
小班英語教案 買糖果

編輯: 路逍遙 關鍵詞: 幼兒園英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶


  已學過單詞red green yellow在日常生活中老師與孩子使用過Hello X X.Here you are. That's OK. 等短句 每位孩子基本記住自己的英文名字。紅、綠、黃糖果三桶。



  鞏固對單詞red green yellow的認識與發(fā)音。

  并嘗試利用Hello X X.Here you are. That's OK. 等短句與老師交流。


  一、 開始部分

  T:Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls……

  二、 基本部分

  1、 復習游戲:Touch your face

  2、 T:OK.Now,we'll play a game "Touch your face".Are you ready?(Yes.)Let's begin.

  T:Touch your face(mouth ear hair eye nose)Once again.

  3、 復習單詞red green yellowA:師出示紅色積木。What colour is it? 依次為綠色、黃色。(個別、集體)B:指認教室中紅黃綠三種顏色。What colour is it?(個別、集體)

  4、 游戲:Buy CandyA:Look,I have some candies. 。What colour is it? 依次為綠色、紅色、黃色。(個別、集體)B:與配班老師示范游戲。

  Let me play a game with Miss Wang .

  P:Hello Miss Wang.

  W:Hello Miss pang.

  P:Which one would you like?

  W:The red one.

  P:Here you are.

  W:Thank you.



  C:師幼游戲T;Who wants to try?

  T:I'd like the yellow one.Now,let's have candies.(師幼分享糖果)There are many teachers in our classroom,let's give them some,yes or no?

  Mary please.……(個別幼兒送糖給聽課老師。)

  三、 結束部分

  Let's say "Good-bye, teachers."

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/youer/345964.html

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