

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit 1

our school subjects
our new timetable
what subjects 什么程
like Chinese and Maths
like English 喜歡英語
go to the playground 去操場
go to school 去上學
what lessons 什么
this morning今天上午
have Music上音樂
this afternoon今天下午
don’t like 不喜歡
don’t skate不要滑冰
come and make a cake
at school 在學校
all like Science
Welcome back to school. 歡迎回到學校。
Nice to see you.很高興見到你。
What subjects do you like?你喜歡什么科目?
What about you?你呢 ?
It’s time for PE.該上體育了。
What lessons do we have this morning?


after school 放學后
go and play table tennis
have a football game
have a swimming lesson
what about… …怎么樣
on Saturday 在周六
get up 起床
good morning 早上好
at six 在六點
every day 每一天
make a week 組成一周

What day is it today? 今天星期幾?
She has a swimming lesson too.她也有一節(jié)游泳。
What a pity!真遺憾!
We don’t have any lessons on Saturday.我們周六沒有。
All right.好的。
When do you get up every day?你每天什么時候起床?
I get up at five.我五點起床。
What lessons do you have today?你今天有什么?


my day我的一天
at seven 在七點
at seven forty 在七點四十
have four lessons 有四節(jié)
have lunch 吃午飯
at twelve 在十二點
do my homework
at five thirty 在五點三十
have dinner吃晚飯
at six fifteen在六點十五
every day每一天
in the morning 在上午
in the afternoon在下午
in the evening 在晚上
at night在夜晚
get up起床
go to school去上學
play football踢足球
go home 回家
have dinner吃晚飯
watch TV看電視
go to bed去睡覺
seven o’clock 七點整
over there 在那兒
see a cake 看見一個蛋糕
like cakes 喜歡蛋糕
have breakfast 吃早飯

I usually go to school at seven forty. 我通常七點四十去上學。
I have two lessons in the afternoon.我下午有兩節(jié)。
I play football at four and go home at four forty.
I go to bed at nine every day.我每天九點睡覺。
I’m hungry. 我餓了。
What can you see over there?你在那兒看到什么?
What a big cake!好大的一個蛋糕啊!
This cake is nice. 這個蛋糕是美味的。

in the park 在公園里
draw some pictures畫一些畫
a good idea 一個好主意
over there 在那兒
see a tree 看見一棵樹
see some flowers
draw them 畫它們
on the river在河面上
in this big box
have a look 看一看
try again 再試一次
on the lake 在湖面上
go to bed before ten
What can you see over there? 在那兒你能看到什么?
I can see a tree and some flowers.我能看到一棵樹和一些花。
It’s easy.它是簡單的。
This is the tree.這是樹。
These are the flowers.這些是花。
Can you see the boat on the river?你能看到河面上的船嗎?
Can you draw it?你能畫它嗎?
It’s difficult.它是難的。
What’s in this big box?在這個大盒子里有什么?
It’s great fun.真有趣。
What can you see in it?在里面你能看到什么?
I can see a boat on the lake.我能看到一條船在湖面上。

Unit 5

in spring 在春天
fly kites放風箏
go boating去劃船
in summer在夏天
eat ice creams吃冰淇淋
go swimming去游泳
in autumn在秋天
have picnics野餐
go climbing去爬
in winter在冬天
make snowmen堆雪人
go skating去滑冰
a fine day晴朗的一天
very cold非常冷
whose bag 誰的包
on a sunny day
In spring,it is warm.在春天,天氣暖和。
In summer, it is hot.在夏天,天氣炎熱。
In autumn,it is cool.在秋天,天氣涼爽。
In winter, it is hot.在冬天,天氣寒冷。
It’s a fine day today.今天是晴朗的一天。
Here’s your jacket.給你夾克衫。
Whose bag is this?這是誰的包?
It’s my bag.這是我的包。

Unit 6

my dress 我的裙子
too short太短
try this試這個
your trousers你的褲子
try these 試這些
go to the party去參加派對
Su Yang’s gloves蘇陽的手套
so big如此大
whose gloves誰的手套
my cousin’s我表姐的
so beautiful如此美
can move 會移動
Your trousers are too long.你的褲子太長。
Let’s go to the party.咱們去派對吧。
Whose gloves are these?這些是誰的手套?
They’re my father’s.它們是我爸爸的。
Whose dress is this?這個是誰的裙子?
You’re wrong.你是錯的。
You’re right.你是對的。
I think so.我想是。
What’s the matter?怎么了?
My hand hurts.我手受傷了。

have a pie
be thirsty
have some water
be tired
good night
Mum and Dad
go to see a doctor

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/157292.html

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