Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks教案
Unit 8
第1課時(shí) Section A 1a—1c (總第45課時(shí))

【Lerning objectives】
1.Knowing:clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer, give out
2. Practicing: I'd like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks.
【Important leaning points】
Practicing: I'd like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks.
【Learning process】
Task1: Look at the bulletion board and read about ways you could help people.
_________________ _____________ ____________ ____________________
Task2: Listen and complete the sentences.
(1)A: I'd like to_____outside.
B: You could help clean____the city parks.
(2)A: I'd like to_____homeless people.
B: You could give_____food at the food bank.
(3)A: I'd like tocheer ___sick kids.
B: You could __them in the hospital.
Task3: pairwork. Practice the conversation in the picture above.
1. feel like,want, would like的用法___________________________________________.
2. sick, ill的區(qū)別__________________________________________________________.
1. I'd like to join_____________________(學(xué)校志愿者計(jì)劃)
2. You could volunteer______________________(在一個(gè)課后學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃里)。
3. A group of students are planning a_____________(城市公園清潔日)
4. 我一直在努力地讓他振作起來(lái)已經(jīng)20分鐘了。
I've been trying to___him__for twenty minutes.
5.你可以和他談?wù),幫他走出目前的困境?br /> You can____him____by_____with him.
6. You could ____ ______ _______(分發(fā)食物) at a food bank.
7. We need ___ _____ ______(想出)a plan.
1. It took me a lot of time_______my homework.
A.finish B.to finish C.finishing D.finished
2. Please______,or I'll be late for work..
A.call me up B.call up me C. don't call up me
3. He also______some signs asking for old bikes..
A. put down B. put up C.put off D. put in
4.Sometimes people ____angry for years about a small problem.
A.say B.stay C.forget D.find
5.They won't make new problems____you.
A.with B.in C.out D.for

第2課時(shí) Unit 8 Section A 2a—2c 總第46課時(shí))

【Lerning objectives】
1.Knowing:clean-up,sign,advertisement,put off, set up,establish,think up.
2.Understanding:The meaning of the listening contents.
3. Practicing: need to ,come up with,write down,put up,hand out,call up.
【Important leaning points】
1.Understanding:The meaning of the listening contents.
2. Practicing:need to ,come up with,write down,put up,hand out,call up.
【Learning process】
1. Answer some questions,such as:
①What will you do on Clean-up Day?______________________________.
②Do you have any ideas to tell people about the Clean-Up Day? For example?
2. A group of students ar e planning a City Parks Clean--Up Day. They are talking about
ways to tell people about the Clean--Up Day.Listen and check the things the students are
going to do.Finish 2a.
3. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks.
①We____ to ___ ____ ____a plan.
②We can't_____ _____making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.
③I'll_____ _____all our ideas.
④We could______ _____signs.
⑤I'll ______ _____advertisements after school.
⑥We could each_____ _____ten people and ask them to come.
4. Role-play the conversation in pairs.
Task2: Learn 2c
Pairwork to role-play the conversation according to 2b.
A: We need to come up with a plan.
B: Let's have lunch first.
A: No,we can't put off making a plan. What should wedo to help homeless people?
B: We should_____________________________________________________________.
①We need to come up with a plan._________________________________.
②We can't put off making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.________.
③I'll write down all our ideas.__________________________.
④We could put up signs.______________________________.
⑤I'll hand out advertisements after school.______________________.
⑥We could each call up ten people and ask them to come.________________________.
2.理解由from構(gòu)成的短語(yǔ)的含義:from now________from now on_______be from___
from then on________from---to--_______be different from______be far away from_____
come from________hear from______
2.come up with(同義短語(yǔ))_____hand out(反義短語(yǔ))____call up(同義短語(yǔ))___
1. I'll help________(清掃) the city park.
2. We can't___________(推遲制訂計(jì)劃).
3. I'd like to__________________(鼓舞)the sick kids.
4. We're going __________(建立) a food bank to help hungry people.
5. You could__________(分發(fā)食物) at a food bank.
6. We need_________________________(想出) a plan
7. These words are all very important. ________________(把…寫(xiě)下來(lái)), please!
8. He also_________(張貼)some signs asking for old bikes
1. Ask him __ come to our party tomorrow. A. not B. not to C. doesn't D. isn't
2. It's twelve now. Let's have _____ lunch together.A. a B. an C. the D. x
3. It's your turn to _____ the room, Wang Fang.
A. clean up B. clean to C. clean-up D. clean off
4.這些詞都很重要,請(qǐng)把它們記下來(lái). These words are all very important. _____,please!

第3課時(shí) Unit 8 Section A 3a—4 總第課時(shí)

【Learning objectives】
1. Knowing: major; commitment;elementary; veterinarian; coach
2. Uderstanding: The passage of 3a
3. Practicing: volunteer sb's time to ---; put ---to use; plan to ---;cheer ---up;
spend ---in (doing); not only---but also ---; set up; put off
【Important points】
1. Uderstanding: The passage of 3a
2. Practicing: volunteer sb's time to ---; put ---to use; plan to ---;cheer ---up;
spend ---in (doing); not only---but also ---; set up; put off
【Learning process】
Task 1 Learn 3b---4
1 假如你有以下愛(ài)好, 想想你可以做哪些志愿工作? 討論完成表格

2 根據(jù)以上表格, 兩人一組仿照做對(duì)話.
Task 2 Learn 3a
① What does HuiPing love to do ? What's her volunteer work ?
② What does LinPei plan to do when he leaves school?
What kind of volunteer work does he do?
③ What does Zhu Ming want to be ? WHat's his volunteer work?
④ Why they like their volunteer work?
⑤ What do the three students plan to do at their school?
2 聽(tīng)錄音, 熟讀課文.
3 小組討論下面句子的含義:
①These three students all volunteer their time to help other people
②So it is a major commitment .
③and she puts this love to good use by working in the after -school care center at her
local elementary school..
④He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up
⑤Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing
what I love to do .
⑥D(zhuǎn)on't put it off.
1、put ----to use 把---投入使用
They have already ______ this kind of machine _____ _____ _______
2、not only ---but also ---___________就近原則, 其他相似結(jié)構(gòu)__________________
不僅我們而且我們的 英語(yǔ)老師也喜歡流行歌曲
3、put ----off _________ 后跟名詞/Ving 形式
我得把我的行程推遲倒下個(gè)月 I have to ______ ______ going until next month.
4、cheer up _________
這個(gè)消息使他高興起來(lái). ________________________________.

1. You can't put off _______ a plan. A make B to make C making D for making
2. You could visit the sick kids in the hospital to ________
A cheer up them B laugh at them C cheer them up D take after them
3. The work ________ me a week.
A spends B takes C costs D pays
4. Mary likes autumn beacuse the weather is _______ too hot _______ too cold.
A not only ---- but also B both --- and C neither ---nor D either ---or
A: I 'd like _______the school volunteer _________, but I 'm not _______ what I ____do.
B: What would you like ________?
A: I love ________ football.
B: Well, you could help ________ a football team _______ little kids.
C: I'd like to read ______ Chinese history .What kind of volunteer work do you think
I could do ?
B: You could _________ a Chinese History Club.


第4課時(shí) Unit 8 Seetion B la—2a (總第48課時(shí))
[Learning objectivel]
1. Knowing:Be able to master the words in this unit. take after fix up repair similar to
2. Understanding: Be able to understand the phrases
3. Habit-forming: Be able to use the phrases
[Important points] take after fix up give away be similar to come up with run out of
[Learning process]
Task 1:1a and 1b
1. Learn la. Match the sentences with similar meaning.
寫(xiě)出下列短語(yǔ):與…相像__________修理__________贈(zèng)送__________ 與…相似__________ 用完__________
2. Learn 1b Make sentences with the phrases in the box using your ideas.
Task 2:2a and 2b
1. I carn 2a. Listen and number the pictures in the correct order.
2 .Learn 2b. Listen again. Circle "T"or "F"
3. Read the dialogue and understand the sentences.
1) Jinmy修自行車(chē)然后把它們贈(zèng)送出去。
Jimmy is the boy who _____________________________________.
Then I __________the bikes and _________to kids___________.
I guess _____________________________________________.
4) 但現(xiàn)在我已用完了買(mǎi)自行車(chē)的錢(qián)。
But mow I've ________________________________ to buy old bikes.
5) 我必須要想某個(gè)辦法弄到錢(qián),不然的話我就要停止了。
I ___________ some way of getting money or I'll have to stop.
6) 你的父母一定會(huì)為你感到自豪。
Your parents __________________________you.
Task 3:pairwork Practise the conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information from 2a and 2b.
A: What do you do , Jimmy?
B: I fix up bikes and give then away.
run out of take after fix up give away be similar to come up with
1. fix it up give it away
2. take after him run out of it
1 He _________ all the money, so he has to go back home.
A. run out of B. has run out of C. has run out D. runs out of
2 He is repairing the TV set.
A. mend B. fixed C. fixing up Dmended
3 She looks like her father very much.
A. is take after B. is similar to C. looks the same D. likes
4 I ___________(take after/ take care of ) my sister , so people often make mistake.

第5課時(shí) Unit 8 Section B 3a—4b 總第課時(shí)
【Learning objectives】
1. Knowing: Master the words and the phrases: by accident,
2. Understanding: Be able to understand the meaning of the
passage in 3a.
3. Habit-forming: over three thousand years one of the world's
favotite drinks
4. Communicating: Talk about some invents.
【Important points】
1. Understanding: Be able to understand the meaning of the
passage in 3a.
2. Habit-forming: over three thousand yearsone of the world's
favotite drinks
3. Communicating: Talk about some invents.
【Learning process】
Task 1 Learn 3a
1. Read the article and write answers to the questions.
2. Read it again, and find out the phrases:
最受歡迎的飲料______________ 在世界上_______________
偶然的___________ 三千多年_____________ 根據(jù)________
用這種方式_____________ 一個(gè)古老的中國(guó)傳說(shuō)__________
世界上最喜愛(ài)的飲料之一__________________ 落入_______
3. Retell the passage according to the key words:
Who invented tea?
...know...popular...invened...? ...wasn't...to ...until 1610, ...
beverage...three...before...According...legend, ...Shen Nong...
when...boiling...over...fire. ...leaves...nearby...fell...and...for... ...
noticed...in...smell. Later...taste... qutie... ...way, one of...was...
Task 2 Communicating
Read the information ,then make up conversations according to the dialogue in 4b.
Promle: writing tests
New invention: a pen that listens and writes
Use: writing clean and tidy
Price: 30 yuan
Inventor: Zheng Jie
Task 3 Writing
Write an article using the notes in the box of 3b.
From pie plate to flying disk
The flying disk was invented by college students.______
1. Although tea wasn't brought to Western world until 1610.
not ...until 含義:_____________
2. According to an ancient Chinese legend,...
according to 意思是:_____________ ,后面一般接名詞。
3. Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water...
He lives in a nearby village. = He lives in a village nearby nearby 可做形容詞或副詞。修飾名詞時(shí),可放在名詞____, 也可放在名詞____。
4. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a
pleasant smell.
notice 意為: _________是感官動(dòng)詞,列舉學(xué)過(guò)的感官動(dòng)詞:
2) 我看到李先生正在走進(jìn)辦公室。______________________
1. Tea _______________(invent) by SHen Nong .
2. The beverrage _________(discover) over three thousand years.
3. We spent a _____________(please) evening.
4. I'm ___________(please) to meet you.
5.The boy _________(fall) down from the tree.
6. Did you notice the man __________(go) out of the room?
7.The computer is one of the most important __________(invent).

第6課時(shí) Unit 8 Self-check (總第課時(shí))
【Learning objectives】
1. Knowing: Master the words and phrases in this unit.
2. Practising: give away, take after, come up with,give out, hang out
3. Communicating: Offer help.
【Important points】
1. Knowing: Master the words and phrases in this unit.
2. Practising: give away, take after, come up with,give out, hang out
【Learning process】
Task 1 選詞填空
1. Read the phrases in the table and understand them .
5)Mr Li已經(jīng) 向慈善機(jī)構(gòu)捐了很多錢(qián)。
Task 2 Writing
1、讀Part 2 部分,收集有關(guān)Sally的信息。
賺錢(qián)________________ 打電話_______________能夠__________________
3、根據(jù)提供的信息寫(xiě)出Sally 的故事。
打掃干凈_____________推遲____________ 從現(xiàn)在起______________
1) It's difficult to learn English well,but you can't __________.
A. put it up B. take it up C. look it up D. give it up
2) I think the room is too small for us __________.
A.to live B. living in C. to live in D. live in
3) His little sister's kite is broken. Let's ________ and cheer______.
A. mend it up ,her up B. fix up it, up her
C. fix it up, up her D. fix it up, her up
4) Could you tell me something about Hong Kong? I'm _____going there for a
holiday soon.
A. looking up B. thinking about C. trying out D. finding out

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/73648.html

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