have a happy ending 有個美好的結(jié)局
have a sad ending 有個悲傷的結(jié)局
29.feel embarrassed 感覺尷尬
an embarrassing thing 一件尷尬的事
30.get up 起床
31.fall asleep 睡著
32.look stressed out 看上去筋疲力盡
33.have a bad morning 有個糟糕的早上
34.first of all 首先
35.get in the shower 洗澡
=go into the bathroom 洗澡
get out of the shower 洗完澡
take a quick show 洗一個快澡
36.get dressed 穿衣
37.run all the way to school 一路跑向?qū)W校
38.no wonder 難怪
39.run back to school 跑回學(xué)校
40.get outside 出去
41.get to school 到達學(xué)校
42.leave one's sth at +地點 把某人的某物落在某地
43.make it (to sth) 來的及某事
1)The train will arrive at 10:15.
I think we'll make it. 及時趕到/到達目的
2)We've almost made it . 我們幾乎成功了
3)Keep on and you'll make it. 堅持就會成功
4)I think we should make it another time. 約時間 44.be late for school 上學(xué)遲到
45.come very close 來的非常緊湊
be close to sb 與某人親密 46.wait for sb 等待某人
47.come out 出版/出來
48.run off to 迅速離開去
49.start doing sth 開始做某事
50.in one's car=by car 乘車
51.give sb a ride 順便載某人一程
52.the final bell 最后的鈴聲
53.invite sb to do sth 邀請某人做某事
54.stay up late 熬夜到很遲
55.April Fool 傻瓜
56.costume party 服裝派對
57.fool sb 愚弄某人
58.happen to sb 發(fā)生在某人身上
59.change the clock to an hour earlier
60.stay up all night studying 熬夜學(xué)習(xí)
61.a radio program 一個廣播節(jié)目
62.land on the earth 在地球著陸
63.move across 穿過
64.so convinced that… 如此確信以致…
65.hundreds of 成百上千
thousands of 成千上百
66.across the whole country 遍及整個城市
67.in England 在英格蘭
68.no more 不再
69.stop doing sth 停止做某事
70.run to the local supermarket 跑去當?shù)氐某?br />71.across the country 整個城市
72.TV star 電視明星
73.invit sb onto one's show 邀請sb上sb的節(jié)目
74.be thrilled 非常興奮
75.want to do sth 想做某事
76.lose both A and B 失去A和B

Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?

1.hang out 閑蕩
2.water slide 水滑道
3. dress up 盛裝
3.hand in 上交
4.buy/sell shampoo 買/賣香波
5.drugstore/book store 藥店/書店
furniture store 家具店
music store 音樂吧
6.department store 百貨商場
7.Chinese Education Department 中國教育部
=the Education Department of China
8.hang out with sb 和某人閑蕩
9.fresh air /milk/meat 新鮮空氣/牛奶/肉
10.be uncrowded/crowded 不擁擠的/擁擠
11.dress up 裝飾
get dressed 穿衣服
dress oneself 給自己穿衣服
12.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 借sb.sth
borrow sth from sb 向sb 借sth
13.No parking . 不要停車
14.no wonder 難怪
15.(n.)trouble=problem/matter/difficulty 問題
What’s the trouble? 有什么問題?
have some trouble (in) doing sth 有困難做sth
take some trouble to sb 給sb帶去麻煩
=take sb some trouble
trouble(v.) sb 麻煩sb
16.offend sb 冒犯sb
17.hand out=give out 分發(fā)
18.buy some stamps 買一些郵票
19.post office 郵電局

20.on Center Street 在中心街道
21. on Main Street 在主要街道
22.go past the bank=pass the bank /+n. 經(jīng)過銀行
come by=go by (不及物) 經(jīng)過
23.on the left/right(of) 在…的左邊/右邊
24.save money 存錢
25.on the second floor 在二樓
26.between…and… 在…之間
next to 在…旁邊
in front of 在…前面(外部)
in the front of 在…前面(內(nèi)部)
across from 在…對面
27.go out of the front door 走出前門
28.take a right=turn right 向右轉(zhuǎn)
turn right onto Oak Street
walk about three blocks 走大約3個街區(qū)
29.in Watertown 在水鎮(zhèn)
30.take a vacation 度假
31.the world’s largest water slide 世界最大的水滑道
32.rock band 搖滾樂隊
33.dress up as clowns 打扮成小丑
34.both …and… …與…都(兩者都)
35.take dance lessons 上舞蹈課
36.on the beach 在沙灘
37.Sports Museum 體育博物館
Science Museum 科學(xué)博物館
History Museum 歷史博物館
38.exchange A for B 用A換B
39. take the escalator to the second floor
40 look for 尋找
look at 朝…看
41. go straight ahead 一直往前走
go up/down 向下/上走
42. at the corner of 在…的角落
43. ask for information/help 尋求信息/幫助
44. be common 共同的
be necessary 必要的
45. visit a foreign country 參觀外國
46. similar requests 同樣的提問
47 sound rude 聽起來粗魯
48. be polite 有禮貌
49. make requests 提出要求
50. change the way we speak 改變我們說話的方式
51. talk with sb 與某人談話
52. depend on 取決于
53.speak/say to 與……講話
54. on the other hand 另一方面
55. a direct order 一個直接引語
56.lead in to a question 引入一個問題
58.be sorry to do 遺憾做…
59.It seems that從句… 看起來像
60.in a way 在一方面
61.in order (not) to do 為了(不)做某事
63.language etiquette 語言禮節(jié)

Unit 12
People are supposed to shake hands.

1 shake hands 握手
2 drop by one's home 拜訪
=drop in at+地點
3 after all 畢竟
4 pick up 撿起、拾起、開車接某人
5 make noise 發(fā)出令人不愉快的聲音、制造噪音
6 table manners 餐桌禮儀
7 be\get used to sth/doing 習(xí)慣于sth/doing
8 learn by oneself 自學(xué)
9 be supposed to do 被期望做某事
=should do 應(yīng)該做某事
10 greet sb (in a right /wrong way ) 問侯
11 shake hands (with sb) 和某人握手
12 different customs 不同的風(fēng)俗
13 kiss sb (on the face/cheek/forehead)
14 feel/be relaxed/nervous 覺得輕松 ,緊張
have relaxed/strict rules 有松/緊的規(guī)則
15 drop by 訪問
visit sb 拜訪
come over to
16 the land of sth /watches …王國
17 after all 畢竟
first of all 首先
18 pick up your bowl (of rice) 端起你的飯碗
19 wipe one's mouth with the napkin用紙巾插嘴
20 point at sb 指向
21 mind one's (table ) manners 注意…禮儀
(1)eat with hands 用手抓著吃
(2)talk at the table 在餐桌上講話
(3)pick up one's bowl of rice 端起飯碗
(4)start eating first 先開始吃
(5)wipe one’s mouth with the napkin 用餐巾紙檫嘴
(6)make noise while eating 吃時發(fā)出聲音
(7)stick chopsticks into the food 用筷子插進食物里
(8)point at sb with the chopsticks用筷子指向某人
(9)eat or drank while walking down the street
(10)put the hands in/on one's lap把手放在大腿上(11)say you're full 說吃飽了
(12) sit down from the left side 從右手邊坐下
23 be/get used to sb /doing sth 習(xí)慣于
be used to do sth 被使用做Sth
used to do sth 過去常常
24 eat sth with a fork/knife/spoon/chopsticks
25 feel/be full/hungry/empty 感覺很飽/餓
be full of sth =be filled with sth 充滿/裝滿…
26 put the hands in/on one's lap 把手放在大腿上
27 sth. occur (in sth) 發(fā)生
happen to sb 發(fā)生
28 give sb compliments 稱贊sb
29 toast sb=make a toast to sb 向sb敬酒
30 be unfamiliar to sb/sth 熟悉
He looks familiar to me. 我對他熟悉
31 hold the spoon in the left/right hand
32 Questions crowded my mind . 我腦袋里充滿問題
be crowded with people 擠滿了人
33take out the rubbish/junk/garbage/litter/trash 把垃圾拿出去
drop litter about 亂丟垃圾
34 seek sb/sth 尋找sb.\sth
I seek you = i c q 我找你
35 e-mail chat line 網(wǎng)上聊天熱線
36 have online conversations with friends
37 type quickly /slowly 快速打字\很慢
38 form good habits 養(yǎng)成好習(xí)慣
39 combine sth to sth 把sth和sth結(jié)合
40 use punctuation marks 使用標點符號記號
41 show the emotion you are feeling
42 e-mail sb /a friend (v ) 傳送電子郵件給sb
send an e-mail to sb (n)
e-mail English 電子郵件英語
43 write riddles 寫迷語
44 learn sth. by oneself 自學(xué)
teach oneself
teach +sb.+學(xué)科 教sb學(xué)科
45 at the proper/right time 在合適的時間
46 be pleased/happy/pleasant(物) = nice/pleasure
47 cut in line = jump in a queue 插隊
wait in line = wait in a queue 排隊等待
48 seat oneself = have a seat =sit down 就坐
49 arrive a bit / a little late 遲到一點點
50 be relaxed about sth. 對sth放松
51 make plans to do sth.=plan to do sth.
52 walk around 隨意走, 四處走
53 as many friends as I can / possible盡可能多的朋友
54 be + 分鐘 + late 遲到(多久)
55 get/be angry with sb. 對sb生氣
get/be angry at sth 對某事生氣
56 wear a fancy dress 穿一件舞會的裙子
57 make some mistakes 犯錯
58 a disaster 一個災(zāi)難
59 wear the wrong clothes 穿錯衣服
60 be excited about sth. 對sth很激動
61 leave for + 目的地 離開去sp
62 how to use chopsticks 怎樣使用筷子
how to behave at the dinner table
63 be allowed to do sth. 被允許做sth 64 what's more 而且
65 thanks for 為….感謝
66 exchange program 交換生項目
67 no reason 沒有理由
68 host family 房東家
69 be different from 不同于
70 find/feel it+adj.+to do sth. 發(fā)現(xiàn)\感覺做sth…
71 have a good school year 有一個好學(xué)年
72 older people 長輩
73 eat meals 吃飯
74 give compliments 稱贊
75 make appointments 約會
76 give sb. lesson on sth. 給sb上關(guān)于…的課
77 be made in + 地點 由某地制造
be made of / from 由….制成
78 in a western restaurant 在一個西餐廳
79 eat with + 餐具 用….來吃
80 begin with 從…..開始
81 hold the spoon in one's left hand把湯匙放在左手邊
82 get / be bored 覺得厭煩
83 can't stop doing sth. 忍不住做sth
84 in the traditional way 用傳統(tǒng)的方法
85 make faces 做鬼臉
86 a left / right bracket 左\右括號
87 send a message to sb. on a mobile phone
88 save time 省時
89 written English 書面英語

Unit 13
Rainy days make sad .

1 the uses of "make"
(1) make a kite / plane 制作
(2) make money 賺錢
(3) make up ( be made up of ...) 組成
(4) make sure 確定
(5) make friends 交朋友
(6) make faces 做鬼臉
(7) be made of / from 由…制成
(8) make noise 制造噪音
(9) make it 及時趕到
(10) make the bed 整理床鋪
(11) make a decision = make up one's mind 做決定
(12) make mistakes 犯錯
(13) make a speech 作演講
(14) make breakfast / dinner 煮飯
(15) make a plan 定計劃
(16) make a toast to sb. 向sb敬酒
(17) be made in + sp. 由某地制造
(18) make a living 謀生
(19) make a conversation with sb. 與sb對話
(20) make/keep + n. + adj. 使…..怎樣
make me energetic
make him/them relaxed / comfortable
(21) make sb./sth. Do 使….做sth
(22) make sb./sth. doing sth. 使….一直做sth
2 scientific research / study 科學(xué)研究
science ( n. ) 科學(xué)
scientist ( n. ) 科學(xué)家
3 soft lighting/colors 柔和的光線\顏色
4 hard/soft seats 堅硬/柔軟的座椅
hard = difficult 硬\艱難的
work hard 努力的
5 serve sb./be served by sb. 為sb服務(wù)\被服務(wù)
6 join a clean-up campaign 參加一個大掃除活動
president campaign 總統(tǒng)競選
7 endangered animals 有滅絕危險的動物
8 look mysterious 看起來神秘
mystery ( n. ) 神秘
9 have shiny hair 有著一頭光亮的頭發(fā)
10 have silky skin 有如絲般的肌膚
11 lookout sunglasses 太陽鏡
12 beauty cream 香皂
13 make sb. confused 使sb困惑
Some ads are confusing and misleading .
14 mislead sb. to do sth. 誤導(dǎo)sb做sth
lead sb. to do sth. 引導(dǎo)sb 做sth
lead into sth. / a question 引入sth/一個問題
15 to start / begin with sth. 作為開始/ 以…為開端
16 home-made cake / cookie 自制的蛋糕\餅干
17 a purple parse 一個紫色的錢包
a girl in purple 一個穿著紫色衣服的女孩
18 make sb. guilty 使sb有犯罪感
Receiving money makes me guilty.
19 taste good 嘗起來很好
have different taste from sb.和sb有不同的感受
20 think - thought - thought ( v. ) 認為
21 restaurant owners 店主
22 stay very long 逗留很久
23 as usual 像往常一樣
24 an ad for sth. 一則…的廣告
25 keep out the sun / rain /cold 遮陽\擋雨\御寒
26 I'll bet + ( that )從句 我打賭…
27 in the modern world 在現(xiàn)代社會
28 so that = in order to +不定式 為了/以致
so ... that ... = too ...to… 如此…. 以致
29 the quality of the product 產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量
look a lot better than 看上去比…好的多
30 at times = sometimes 有時
31 have sales 促銷
32 leave sb. a note 給sb留張字條
33 early morning 大清早
34 bring sth. with sb. 隨身帶
35 jump out of a plane 跳傘
36 write about 寫關(guān)于…
37 the art of giving / receiving 給予\接受的藝術(shù)
38 buy sb sth. = buy sth. for sb. 為sb買sth
39 pretend + that從句 假裝…
pretend to do sth. 假裝做sth
pretend to be doing sth. 假裝正在做sth
40 take off / put on 脫掉\穿上
41 would rather do sth. 寧愿做sth
prefer to do sth. 更喜歡做sth
42 have a deep love (for sb. ) 給….深深的熱愛
43 true enough 足夠真實

Unit 14
Have you packed yet ?

1 clean out 清除
2 some day=one day 來日/有一天
3 be off=go away 離開
4 so far 到目前為止
5 thousands of 成千上萬
hundreds of 成百上千
millions of 成萬上億
two hundred people 2百人(做單位)
6 go for a walk 去散步
have a walk with sb 和某人去散步
7 thanks to sb 多虧了某人
thank sb for doing sth 為…而感謝某人
8 pack sth/your clothes 打包某物/衣服
9 buy/have a city map/street map
10 take/have a bath 洗澡
bathing suit 泳裝
11 a suit of clothes 一套衣服
12 travel guidebook 旅游指南
13 clean out the refrigerator/cupboard 洗冰箱/櫥柜
clean up the park 清掃公園
14 put sth in(to)… 把某物放入…里
15 store sth in… 把某物存在…
16 put sth in the garage 把某物放在車庫中
lock/open the garage 鎖/開車庫
17 water flower 澆花
18 put sth in the suitcase 把…放在小提箱里
19 chop wood/trees 砍樹/木頭
cut sth down 砍倒某物
20 light the fire for breakfast 生火做飯
light n. 電燈
light adj. 淺的
lighting 閃電
lighter 打火機
21 collect the water from the well 從井中取水
drink from the well 從井中取水喝
22 live/work on the farm 住在農(nóng)場/在農(nóng)場工作
23 sail across the ocean 橫渡海洋
24 the Pacific ocean 太平洋
25 make a hit CD/movie制作一張非常成功的CD/電影
26 appear on TV 在電視上出現(xiàn)
show up 出現(xiàn)
27 lead singer/actor 主唱/主演
lead sb to do sth 引導(dǎo)某人做某事
28 write a poem 寫一首詩
29 It’s one’s turn to do sth. 輪到某人做某事
do sth in turns 輪流做某事
turn right/left 向右/左轉(zhuǎn)
30 look for one’s families’ roots 尋找某人家族的根源
in search of roots 追述根源
the tall tree of long roots 有很長根的樹
31 overseas Chinese 華僑
32 local government 當?shù)卣?br />33 in southern China=in the south of China 在華南
34 the purpose of sth/doing sth 做某事的目的
35 step by step 一步一步
36 look forwards to doing sth 期待做某事
37 get back to +地點 回到某地
get back to sb =answer the letter
=reply to sb 給某人回信
38 do chores=do the housework 做家務(wù)
have many chores to do 有許多家務(wù)要做
39 do some cleaning/reading 閱讀/清掃
do some shopping =go shopping 購物
40 chat to/with sb 與某人聊天
41 start/begin ding/to do sth 開始做某事
42 tell sb about sth 告訴某人關(guān)于某事
43 feed the animals 喂動物
44 in a minute=immediately=at once 立即/ 馬上
=right away/now
in a minute=for/after a white 過一會兒
45 be/get for sth/doing sth 準備好做某事
46 write original songs 寫新穎的歌
47 win an award of any kind 獲得…的獎項

Unit 15
We’re trying to save the manatees ?

1 present progressive 現(xiàn)在進行時
2 present simple 一般現(xiàn)在時
3 passive voices 被動時態(tài)
4 present perfect 現(xiàn)在完成時
5 care for 關(guān)懷
6 spotted animals/dog 斑點動物/狗
7 in the mangrove swamp 在紅樹林沼澤地
8 weigh 100 pounds 稱100磅
9 lose one’s weigh 減肥
10 be polluted 被污染
11 polluted water 被污染的水
12 be suitable for sb 對某人適合
13 tiny germs 微小的細菌
14 in the cage 在籠子中
15 take good care of sb 照顧好某人
look after sb well 好好照顧某人
care for sb well
16 urge sb to do sth 強烈要求某人做某事
17 recycle sth/paper 循環(huán)使用紙/某物
18 be built out of sth 由…制造
be made of/from 由…制成
19 be glued 被膠合
20 discarded tile/kid 被丟棄的瓦片/孩子
discard sth 丟棄某物
be discarded 被丟棄
give up 放棄
21 cola/soda can 可樂/汽水罐頭
a can of beer 一聽啤酒
22 the Help Save Our Planet幫助拯救我們星球的社團
23 be an inspiration to sb 對某人是一個靈感
24 in one’s spare/free time 在某人空閑時間
25 model plan/toy 模型玩具/飛機
26 raise money for charity 為慈善機構(gòu)籌錢
27 on business 經(jīng)商
28 be proud of=take pride in sth 對…感到自豪
29 aquatic feed 水下生物
30 in the pond 在池塘中
31 There used to be… 過去常常有…
32 be endangered 瀕臨滅絕
endangered animals 瀕臨滅絕的動物
33 a number of =a lot of =many/much 許多
the number of …的數(shù)目(謂語用單數(shù))
34 pass laws to do 通過法律做某事
35 protect sth 保護某物
36 as you can see 正如你所見
37 ten feet long 十英尺長
eight meters high 八米高
1.75 meters tall 1.75米高
twenty meters wide 20米寬
38 be against doing 反對做某事
be for doing 贊成做某事
Are you for or against? 你贊成還是反對?
39 in one’s life 在某人生命中
40 be surprised to do 驚奇做sth
be surprised at 吃驚于…
to one’s surprise 使某人吃驚的是…
41 stop doing/riding 停止正在做的事
stop (doing sth) to do sth 停止正在做的事去做另一事
42 wash one’s hair 洗(某人的)頭
43 paper towels/napkins 紙巾
beach towels 沙灘毛巾
44 save electricity 省電
save money 省錢
use up all of his savings 用光他的儲蓄
45 in a hurry 匆匆忙忙
hurry up=quickly=be quick 快點
46 be interested in=take an interest in 對…感趣
interest sb 引起某人的興趣/注意力
47 average person 普通人
48 take one’s own bag 帶某人自己的包
49 live close to 住得離……很近
close the door 關(guān)門
The door is closed. 門是關(guān)著的
be closed to sb 與某人親密
come very close 來得緊迫
50 living textbook 活生生的教材
51 hear of 聽說
52He is the most careful student in the class.
She is a most/very unusual woman.
53 glass bottles 玻璃瓶
54 win an award 贏得一個獎項
55 make/build out of trash 用垃圾制造…

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/74589.html
