Unit 1 How often do you exercise 教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 八年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

課 題

Unit 1 How often do you exercise ?


課 型




第 1 周



根據(jù)教材的特點,本單元應(yīng)該用“任務(wù)型模式”來。本單元共分Section and SectionB兩部分,在每部分中,都有一個任務(wù)鏈,在每個任務(wù)鏈中,都有四個任務(wù),而在每個具體的任務(wù)中,有分若干個子任務(wù)。它們是關(guān)聯(lián)的,是一個有機的整體,教師在教學時,不可鼓勵、分割,要明確其服務(wù)關(guān)系、邏輯關(guān)系、先后順序的內(nèi)在關(guān)系。駕駛可以知道學生妄稱任務(wù),讓學生自己動手,自己研究,自己發(fā)現(xiàn),自己總結(jié)。從而獲得響應(yīng)的語言知識和學習經(jīng)驗。教師做好課堂活動的合理安排。



1、能聽懂以always , usually , once a week…等頻率副詞為中心的日;顒釉掝}(activities)

2、能聽懂以how often 等詞為引導詞的日常生活習慣話題(habits for health).

3、能以What do they do on weekends ?和How often do you do thr activity ?為話題展開pairwork對話。





8、部分重要的單詞和短語(how often .on weekends .go to the movies …time .Internet .program . habit )


看圖識詞 、 聽力配對 、 情景交際 、 綜合演繹 、 讀表解詞 、 相互協(xié)作


1、通過What du you usually do on weekends ? 這個話題的討論,從而培養(yǎng)學生學會與人溝通,善于交際、關(guān)心別人、融入社會的能力品質(zhì)。

2、通過相互的調(diào)查與討論,讓他們自己得出什么樣的英語學習習慣,才是最好的學習討論方法:什么樣的生活習慣,才是最健康的。輸送健康概念, 從小就培養(yǎng)學生科學健康的世界觀和積極進去的人生觀。

重 難 點


1、以”What do …”句型為引導的日;顒樱簉eading , watch TV , go to the movies , shop , exercise , sleep , drink milk , eat vegetables等。

2、以 “How often…”句型為引導的話題及詞匯:always , usually,often , sometimes ,hardly ever , never , three times a week 等。


概率詞(all , most ,some , none等)與頻率副詞(always , usually , often , sometimes , hardly ever , never 等 )的區(qū)別

教 法

情景導入 、情景交際 、 綜合演繹 、 讀表解詞 、 相互協(xié)作

學 法

看圖識詞 、 聽力配對 、 情景交際 、 綜合演繹 、 讀表解詞 、 相互協(xié)作


Some pictures , some cards , a recoder , a tape , a computer multimedia

教學過程(主要環(huán)節(jié)) 個性展示

The First Period(SectionA 1a -2a)

Step 1 Greetings

Greet students as usual .

Step 2 Presentation

Show a calendar to students .

T: What’s this ? Can you name it ?

Ss : It’s a calendar .

T : Very good . Look , this is the weekend . Saturday and Sunday are the weekends .What do you do on weekends ?First have students dicuss and answer the question like this .

A : What do you do on weekends ?

B : I often play football.

Then have students open books at P1 . And look at the picture . Make a list of the different weekend activities and describe it . eg : A girl is shopping . At the same time , show some new words , how often , hadly ever , twice , once and explain frequency words eg: always means every day ….

Then direct out “how often …?”

A : What do you usually watch TV on weekends ?

B : I usually watch TV on weekends .

A : How often do you watch TV ?

B : I watch TV once a week/three times a month/every day(告訴學生這是表頻率的詞)…(The teacher must help students answer the question.因為這可以加強學生對語言的感知,用這個辦法反復練習兩三組句子,學生自然就會這種語言的表達了)

Step 3 Listening and writing

Have students listen to a conversation carefully twice and find out haw often they do on weekends . Then check answers from the left to the right . a , c , e , d , d , a , .Then have students read the tapescript after the tape and explain the meaning of always ,usually , often…eg : always means every day usually means many times a week….

Step 4 Pairwork

Have students talk about what they do on weekends and How often do they do something each other ?

Eg :

A : What do you do sth on weekends ?

B : I often do sth .

A : How often do you do sth ?

B : I do sth every .

Then have some pairs to act out their conversations.

Step5 Practise in writing .

First help students finish “question for underlined part ”

Eg: He goes to the movies three times a month .

How often does he go to the movies ?

Then have students finish the following evercises .

1 . I often go to the movies . (對劃線部分提問)

2 .他每周看一次電視。(翻譯成英語)

Step 6 Summarization

Summarize what they have learned with students .

Step 7 Homework

1 .Revise the points that have learned today .

2 . Finish exercise 1 and 2 in wokbook.

3 . Preview P2.

Blackboard design :

The second period (SectionA 2b-3)

Step1 Greetings

Greet students as usual

Step 2 Revision

Revise “what do you do on weekends ? I…. How often do you do sth ?” by asking these questions . Students answer them .

Step 3 Presentation

Show a chart to students like this .


How often

Watch TV

Every day

Surf the Internet

Read English books

Go to the movies


First have a student or the teacher make a model like this

A : How often do you watch TV every day ?

B : I watch TV every day .

A : What’s your favorite program ?

B : It’s Animal World .

Step 4 Pairwork

First have students fill in the chart and then make conversations in pairs . Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .

Step 5 Listening exercises

First have students listen listen to the tape once .

At the same time , tell students the conversation about Cheng is talking how often he does different avtivities .First number the activities they hear (1-5) . Then have students listen again and tyr to match his activities with the number of times he does them .

Then check the answers 2a : 31542

2b He reads every day . He goes to the movies once a month .

Step 6 Presentation

Show new words and teach them .Then have students read the magazine article , and use the information in the boxes below to help you . Then have students read it again and find out the key and difficult points . And dicuss and ubderstand them . The teacher helps to solve the problem that students can’t . eg : Here are/ is …這里有… the results of…….的目標 three or four times a week 一周三四次 once or twice a week 一周一兩次 as for 由于

Step 7 Summarization

Summarize what they have learned .

Step8 Homework

1 . Revision

2 .詞形變化

(1) He goes to Beijing _____ (one) a month .

(2)This morning Judy got up very early as ___(usually ) .

(3) These ___(active) are very interesting .

3 .將下列漢語翻譯成英語






Blackboard design :

The Third Period(SeationA 4?SestionB 2c)

Step 1 Greetings

Greet students as usual .

Step 2 Revision

According to students’ survey before class and ask them to report and find out who’s the best English student .

Step3 Presentation

Show new words on the screen and teach them . And show some pictures of everyday activities and talk about our everyday habits .(By this way , Step into new lesson naturally .) Then the teacher talks about his/her eating habits or hobbies . Next have students talk about their own eating habbits each other like this .

A : How often do you drink milk , Mary ?

B : I drink milk every day .

A : Do you like it ?

B : No , But my mother wants me to…?

Then explain “want sb to do 想要某人做某事” be good for 有益于… and make model sentences with them .And let students make some sentences .

Step 4 Listening .

T: Now you will hear a reporter interview two people , Katrina and Bill . Before listening , we shall talk about a question “what is healthy?” If I never exercise and never eat any junk food , am I healthy ?

Ss : No .

T : If I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink milk , am I healthy ?

Ss : Yes .

T : Now listen to the recording and decide if Bill and Katrina are healthy .Circleyour answer to each question .

The first tiome , you only listen .The second time , circle Yes , No , or I don’t know . Finlly , let’s read the tapescript , underlining all the expressions .

2b We have got to know about about Ka trina and Bill’s healthy . Listen again and fill in the blanks in the suevey about how often they do the things .Then check answers .

Step 5 Pairwork

Have students look at the example in the speech bubbles . and haave two students read it to the class . And have students work with their partner . StudentA is the interviewer .Students B is Katrins .

Ask and answer questions about the things in the suevey . Then changa roles . StudentA , you will be Bill , and StudentB ,He/She will be the interviewer . Then ask and answer the questions for the class , using as many Wh-questions as possible .

Step 6 Practice in class

Make sentences with the phrases(be good for . want sb to do sth) that students have learned in this class in writing .

Step 7 Summarization

Ask students to summarize what they have learned.

Step 8 Homework

1 . Finish exercise 2 and 3 in workbook .

2 . Remenber some new words

3 . Preview P5 3a and try to answer the five questions .

Blackboard design:

The Fourth Period(SectionB 3a-4)

Step 1Greetings

Greet students as usual.

Step 2 Duty Report

Step 3 Revision

Revise some key words and phrases by translating .

Ask some pairs to act out the survey in the last lesson .(這可以反映一下他們上節(jié)課2c 部分的完成情況,也可起到一個復習鞏固的作用。)

Step 4 Presenttion

Show new words on the screen and teach them .

Step 5 Reading

(3a) Have students read part of Katrina’s letter to a pen pal and answer the questions .Then check the answers . Then have students read the text again and underline some key phrases .eg : The teacher helps to understand and use them .come home from school放學回家 . eating habits 飲食習慣 . a lot of = lots of 許多 try to do sth 試圖做某事 .look after = take care of 照顧 help sb to do 幫助某人做某事 .get good grades 取得好成績 make a difference to 使結(jié)果不同Next read the text aloud after the tape .In order to correct the pronunciation

(3b)Have students read and fill in the blanks in Bill’s letter . Explain some key phrases : kind of means a little

Keep healthy means be in good health

Step 6 Survey

T : Let’s look at the survey on P81 and read the first three questions . Then pay attention to the spaces for 4 through b .You can write your own questions here .eg ; 4 . How often do you eat fruit ?

…Then finish the following survey chart like this:





1 .How often do you exercise ?


Every day

Hardly ever

2 . How often do you eat vegetables ?


(對于這個調(diào)查表格,可能有少數(shù)學生完成起來有些難度,盡量鼓勵他們?nèi)プ,可做些個別指導,也可發(fā)揮下組的力量,相互幫助一下,盡量全體學生都動起來。)Then have some groups report their survey report .And try to find out who is the healthiest ? This is a little interesting for students .

Step 7 Writing about yourself

T : Now write about yourself . what healthy things do you do ? How often ? What unhealthy things do you do ? How often do you do these unhealthy things ? Finish the writing by yourself . Then read your article to the class . In order to help students who have difficulties in English . We can write a model composition . eg :

I think I’m very healthy . I usually exercise every day . My eating habits are good . I eat fruit every day . I never drink coffee….(根據(jù)時間情況,如果課堂時間較緊張,可以讓學生下課后繼續(xù)完成這個習作練習,老師加以批改并評講)

Step 8 Summarization

Summarize what they have learned .

Step 9 Homework

1 . Go on finishing writing exercises

2 . Preview self check

3 . 詞形變化

(1) He says it’s bad for his ____ (unhealthy).

(2) She tries ___ (eat) a lot of beef .

(3) Their ____(sleep) habits are pretty good .

(4) Lily’s are ___(difference) from yours .

(5)My mother wants ___(I) to drink it .

4 . 句型轉(zhuǎn)換

(1)Danniel sleeps nine hours every night .(對劃線部分提問)_______________________________

(2) I’m not healthy .(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)__________________

Blackboard design:

The Fifth Period (self check )

Step 1 Greetings

Greet students as usual .

Step 2 Duty report

Step 3 Part 1 Fill in the blanks

First have students fill in the blanks .Then check the answers . Then have students discuss and make sentences wuth these words in pairs .And ask some students make some model sentences for other students .

Step 4 Writing about famous persons

T: Who is your favorite star ? Maybe it’s a sports star or a singer . It also can be a dancer or a businessman . Please collect some information about his or her personality , hobby , eating habit , and so on . Then introduce this person to us .eg :

Jay Chou is a famous Chinese singer .He ususlly starts the day with breakfast . He often has eggs for breakfast . He practices singsing every day…(這個話題是學生感興趣的話題,可以利用這個契機,引導他們很愉快的完成這個任務(wù),為了更順利的完成,最好在課前就叫學生去收集有關(guān)名人的信息。)

Step 5 Just for fun

We can use this chance to teach students an English song .

Step 6 Revision and Summarization

Revise the key language points with students.

Step 7 Homework

1 .Revise this unit and prepare for this unit test

2 .Preview Unit2



本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuer/54243.html

相關(guān)閱讀:Unit 2Vienna is the centre of European classical music教案