

編輯: 路逍遙 關(guān)鍵詞: 英語教案 來源: 逍遙右腦記憶

Unit 1 Lucy lives in London. The First Period (1)
內(nèi)容與分析Function:Coparing custos
Target Language:Review present tenses


設(shè)計(jì)Step 1 Warer
T:(ie writing a letter.) What a I doing?
You’re writing a letter.
Step 2 Activity1 Listen and point.
1 Ask the children to look at the pages and to guess as uch inforation about what is happening in the story.(中等生答)
T:What are they doing?
2 Play the cassette.The children listen and follow in their books.
3 Play the cassette again.Pause after each dialogue and perfor an action to aid coprehension.
4 Gae:Listen and perfor an action.(優(yōu)等生答)
For exaple:reading a letter /Dancing
Writing/opening a letter
5 Play the cassette again.Divide the class into groups,with each group taking on a role in the story .

作業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)1 Listen to the tape 6 ties.Repeat it 6 ties.
2 Write an English envelope.
Unit 1 Lucy lives in London. The Second Period (2)
教學(xué)內(nèi)容與分析Function:Coparing custos
Target Language:Review present tenses


設(shè)計(jì)Step 1 warer
Introduce the countries about the text.Write the on the board.
Step 2 Activity 1 Listen and repeat.
1 Draw the children’s attention to the words in their books.
2(on the blackboard)
rain all star war
play autun party quarty
3 Play the cassette.The children repeat each word. 4 Repeat.
Step 3 Activity 2Chant and practise.
1 Play the cassette.(中等生答)
2 Play the cassette again.Pause after each word for the class to repeat.
4 Listen and do the actions.They can clap or stap.
Step 4 Activity 3 Listen and sing.
1 Read the song or play the cassette.
2Teach the children the song line by line.
3 Sing the song 2 or 3 ties and do the actions.

作業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)1、 Listen and repeat Unit 1. 2、 Copy the text.

Unit2 I’ve got a new friend. The First Period (3)

教學(xué)內(nèi)容與分析Function:Coparing custos
Target Language:Review present tenses


設(shè)計(jì) Step 1 warer:
Sing the song fro the last lesson,two or three ties.(全體答)
Step 2: Activity 1 Listen and atch the letters to the photos.
Play the cassette. The class listens.
T:Where is Indrani/Anita/John fro?
Step 3: Activity 2 Answer the questions.
Then ask and answer.
1Who loves coputer gaes? 2 Who is nine years old?
3Who likes football? 4 Who is fro exico?
5 Who likes traditional dancing?(中優(yōu)等生答)
Step 4:Activity book
1 Look ,write and say.
Ask the class to read the words in the box aloud.
Ask the to coplete the first two sentences .
2 Now listen and check your answers.

作業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)1 Listen to the tape 6 ties.
2 Draw a child then write soe words about hi.
Unit2 I’ve got a new friend. The Second Period (4)

教學(xué)內(nèi)容與分析Function:Coparing custos
Target Language:Review present tenses


設(shè)計(jì)Step 1 warer:
Sing the song fro the last lesson,two or three ties.
Step 2 Activity book
1 Listen to the chant again.
Then write the correct words in the boxes.Listen again to check.
2 Look and write.
3 Norite and say.
Step 3 Listen an answer. (中優(yōu)等生答)
What’s your nae? How old are you? Where are you fro?
What are you wearing?What food do you like?
What sports do you like?
Step 4 Revision
1 The children now act out the dialogue in pairs,or groups of four.2 Play the cassette again.Divide the class into groups,with each group taking on a role in the story.

作業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)1 Listen to the tape 6 ties. 2 Review odule 1.
3 Prepare for odule 2.Listen to the tape 6 ties.

Unit 1 I helped y u The First Period (5)

教學(xué)內(nèi)容與分析Past fors:-ed
教學(xué)重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)Words:learn National Day
Past fors are iportant for the students.

設(shè)計(jì)Step 1 Warer
You’re fro China.I’ ….
(Review the nationality.)
Step 2 Activity1 Listen and point.
1 Ask the children to look at the pages and to guess as uch inforation about what is happening in the story.
What is this?
What is this robot doing?
What can it do?
2 Play the cassette.The children listen and follow in their books.
3 Play the cassette again.Pause after each dialogue and perfor an action to aid coprehension.
4 Play the cassette again.Divide the class into groups,with each group taking on a role in the story .

作業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)Coplete the activity book
Unit 1 I helped y u. The Second Period (6)

教學(xué)內(nèi)容與分析Past fors:-ed
教學(xué)重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)Words:learn National Day
Past fors are iportant for the students.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/xiaoxue/49515.html

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